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Crumbling of Singapore?


What Is A Lousy Democracy ?

Take a look at his glowing political record :


What is democracy ? Is that a process where a few idiots selecting a rotten egg (as their leader), or is that about a few bad eggs supporting an idiot (to be their leader) ?


If that's you're definition of a good govt, then I doubt very much if the PAP will ever meet your criteria.

My definition of a good govt is one that interferes as little as possible with the lives of the citizens.

In my books, a good govt is one that.

1) Is able to defend the nation from external threats.

2) Is strong in law and order and education.

3) Is decisive in its policies.

4) Rewards hard work and punishes laziness and reflects this in its tax structure.

Once this is in place, I can take care of all the other aspects of my life.

Your definition of a good govt is very low standard.

Would you say a govt that bullies its own people is good?

Would you say a political party that manipulates the laws for its own gains is a good govt??

Would you say political leaders who lee..galise laws like death duties to benefit themselves are honourable?

Would you say a govt who controls the media and denies the truth to its citizens is a good govt?

Do you believe that political leaders who place their own relatives into high positions is practising meritocracy?

Would you say that the pap doesnt interfere with Singaporeans lives?

Would you say that a political party like pap which mainipulates and jails Singapore politicians leegally is a good govt?

Would you say a govt who has two sets of laws for the same offence is exemplary?

Do you think that LHL, by passing the Abolition of Death Duties, when his mother was in a coma, was not doing it out of self interest?

Do you think that a govt which turns a blind eye to the poor and sick is a good govt?

Look at its policies, can you truly say with hand on your heart that the pap is not self serving?

I can carry on a lot more...but shall stop here

Let's turn goodness into practice and not live in a theoretical world..A govt which serves itself and neglects its citizen is not a good govt. And the pap has, over the last few years, served itself and its cronies. The good things we see in Singapore now are the result of good governance by previous PAP leaders and sacrifices by past Singaporeans. Dont credit what you see now to the present PAP leadership..They dont deserve it.

The results of the present PAP's policies will show in the future..Will Singaporeans then curse the PAP?
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As long as the current PAP team is in power, Singapore won't crumble in the medium term unless external factors cause a major upheaval. Be thankful that you have a very good govt despite the hiccups and the warts.

As stated in my previous thread, your standard of good govt is substandard. We, Singaporeans, expect far more than you of a govt. And beacuse the pap has always claim itself to be the best govt and demanded obscene pay, Singaporeans is right to expect more than your definition good governance. So, no, I am not happy with the performance of the pap. it is a self serving party and not a good govt for Singaporeans


The PAP is far too interfering. It should leave well alone and let people get on with their lives.

"Originally Posted by Leongsam
My definition of a good govt is one that interferes as little as possible with the lives of the citizens."

You are contradicting yourself...so is the pap a good govt because it intereferes little? or is the pap not a good govt because it interferes too much?

Make up your mind instead of speaking with fork tongue..

Anyway, I have no time for people like you who speaks with fork tongue...chao......
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
"Originally Posted by Leongsam

My definition of a good govt is one that interferes as little as possible with the lives of the citizens."

You are contradicting yourself...so is the pap a good govt because it intereferes little? or is the pap not a good govt because it interferes too much?

Make up your mind instead nof speaking with fork tongue

In many ways, the PAP is TERRIBLE government.

No govt is good in every way.

Please use the "quote" tags when quoting a message. Your method is outdated. It was used in newsreaders in the old days of usenet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
1. MRT Congestion
2. Housing problem
3. Hospital beds shortage
4. Unemployment of locals
5. Increased suicide rate
6. Unhappiness of citizens
7. Road congestion
8. High ERP rates without easing traffic congestion
9. Bus crowdedness
10. National Service for locals, jobs for foreigners
11. PAP running out of idea how to promote economic growth but having to resort to vices such as gambling.
12. Increased social problems and integration due to high influx of cheap, unskilled and unqualified migrant laboour with their 3rd world social behaviour and lawlessness

Are these signs of the crumbling of Singapore? The pap appears to run out of ideas how to bring SG forward but is taking the obvious easy ways out, bringing long term problems to SG.

Are the recent MRT failures precursors to more failures to come? Will there be forthcoming systemic failures of the Transport system, Medical Institutions, Housing issues, social problems?

LHL talked abt inclusiveness and not divisive politics in Singapore! Why then did he,as PM Singapore, brief only PAP MPs on the Minister's Salary Review Recommendations yesterday and deliberately left out non-PAP MPs? Is LHL Prime Minister of Singapore or is LHL PM of PAP Singapore? LHL has to get out of his pettiness and be inclusive as he exhorted others to be. He shd have included all elected MPs in his briefing as review briefing and not exclude Opposition MPs. After all his revision is of interest to all Singaporeans and he shd not play such petty politics.

