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Diaoyu Islands 钓鱼台群岛 calling all PRC supporters


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thanks, but he's crazy. Even if I say Chinese is top number one superior race, he'll attack me for anti-Chinese. Used to it already. Anyway, the Japanese protest banner said Japan held Senkaku since 1895, PRC started claiming since 1971. It's here in the forum, posted by either Postnew or Singveld. I'm sorry so many threads and so many posts, I coudn't find it now.

Oh please! :rolleyes: you're the one that's always siding the non chinese and even bringing chinese bad habits into the picture to all the time. Not only do i see it others do. Just like cooleo, sifu among others.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh please! :rolleyes: you're the one that's always siding the non chinese and even bringing chinese bad habits into the picture to all the time. Not only do i see it others do. Just like cooleo, sifu among others.

Ask Sideswipe, Cheowyonglee, Alamaking etc. how many times I've sided with Chinese. Actually, I don't side based on race, I side based on fact and reason. If that's unacceptable to you, I make no concession too.


Alfrescian (Inf)
the Japanese protest banner said Japan held Senkaku since 1895, PRC started claiming since 1971.

Japan annexed Senkaku islands into their territory in January 1895. These islands were not mentioned as part of Taiwan which were ceded to Japan from Qing Dynasty in May 1895.

Even if I say Chinese is top number one superior race, he'll attack me for anti-Chinese. Used to it already.

you have 前科. :p


Alfrescian (Inf)
Japan annexed Senkaku islands into their territory in January 1895. These islands were not mentioned as part of Taiwan which were ceded to Japan from Qing Dynasty in May 1895.

you have 前科. :p

First thing first, the Diaoyutai occupation by Japan in Jan. 1895. It was in anticipation of the the Chinese North Fleet defeat and getting ready to take over Taiwan, which did materialise in May 1895.

Second, have you noticed that your support (and others) for Japanese claim over Senkaku has attracted no animosity from Jah Rastafar I? Whereas, me supporting whether ROC or PRC is branded by him as anti-Chinese.

You as a Chinese, supporting Japanese claim based on your understanding, I've never questioned your loyalty. Chinese are not barbarians. We discuss and reason things out, yes?


Alfrescian (Inf)
First thing first, the Diaoyutiao occupation by Japan in Jan. 1895. It was in anticipation of the the Chinese North Fleet defeat and getting ready to take over Taiwan, which did materialise in May 1895.

The key factor was Diaoyutai islands were never ceded with Taiwan in black and white to Japan in 1895. That's why Japan govt claims are acceptable.

have you noticed that your support (and others) for Japanese claim over Senkaku has attracted no animosity from Jah Rastafar I? Whereas, me supporting whether ROC or PRC is branded by him as anti-Chinese.

Yes, of course. :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
The key factor was Diaoyutai islands were never ceded with Taiwan in black and white to Japan in 1895. That's why Japan govt claims are acceptable.

Yes, in those days nobody bothered over small islands. I'd agree that Japan has a legitimate ground to a claim on it too (wait, Jah Rastafar I's going nuke me...:eek:) but on the balance, I think ROC has the more legitimate claim. That's just my personal opinion only (wait, Jah Rastafar I's going to nuke me anyway. :( :confused:)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ask Sideswipe, Cheowyonglee, Alamaking etc. how many times I've sided with Chinese. Actually, I don't side based on race, I side based on fact and reason. If that's unacceptable to you, I make no concession too.

Facts my ass. Those facts that you stated are facts true but then the CONCLUSION that you gave is your pure opinion. Do you see that now?

When one states his opinion there's no right or wrong, BUT it shows where his alligence lies. Now suppose a china person openly state the same opinion as you and gave the exact same reasons as you did as to why japan should have the islands in THAT post that i quoted to his other china citizens what do you think would happen to him? :rolleyes: He would probably get his ass ripped apart. Now don't get on a moral high horse and claim the chinamen are barbarians cos let me give you the opposite scenriao. Suppose a japanese person agreed with the chinamen's reasoning and found them reasonable and then decided to explain to his fellow japanese why china or taiwan should have the islands what do you think the japs would do to him? Most likely he would get his ass ripped apart too and even if they don't do it physically i doubt they would actually welcome him as a fellow jap he would be an outcast. This would the the same exact sceneriao that would happen to anyone that went against the popular opinion of his country. If an american openly supported iraq and the taliban and showed it what do you think would happen to him? Yes they respect freedom of speech but trust me he would get denounced as an anti-american and a traitor.

Therefore stop confusing ppl and trying to snook them by claiming your opinions as facts.

This is one thing that pisses me about chinese ppl. They like to try and hide their own hatred and biasness of their own kind as being fair and balanced. Yeah right :rolleyes:, it's seen as a weakness and has always been exploited by others. You seldom see it in other races. Take so called racism in this country. I try and show to everyone that it's some hyper sensitive ppl picking on something so small and insignificant but the minorities won't listen. Yes of course they know it's small and stupid but they won't admit it. Like a malay or indian would tell jokes among themselves like you know chinese are greedy or dishonest which they themselves know it's not true but they won't admit it.

When it comes to standing together in unity i have no doubt they would band together to whack chinese ppl despite the fact that they have chinese frens, chinese neighbours etc.

Yet for chinese to band together forget it. One chinese will say hey i have one nice malay, ang moh, indian fren and therefore all of them are nice ppl. Then he will ignore the fact that he's chinese and then put a bad stereotype and ignore the good stereotypes of chinese and then put the bad stereotype on all his fellow chinese. It's pretty evident and you can see it not only in ramseth but in many other chinese in this forum and elsewhere.

