• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Serious Dear @Leongsam, yesterday evening (on 15 February 2023, Wednesday), three anti-@ginfreely threads were moved to the "Flame War" sub-forum...


... but not @ginfreely's threads:

I'm not sure whether it was you or one of your moderators who moved them; but to be fair, at least the following three threads by @ginfreely:
should be moved there too, right?

The other way to be fair is obviously to move those three anti- @ginfreely threads back to the Courtyard sub-forum; but if it's your new intention to allow her to continue posting (i.e. attacking) freely in the Courtyard, but not allow anyone to counterattack her, please let us know! :frown:


  • Flame War Central.png
    Flame War Central.png
    94 KB · Views: 1,239


... but not @ginfreely's threads:

I'm not sure whether it was you or one of your moderators who moved them; but to be fair, at least the following three threads by @ginfreely:
should be moved there too, right?

The other way to be fair is obviously to move those three anti- @ginfreely threads back to the Courtyard sub-forum; but if it's your new intention to allow her to continue posting (i.e. attacking) freely in the Courtyard, but not allow anyone to counterattack her, please let us know! :frown:
Look at how quickly you shameless criminal dog twisting the whole thing as usual complain loud loud @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek evil shit thread maligning and abusing Gansiokbin get moved to the flame war central while keep quiet on the fact that it has been there for one year maligning anc abusing Gansiokbin while my loser whore @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek his or rather your failure business names is barely three days old. That’s how sly and cunning despicable criminal dog you are always twisting the facts. May you be reincarnated a woman and abused and smeared and gangraped by your own kind of criminal dogs for years and that’s called Justice. Pui!


Look at how quickly you shameless criminal dog twisting the whole thing as usual complain loud loud @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek evil shit thread maligning and abusing Gansiokbin get moved to the flame war central while keep quiet on the fact that it has been there for one year maligning anc abusing Gansiokbin while my loser whore @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek his or rather your failure business names is barely three days old. That’s how sly and cunning despicable criminal dog you are always twisting the facts. May you be reincarnated a woman and abused and smeared and gangraped by your own kind of criminal dogs for years and that’s called Justice. Pui!
And as usual @empathizerofeatshitndie is creating the fake impression that someone is favoring me when @Cottonmouth is the precious one with its doing evil thread only dumped to the rubbish heap AFTER ONE YEAR while my fighting bully threads or even do nothinj threads in the past were dumped within days to the rubbish heap.


Those threads weren’t moved by me, can’t be bothered by them too :coffee::coffee::coffee:
Don’t act innocent. You Cantonese son of whore have done enough evil to me in the past anyhow merging my threads and dumping them to the rubbish heap regardless whether you are the one this time. Pui!


And as usual @empathizerofeatshitndie is creating the fake impression that someone is favoring me when @Cottonmouth is the precious one with its doing evil thread only dumped to the rubbish heap AFTER ONE YEAR while my fighting bully threads or even do nothinj threads in the past were dumped within days to the rubbish heap.
@Leongsam I already know your precious criminal dogs will do this. My last warning don’t you dare to touch my loser Jeremy Quek and his failure business thread. It’s only fair that my this thread stays a centerpiece in the main forum for one year like what you did to @Cottonmouth the whore of sammyboy gan Shiok bing. I will update it daily for one year and that’s called Justice for his daily abuse and smearing of Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress for one year.


Don't act victim here. You were enjoying every bit of the attention and you kept checking in for more.
Act victim are you Jeremy Quek Cantonese son of whore using clone to act pitiful when you are the self entitled criminal hiding in rat hole smearing and abusing Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress for years and feeling butt hurt finally your evil thread is thrown to rubbish heap. Pui! View attachment 179714


Look at how quickly you shameless criminal dog twisting the whole thing as usual complain loud loud @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek evil shit thread maligning and abusing Gansiokbin get moved to the flame war central while keep quiet on the fact that it has been there for one year maligning anc abusing Gansiokbin while my loser whore @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek his or rather your failure business names is barely three days old. That’s how sly and cunning despicable criminal dog you are always twisting the facts. May you be reincarnated a woman and abused and smeared and gangraped by your own kind of criminal dogs for years and that’s called Justice. Pui!
You lunatic should be lock up in an asylum with the keys thrown away.


@Leongsam I already know your precious criminal dogs will do this. My last warning don’t you dare to touch my loser Jeremy Quek and his failure business thread. It’s only fair that my this thread stays a centerpiece in the main forum for one year like what you did to @Cottonmouth the whore of sammyboy gan Shiok bing. I will update it daily for one year and that’s called Justice for his daily abuse and smearing of Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress for one year.
Maybe you will die tomorrow?


@Leongsam I already know your precious criminal dogs will do this. My last warning don’t you dare to touch my loser Jeremy Quek and his failure business thread. It’s only fair that my this thread stays a centerpiece in the main forum for one year like what you did to @Cottonmouth the whore of sammyboy gan Shiok bing. I will update it daily for one year and that’s called Justice for his daily abuse and smearing of Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress for one year.
To be specific that thread abusing Gansiokbin is one year but @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek and his clones or dog friends have been abusing me since 2013 doxxing crimes done on Gansiokbin ie a decade.


You lunatic should be lock up in an asylum with the keys thrown away.
How convenient for @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek to act decent talk build human dignity outside but hide in rat hole abuse and smear Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress for a decade and then turn around to blame on Gansiokbin. Pui!


Maybe you will die tomorrow?
I have been spending years talking to you criminal bully dogs when I should just slap you Jeremy Quek inhuman criminal dogs where it hurts. Time for magic reply. Pui!

You Loser Whore @Cottonmouth Jeremy Quek of failure biz SUPERFUTUREKIDS, TINITECH CO and SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE hide in rat hole smearing Gansiokbin a virgin as slut whore mistress to win and you dare not appear in my Jeremy Quek with failure business name thread while hide in evil shit thread spewing evil filthy lies and insulting me a virgin as everything dirty while you dare not even swear to die a violent death if Gansiokbin is a virgin never have sex never suck cock impossible to be what your Cantonese whore mother is.​

Thread 'Loser Whore Jeremy Quek of failure biz SUPERFUTUREKIDS,, TINITECH CO and SKINNYFATKIDS WORLDWIDE hide in rat hole smearing Gansiokbin whore to win'
https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/lo...hole-smearing-gansiokbin-whore-to-win.335736/View attachment 179665


Alfrescian (Inf)
her pui pui pui moistens the forum with natural, organic, non-gmo, gluten-free, free-range (no pun intended), and grass-fed wholesomeness.
hanor, the orgasmic, organic organisms sprouting from the lee-quids and pui-pui, swollen southern-most mouth is fertile ground for moistened mold, funky fungi and fatal falls if not careful - caution, slippery when wet! :whistling:


hanor, the orgasmic, organic organisms sprouting from the lee-quids and pui-pui, swollen southern-most mouth is fertile ground for moistened mold, funky fungi and fatal falls if not careful - caution, slippery when wet! :whistling:
You are another Cantonese son of whore abusing me for years. May your Cantonese family women be gangraped and insulted in the same way by your own kind and that’s called Justice. Pui!