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Couple threaten to run over mother and baby


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posted on 28 Oct, 2008 16:34
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=530 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Couple threaten to run over mother and baby

A STOMPer was terrfiied when a couple threatened to run over her family by accelerating and horning loudly at them as they crossed the road in a carpark.

The couple got upset when the STOMPer's husband did not give up the parking lot he was waiting for to the couple.

The STOMPer says in an e-mail dated October 28:

"This car park bully traumatised me and my family when we were waiting for a lot at Vivo on Sunday.

"My husband was driving and I was sitting at the back carrying my 18-month-old baby girl.

"The car park was full and after we went several rounds in the car park, we waited patiently by the side for someone to leave even though we were late for appointment.

"As we saw a car approaching the lot, we signalled left to indicate that we were waiting for the lot.

Then, a 'red' car dashed out from the perpendicular section in front of us, before the car came out from the lot, and engaged in reverse gear.

"Because the car was turning left out of the lot, the red car had no choice but to move forward.

"After the lot was vacant, we honked slightly to indicate that we were parking in the lot and needed them to make space. But the driver of the red car refused to move and engaged his reverse gear again.

Seeing the situation and still carrying my little girl, I approached the passenger's side of the red car.

"I see a couple, the male was the driver and his companion was a lady wearing a low-cleavage top with very heavy make-up. I explained to them that we had waited for long time for this lot.

"I was stunned by the lady's reply. She spoke like a hooligan, said that's our problem and that they had been going many rounds in the car park and can't find a lot. They were late for a Gala event and they were not going to give us the lot. She was very aggressive and threw some rubbish out of the car at us.

"I was shocked by her reply as I spoke politely. Seeing her attitude, I walked back to my car without any further argument.

"I told my husband what happened. We decided to park at the lot by reversing and going forward several times.

"The red car started horning non-stop at us. After we parked and walked towards the shopping lobby, we passed them.

"The driver of the red car was stepping on the accelerator, blowing its engine very loudly and dashed his vehicle forward like he was going bang us down. The horning and loud engine noise frightened my little girl and she starts to cry.

"I was also very afraid and stressed out. With a trembling hand, I took out my hand phone from my pocket and snapped photos of the red car.

I was concerned about our safety and walked hastily to the lobby. Then, the driver of the red car stepped out of his vehicle and approached my husband in a gangster manner. The lady stepped out of the car wearing black short skirt and paced in front of our car and took photos.

"I asked my husband to leave the car park before the red car driver starts a fight.

"Though we went back to our car afterwards and found nothing wrong with it, we were deeply traumatised by this road bully and can't get the scene out of our mind.

"We are thinking of making a police report but it seems silly because other then intention to run us down and the loud horning, they did no bodily harm to us or our vehicle".




Should banned all this heartlander's COE cars and those stupid boy-racer Ah-Beng !

Hate them whenever I see them on the road ! Wanna just smack them off the road .

Government doesn't do anything ! Someone should capture them tied them up and dump them at some shopping centre or police station.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Should banned all this heartlander's COE cars and those stupid boy-racer Ah-Beng !

Hate them whenever I see them on the road ! Wanna just smack them off the road .

Government doesn't do anything ! Someone should capture them tied them up and dump them at some shopping centre or police station.

I realised sometimes these red plates car (Off Peak Cars) think that they really owned the roads.

Pay pittance for COE and raod tax, but act as if it's their fathers road.


Stupid Sinkies Couple Again! Don't understand the meaning of criminal intimidation with dangerous weapon, in this case, a car.
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The lady stomper approached the red car. It all started after she noticed the intimidating headlights and bui song.

...and his companion was a lady wearing a low-cleavage top with very heavy make-up....


1 sided story, there could be another version.

beng couple waiting for lot, car driving out. this couple snatch the lot and ignore ah beng. ah beng wind down window and question, couple no care. Ah beng sibei hot, wants to do some justice on his own, so drive near them and horn.

this type of case hard to prove, sometime not only ah beng uncivilized and snatch parking lot, those well-dressed decent family type can be bastard too.


For once I agree with you. They should push COE back to $30k so we don't have every Beng, Ali and Muthu on the roads.

Should banned all this heartlander's COE cars and those stupid boy-racer Ah-Beng !

Hate them whenever I see them on the road ! Wanna just smack them off the road .