Lastly ram again i reiterate stop hiding your own opinions behind the facts you stated.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I got your point. You simply don't trust them. You'd like all of your own race (Chinese) to be united, defensively and offensively ready. Point taken. Not an invalid point.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Now let me elaborate further on facts and opinions here.

People say that singapore belongs to the malays. After all this island is located in the malay archeipelago the ppl that inhabited the island long ago were malays and it used to belong to the sultan of johor.

Let me continue. The british came along, they persuaded the sultan to SELL the island to them.

Now let me further explain to you using facts what the meaning of SELL means cos it's important in this context. When u sell something in exchange for goods or money mostly monetarily it doesn't belong to you anymore. It USED to belong to you but after you have sold something it does not belong to you anymore.

Therefore once the sultan sold singapore to the Brits it does not belong to him nor to the malays anymore. They sold it away. Then you know the rest of the story the chinese immigrants, ww2, independence from the UK and the split from malaysia.

Now i have to elaborate on the split from malaysia here. If singapore was not kicked out from malaysia it would still be a part of malaysia today wouldn't it? The tengku kicked singapore out from the malaysian federation which means they didn't want their own authority over singapore, they gave the authority over to LKY whom is chinese and hence with a chinese majority the country is run differently from malaysia.

I wrote all of that above to showcase the difference between facts and opinions. (Read this sentence again to let it sink in)
Suppose i tell all the above to the malays do you think they would agree with me yes singapore does not belong to us but to the majority race? Of course fucking no. Despite the fact that their sultan sold away the land to the Brits and the fact that singapore was kicked out from malaysia and allowed to be its own sovereign nation the fact is that singapore lies near to malaysia in the malay archeipelago which means that singapore belongs to the malays PERIOD. See perfect example of opinions over facts over logical reasoning. They won't listen to anything else and if they had the means hey they would probably try and run singapore themselves.

What pisses me is that there are some fucking chinese and of course i know ram belongs to that group that would support the malays and kill off his own people and probably willingly kill off himself to help the malay ppl.

Let me give an alternate sceneriao. Suppose china kicked out a small successful island near to china (similar to singapore). Then the chinamen keep on complaining that the small island belongs to china (similar to malays complaining singapore solely belongs to the malays). Can china claim the small island as part of china?

If i asked some of you assholes in here this question when it involves china of course you would say no yet you would willingly agree that singapore belongs to the malays despite all the above reasoning and facts that i have given.

If you are biased just admit it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'm not biased, therefore I can't admit it. I just want peaceful co-existence and mutual understanding. What the hell have I got to gain by being anti-Chinese? I'm Chinese.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I got your point. You simply don't trust them. You'd like all of your own race (Chinese) to be united, defensively and offensively ready. Point taken. Not an invalid point.

Haha no need to try and save face. Just simply admit you're biased and we're done.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Haha no need to try and save face. Just simply admit you're biased and we're done.

I'll admit to being Chinese isn't perfect. In fact, there's no such thing as a perfect race, any race. If you're still not done, I'm sorry I can't help you further. I don't have to defend anything. Neither do I have to accuse you of anything. It's your problem and it's for all to see and be jury.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I'll admit to being Chinese isn't perfect. In fact, there's no such thing as a perfect race, any race. If you're still not done, I'm sorry I can't help you further. I don't have to defend anything. Neither do I have to accuse you of anything. It's your problem and it's for all to see and be jury.

Whomever said there was a perfect race out there? :rolleyes: Again you divert from the topic.

Yup everyone can see indeed, no more debating run away let everyone else see. Happened before last time with someone with the nick poforio romansick i forgot how to spell his nick. With nothing left to retort he just said yeah i'll let everyone else decide and i got rep points in that thread. :biggrin:


to be fair to the communist, there are good and bad offiicials in the communist party.well, it's the system that had make alot of good officials very hard to help the people.
Honestly speaking, if only the communist can really change their system to a more democratic style, open their newspaper to hear more people voices, stop the one party rule...

if only that happen.i think i wont start any more thread on anti communist anymore.to be safe to myself and to be fair to those good communist officials.
what china will become, she will become.
these videos make by the japanese really show us the good and bad side of the communist party.hope you people will enjoy...

the good one...

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tJzUiKQrKeg?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tJzUiKQrKeg?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

the bloody bad one...

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7_1YufzVDmo?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7_1YufzVDmo?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Alfrescian (Inf)
Whomever said there was a perfect race out there? :rolleyes: Again you divert from the topic.

If you agree there's no perfect race, then Chinese isn't perfect. What's wrong with pointing out Chinese imperfection with a view to improvement? Why can't Chinese point out own shortcomings themselves? Must wait for other races to point out? In the meantime, pretend perfection and keep whacking other races?

I hold pride in Chinese achievements. I also don't shirk from pointing out Chinese shortcomings. What you think of me is your business. I think nothing of you, I don't even know you. I won't restrain from saying what I truthfully feel just because anonymous strangers stalk me.

What's your demand? That I admit to being biased against Chinese. What a joke. Being Chinese must not criticise Chinese? You carry on with that belief of yours. I me mine belief. You may be Chinese but you're not Chinese racial or cultural police. No Chinese has to comply with you to be Chinese. You know who I am and here I stand. I don't know who you are. If you're serious enough, come meet up.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset