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Couple threaten to run over mother and baby

Conan the Barbarian

precisely. What's there to show when driving a jap car. Strangely, from what i observe on the road..bmw and mercedes sports car driver don't drive like them. I hate honda drivers..very often are reckless.

BMW and Merc sports car drivers need to live long enough to spend their money.

Ah Bengs only got their 10 yr loans to lose, nothing else.


BMW and Merc sports car drivers need to live long enough to spend their money.

Ah Bengs only got their 10 yr loans to lose, nothing else.

Actually these Bengs are out to kenna involve in RTAs..... each accident means opportunity to scam the insurance companies and easy income for them :biggrin:

I know of some Bengs who make their living this way...... every month will get involved in accident. :mad:

BMW & Mercs owners dun need these type of income.


Agree. They drive like there's no tomorrow.

Exactly, I agree with you. These red plate cars are like just release from prison the moment they are on the road.

Relax bro.... in my eyes I only give a helping hand to the real victim. I also have met some nice and courtesy ah beng too.

But some luxury car driver can be very kuai lan too which I saw before but did not happen to me so far, perhaps just not my day.