Government doesn't do anything ! Someone should capture them tied them up and dump them at some shopping centre or police station.


normally leave my car infront of the lobby there with the valet.
no more such petty issue.


normally leave my car infront of the lobby there with the valet.
no more such petty issue.

With so many beng, mats and thambis driving, sometimes even the valet will tell you car park full, they don't accept any more cars.


Should banned all this heartlander's COE cars and those stupid boy-racer Ah-Beng !

Hate them whenever I see them on the road ! Wanna just smack them off the road .

Government doesn't do anything ! Someone should capture them tied them up and dump them at some shopping centre or police station.

Dun understand why this kind of "Vampire" car want to mod their car so much for what. After all, their car got not much chance to drive on the road to show off to people leh.


This guy should try his stunt in JB. He'll cross Singapore checkpoint with just a steering wheel, modified one, I believe.


Dun understand why this kind of "Vampire" car want to mod their car so much for what. After all, their car got not much chance to drive on the road to show off to people leh.

what's there to show off when driving a jap can?


These f88king chow ah bengs will never want to park next to my lorry . . . .

So, if you want to drive, drive a lorry. Cheap diesel and when you park, every car owners will try to avoid parking next to you.

Posted on 28 Oct, 2008 16:34
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=530 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Couple threaten to run over mother and baby


I realised sometimes these red plates car (Off Peak Cars) think that they really owned the roads.

Pay pittance for COE and raod tax, but act as if it's their fathers road.

Cannot blame them lah. They have only little time to drive. The moment they are let off from a 'prision', they drive like they own the road. Can't stand them on the road..so many of them are shit drivers.


Posted on 28 Oct, 2008 16:34
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=530 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Couple threaten to run over mother and baby

A STOMPer was terrfiied when a couple threatened to run over her family by accelerating and horning loudly at them as they crossed the road in a carpark.

The couple got upset when the STOMPer's husband did not give up the parking lot he was waiting for to the couple.

The STOMPer says in an e-mail dated October 28:

"This car park bully traumatised me and my family when we were waiting for a lot at Vivo on Sunday.

"My husband was driving and I was sitting at the back carrying my 18-month-old baby girl.

"The car park was full and after we went several rounds in the car park, we waited patiently by the side for someone to leave even though we were late for appointment.

"As we saw a car approaching the lot, we signalled left to indicate that we were waiting for the lot.

Then, a 'red' car dashed out from the perpendicular section in front of us, before the car came out from the lot, and engaged in reverse gear.

"Because the car was turning left out of the lot, the red car had no choice but to move forward.

"After the lot was vacant, we honked slightly to indicate that we were parking in the lot and needed them to make space. But the driver of the red car refused to move and engaged his reverse gear again.

Seeing the situation and still carrying my little girl, I approached the passenger's side of the red car.

"I see a couple, the male was the driver and his companion was a lady wearing a low-cleavage top with very heavy make-up. I explained to them that we had waited for long time for this lot.

"I was stunned by the lady's reply. She spoke like a hooligan, said that's our problem and that they had been going many rounds in the car park and can't find a lot. They were late for a Gala event and they were not going to give us the lot. She was very aggressive and threw some rubbish out of the car at us.

"I was shocked by her reply as I spoke politely. Seeing her attitude, I walked back to my car without any further argument.

"I told my husband what happened. We decided to park at the lot by reversing and going forward several times.

"The red car started horning non-stop at us. After we parked and walked towards the shopping lobby, we passed them.

"The driver of the red car was stepping on the accelerator, blowing its engine very loudly and dashed his vehicle forward like he was going bang us down. The horning and loud engine noise frightened my little girl and she starts to cry.

"I was also very afraid and stressed out. With a trembling hand, I took out my hand phone from my pocket and snapped photos of the red car.


If this incident were to happen to my family, you shall see what i will do to them. I will never let them off like a coward. And i can tell u my wife would not be intimidated by them.


what's there to show off when driving a jap can?

precisely. What's there to show when driving a jap car. Strangely, from what i observe on the road..bmw and mercedes sports car driver don't drive like them. I hate honda drivers..very often are reckless.


Alfrescian (Inf)
dun dare 2 cum out n fite 1 la ... hide inside car n act yaya oni la ...

ps. warao! tis thread koyak oredi leh ... :p