After an all inclusive briefing, LHL, as Secretary General, PAP, can have another pow wow with his PAP MPs. Isnt that the correct and proper way to show that he is PM of Singapore and he is for inclusiveness?

LHL has failed to show that he is big enough to be PM. He is just hot air...All talk and no action.

Such LHL's action is gg to contribute to the divisiveness and lead to the crumble of Singapore
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Alfrescian (Inf)
LHL talked abt inclusiveness and not divisive politics in Singapore! Why then did he,as PM Singapore, brief only PAP MPs on the Minister's Salary Review Recommendations yesterday and deliberately left out non-PAP MPs? Is LHL Prime Minister of Singapore or is LHL PM of PAP Singapore? LHL has to get out of his pettiness and be inclusive as he exhorted others to be. He shd have included all elected MPs in his briefing as review briefing and not exclude Opposition MPs. After all his revision is of interest to all Singaporeans and he shd not play such petty politics.

After an all inclusive briefing, LHL, as Secretary General, PAP, can have another pow wow with his PAP MPs. Isnt that the correct and proper way to show that he is PM of Singapore and he is for inclusiveness?

LHL has failed to show that he is big enough to be PM. He is just hot air...All talk and no action.

Such LHL's action is gg to contribute to the divisiveness and lead to the crumble of Singapore

PAP running dogs and pap organisations take the cue from what PAP ministers do. They want to show their pap bosses how assimiliating and obedient they are so that they can be richly rewarded. So LHL's petty actions will be followed by other pap members and organisations. His unwise policies and actions will be amplified, expanded and multiplied by the lower levels and divide Singapore and Singaporeans further. Any unwise PAP move must be nipped at the bud otherwise it will contaminate and pollute Singapore society. So let's voice out and highlight any PAP misdeeds and mistakes.

Are PAP leaders like LHL the kinds of ungracious and unwise leaders we want for Singapore?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Your definition of a good govt is very low standard.

Would you say a govt that bullies its own people is good?

Would you say a political party that manipulates the laws for its own gains is a good govt??

Would you say political leaders who lee..galise laws like death duties to benefit themselves are honourable?

Would you say a govt who controls the media and denies the truth to its citizens is a good govt?

Do you believe that political leaders who place their own relatives into high positions is practising meritocracy?

Would you say that the pap doesnt interfere with Singaporeans lives?

Would you say that a political party like pap which mainipulates and jails Singapore politicians leegally is a good govt?

Would you say a govt who has two sets of laws for the same offence is exemplary?

Do you think that LHL, by passing the Abolition of Death Duties, when his mother was in a coma, was not doing it out of self interest?

Do you think that a govt which turns a blind eye to the poor and sick is a good govt?

Look at its policies, can you truly say with hand on your heart that the pap is not self serving?

I can carry on a lot more...but shall stop here

Let's turn goodness into practice and not live in a theoretical world..A govt which serves itself and neglects its citizen is not a good govt. And the pap has, over the last few years, served itself and its cronies. The good things we see in Singapore now are the result of good governance by previous PAP leaders and sacrifices by past Singaporeans. Dont credit what you see now to the present PAP leadership..They dont deserve it.

The results of the present PAP's policies will show in the future..Will Singaporeans then curse the PAP?

Few discerning Singaporeans will say that the pap is a good govt.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't kid yourself. Please lah, TT was asked by LKY to stand, and as an obedient old running dog, he complied that's all. What officially endorsed candidate of current crop of PAPPY leaders?

I sense that you are right abt TT. Wld TT dare to stand if not ordered to by the pap? What if he wanted to stand without LKY's order and then LKY decided to teach him a lesson by asking someone like TCH to retire from politics and field him as PE candidate just to spite TT? Unthinkable measures to many Singaporeans but legal just for LKY to make a mickey of TT for his audacity!!

Some of us may think that asking TCH to quit politics just to stand for PE is unthinkable!!! But nothing is unthinkable because LKY can justify that we are in uncertain times and such times require drastic measures.

So I agree with you that TT wont stand for PE 2011 without pap's approval. or else he risk being ridiculed!!!

From this, we know that TT is not an independent President.


Alfrescian (Inf)
No intention to imply that TCB was an outcast. He, himself, admitted as much that many of his friends in the party had wanted to openly support him but found it inconvenient. But there is definitely a formal position that PAP wanted it to turn out for them and that was TT to win. Although no "whip" was used, it couldn't anyway, it was clearly expressed by all inner circle members who the preferred candidate was. What turned out to be a split of votes was all achieved on an uncoordinated individual level.

