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ByHello Its me
March 16, 2024



I got to know a girl from Thailand when she was working here as a restaurant manager 6 months ago. We got along really well and we soon became a couple. We spent weekends together, shop for groceries, spent our time at beaches. We did many things together just like any other loving couples do. She said I always make her smile and happy. She shared with me her family stories and sometimes would video call her sisters and asked me to say Hi to them. 2 months ago, her permit expired and she had to go back to her hometown. It was then that the communication between us got lesser. I asked if she has a boyfriend she said no.. just that her father wanted her to stay in her hometown and settle down. I told her I am ready to commit and marry her if she is ready. She then told me that she has discussed with her father about me and that her father is considering. She said given the opportunity, after she sort things out, she will bring me to visit her hometown and her father.

Last month i flew over to visit her to celebrate her birthday. I was expecting that things would be different as we have communicated lesser when she went back and I was prepared to draw the line clear to remain just as good friends if her attitude towards me was different and colder. But Apparently we were as sweet as before. We held hands , we kissed and it was all the same like when we were in Singapore. She was touched when I specially flew over to celebrate her birthday. The smile on her face was genuine. The night before I flew back to Singapore, we had a good talk, she again assured me that she didn’t have a boyfriend and told me to give her time to convince her father. I was quite glad when i heard that. We continued to have sweet messages from then.
2 weeks ago, I got to know from one of her friends that she was getting married in October to a guy in her hometown whom she was with for about a year before she came Singapore. I was shocked and felt heart broken. I hinted to her that I knew she has something that she was hiding from me and wished that she could tell me the truth. I would listen and decide what I needed to do. She did not.
The last conversation through text that I told her was I knew everything and I am truly disappointed and heart broken. If she had told me from the start that she has a boyfriend and planning to get married, i would not have stepped into the relationship. She kept silence from there on.
Honestly, if she could call and talk to me for one last time why she kept the truth from me, i would have accepted it. But keeping silence till now sicken me. A girl whom I knew for her love and kindness has turned into a total stranger who does not care about my feeling.
There was a moment out of anger when I wanted to expose her wrong doings to her boyfriend or likely a husband now. I wanted to tell him, this girl cheated on both of us. I know if i were to ask our common friend, i would be able to link up with that guy. However, I just could not bring myself to do it cos I did not want to destroy her. For that matter, the other guy is innocent. I just have to bare the pain myself. The feeling sucks!
I know many would say, just let it go.. I know its what i need to do. I need time.
Honestly, what would you have done?


The guy is not honest with himself, which is why he is trapped in his own shit.

If he tells himself he is after the pussy, and cut the crap about:

"We spent weekends together, shop for groceries, spent our time at beaches. We did many things together just like any other loving couples do. She said I always make her smile and happy."

he will not be wallowing in self-pity now.
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The guy is not honest with himself, which is why he is trapped in his own shit.

If he tells himself he is after the pussy, and cut the crap about:

"We spent weekends together, shop for groceries, spent our time at beaches. We did many things together just like any other loving couples do. She said I always make her smile and happy."

he will not be wallowing in self-pity now.
Life is a journey, your don't stop because of one incident.

Your life goes on and on. You live better and better life with each passing experience..

Being attracted to ladies after ladies prove that he is a normal man. Fucking girls after girls prove that it is natural. Having a good career prove that he love money.

So life has to go on. Don't talk about being hurt.
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The guy is very hurt now.

But when he meets the girl again when she turns 50, he will regret spending too much time on the good feelings fabricated by the girl.

When the girl appears in his dream when she is 50, I guarantee he will chase her away and warn her never again to appear in his dreams.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
The guy is very hurt now.

But when he meets the girl again when she turns 50, he will regret spending too much time on the good feelings fabricated by the girl.

When the girl appears in his dream when she is 50, I guarantee he will chase her away and warn her never again to appear in his dreams.
he can try courting a virgin auntie in jurong.
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I hope he fucked the living daylights out of her when he had the chance.
Obviously he did not. He sounds very beta and vaccinated, indulging in fake feelings, fake romance, fake virgin INSTEAD of real sex.

If he had fucked her raw and torn, he would be looking elsewhere now instead of lamenting over beta issues like honesty blah blah.


I hope he fucked the living daylights out of her when he had the chance.

Somehow I have this feeling that he didn't even get to screw her. If that's the case, he's a bloody loser and ought to shoot himself in the head to end his pathetic life.
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