I respect TCB a lot after this PE 2011 saga. I hope that TCB can cap his contribution to Singaporea nd Singaporeans by defeating the pap in a GRC..That wld be the icing of his fight for Singapore and Singaporeans!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: What Is A Lousy Democracy ?


What is democracy ? Is that a process where a few idiots selecting a rotten egg (as their leader), or is that about a few bad eggs supporting an idiot (to be their leader) ?

Neither...democracy is also not what is practised in Singapore.

To me, true democracy is good people choosing the best among them


Hi Tracy

You can now add 2 more reasons why S'pore is indeed crumbling under PAP rule. The first is the DNA test lab error by Health Sciences Authority that would raise doubts if anyone had been convicted wrongly and the second, the eNets going down for 11 hours yesterday, a result of which many citizens couldn't pay for a host of government services. In both incidents, the cause for the error was remarkably stupid for a civil service that the PAP claimed is the best in the world. In the DNA case, a lab manager read the label wrongly as 1.0 millimolar instead of 0.1. For the eNets downtime, someone forgot to renew the domian name after the cross-over from 2010 to 2011. How many more such incidents must there be before Sporeans lose total confidence in the PAP?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hi Tracy

You can now add 2 more reasons why S'pore is indeed crumbling under PAP rule. The first is the DNA test lab error by Health Sciences Authority that would raise doubts if anyone had been convicted wrongly and the second, the eNets going down for 11 hours yesterday, a result of which many citizens couldn't pay for a host of government services. In both incidents, the cause for the error was remarkably stupid for a civil service that the PAP claimed is the best in the world. In the DNA case, a lab manager read the label wrongly as 1.0 millimolar instead of 0.1. For the eNets downtime, someone forgot to renew the domian name after the cross-over from 2010 to 2011. How many more such incidents must there be before Sporeans lose total confidence in the PAP?

Thanks..these are signs of systemic failures...more to come. SGX? Changi Airport? More revelations of SMRT mgmt failures? GIC and TH losing huge amount of monies in bad investments in 2012? The truth abt our CPF?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hi Tracy

You can now add 2 more reasons why S'pore is indeed crumbling under PAP rule. The first is the DNA test lab error by Health Sciences Authority that would raise doubts if anyone had been convicted wrongly and the second, the eNets going down for 11 hours yesterday, a result of which many citizens couldn't pay for a host of government services. In both incidents, the cause for the error was remarkably stupid for a civil service that the PAP claimed is the best in the world. In the DNA case, a lab manager read the label wrongly as 1.0 millimolar instead of 0.1. For the eNets downtime, someone forgot to renew the domian name after the cross-over from 2010 to 2011. How many more such incidents must there be before Sporeans lose total confidence in the PAP?

Several big but dormant issues that can cause the crumbling of SG which the pap have not found solutions to are:

1. The silver tsunami
2. Poor fertility rate
3. Cheap foreign workers unable to assimilate into SG and with Singaporeans
4. The degeneration od SG society due to foreigners' dilution
5. Citizens' wrath
6. Cost of living is outstripping affordability
7. Inadequate public amenities to cater to booming popultaion
8. Social problems due to vices like gambling
9. Changes to social norms and values because of proliferation of social media
10. The huge emerging poor
11. Health care costs

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Hi Tracy

You can now add 2 more reasons why S'pore is indeed crumbling under PAP rule. The first is the DNA test lab error by Health Sciences Authority that would raise doubts if anyone had been convicted wrongly and the second, the eNets going down for 11 hours yesterday, a result of which many citizens couldn't pay for a host of government services. In both incidents, the cause for the error was remarkably stupid for a civil service that the PAP claimed is the best in the world. In the DNA case, a lab manager read the label wrongly as 1.0 millimolar instead of 0.1. For the eNets downtime, someone forgot to renew the domian name after the cross-over from 2010 to 2011. How many more such incidents must there be before Sporeans lose total confidence in the PAP?

one word explains it all: complacency.

complacency leads to:

- murderer able to walk across the causeway to go back Mudland
- a notorious terrorist able to limp & swim across to Mudland
- bangla can kill maid and dump her in water tank becos the doors aren't locked
- famous (lumber 1 according to recent survey) shopping district gets flooded becos longkang was not catered to handle higher volume of water flow


Alfrescian (Inf)
one word explains it all: complacency.

complacency leads to:

- murderer able to walk across the causeway to go back Mudland
- a notorious terrorist able to limp & swim across to Mudland
- bangla can kill maid and dump her in water tank becos the doors aren't locked
- famous (lumber 1 according to recent survey) shopping district gets flooded becos longkang was not catered to handle higher volume of water flow

who is the notorious terrorist?