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Coffeeshop Folder is going the way of the Politics Folder - Help Badly Needed


General Veers

they're just doing what they got to do so that the innocent and the gullible will not fall prey to that hum ka charn old faggot Bob Sim Kheng Hwee the lanjiao sucking unemployed parasite fake monk PAP dog who is a temple thief, swindler, fraudster, cheat, con-artist, compulsive liar, hypocrite, deceiver, betrayer, all rolled into one!

You forgot to include this :biggrin:

hum ka charn

dui lei lo mo fa hai!


does the stuff and contrive makes sam's place look small time?
I've removed loads of spam. However, I don't read most of Bob Sim's stuff so I don't see the mayhem unless someone reports it.

If you could help out, that would be great.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
sigh!, there goes another thread.

You ought to realize by now that leetahbar recently has been starting more nonsensical threads than usual. This is simply because the level of coordinated bashings on him has fallen way lower then before.

Before, leetahbar would be bashed upside down and inside out in on thread, and the poor bastard would try very hard to "defend" what little dignity he had.

Granted, the method was crude and kept his threads on top of the forum, but at least he was CONTAINED in a few threads by us.

Now look how much more a nuisance he has become, and how would it degenerate to now if it were truly only the "F4" responsible for keeping his shit in check?


I've removed loads of spam. However, I don't read most of Bob Sim's stuff so I don't see the mayhem unless someone reports it.

If you could help out, that would be great.

Isn't there a way as the webmaster, to config yr filter settings in such a way as to filter out automatically any names related to Bob Sim, Leetahbar, etc and such offensive vermins?


He can't be bothered with nics like tiulehlohtao,tiulehlohmoh, tiulehlohmohhai and you expect him to do more?:p:p:p


I have told this before, both Ah Guan and you are the only 2 that are engaged besides the F4 albeit in a very minor way. The F4 have conveniently adopted nics to discredit him and thrash threads while they use other nics to engage in meaningful conversation and look good. Ah Guan and you both use your one and only nic to do both.

There are other people who write rubbish but no one replies, so they get the message.

I am sure, it should have dawned on you by now that Bob is expecting and wants to thrash the folder. He does this by baiting you guys and you respond without fail. When there is a lull, he will send in the bait and you guys swallow it lock, stock and barrel.

How about a total blackout by F4 and you guys on senseless postings by Bob. I do recall that in the Delphi, he used to hunt in packs when he had his followers and drove one lady forummer nuts and she pleaded for mercy. He is basically a thug. Why give him oxygen?

Unlike Robox, he is smart enough not to offend the Mod.

You ought to realize by now that leetahbar recently has been starting more nonsensical threads than usual. This is simply because the level of coordinated bashings on him has fallen way lower then before.

Before, leetahbar would be bashed upside down and inside out in on thread, and the poor bastard would try very hard to "defend" what little dignity he had.

Granted, the method was crude and kept his threads on top of the forum, but at least he was CONTAINED in a few threads by us.

Now look how much more a nuisance he has become, and how would it degenerate to now if it were truly only the "F4" responsible for keeping his shit in check?


This message is hidden because leetahbar is on your ignore list.

Alternatively each of us can contribute some money to do him in.


You ought to realize by now that leetahbar recently has been starting more nonsensical threads than usual. This is simply because the level of coordinated bashings on him has fallen way lower then before.

Before, leetahbar would be bashed upside down and inside out in on thread, and the poor bastard would try very hard to "defend" what little dignity he had.

Granted, the method was crude and kept his threads on top of the forum, but at least he was CONTAINED in a few threads by us.

Now look how much more a nuisance he has become, and how would it degenerate to now if it were truly only the "F4" responsible for keeping his shit in check?

before u clean other's house, please clean your own house of nasty coward and loser clones.

SDP IB has never for once practised what they preached about FREE SPEECHES AND HUMAN RIGHTS. and u can forget about democracy which is democrapsy to SDP IB.:rolleyes:


I have told this before, both Ah Guan and you are the only 2 that are engaged besides the F4 albeit in a very minor way. The F4 have conveniently adopted nics to discredit him and thrash threads while they use other nics to engage in meaningful conversation and look good. Ah Guan and you both use your one and only nic to do both.

There are other people who write rubbish but no one replies, so they get the message.

I am sure, it should have dawned on you by now that Bob is expecting and wants to thrash the folder. He does this by baiting you guys and you respond without fail. When there is a lull, he will send in the bait and you guys swallow it lock, stock and barrel.

How about a total blackout by F4 and you guys on senseless postings by Bob. I do recall that in the Delphi, he used to hunt in packs when he had his followers and drove one lady forummer nuts and she pleaded for mercy. He is basically a thug. Why give him oxygen?

Unlike Robox, he is smart enough not to offend the Mod.

please lah. the lady runs away witht the husband's lawyer. if ur wife runs away with the lawyer, what credibility is left in such adulterous couple?

u guys only sympathise with the runaway couple and forget about the pains, suffering and anguish of innocent parties like the aggrieved betrayed spouses, the parents from both side, their kids and their close friends and relatives.

if ADULTERY is pedestaled as PATRIOTISM, then what other sins couldn't follow next? betrayal of the country is now also very patriotic. causing riots might be admired and honored....then what else this peaceful and harmonious singapore would anticipate?

yes, we dislike the paps. we wanna some changes in parleement. we frown on tyrannic dominance in politic but in order to execute changes, do we need to go to the extremes of degrading the morals and virtues of mankind?

look some of the characters who are lurking in SDP. those people might not be convicts yet but their dubious motive might give rise to something even more sinister. when i said this, many would think i m too edggy or sensitive.

don't forget peace and harmony come a long hard way. to break it is actually quite easily when the masses fall into the mental trap of chee soon suan. he's a psychologist. he knows what we think better than any of his imbeciles and brainless followers know about themselves.


my lil brother leetahsar didn't hunt in pack. he did it alone himself. although he was finished obliterated, his message sent to forummers is clear and loud to this day.



This message is hidden because leetahbar is on your ignore list.

Alternatively each of us can contribute some money to do him in.

contribute to SDP is it? contribute your hard earned $ to SDP to enhance their "FREE SPEECHES" to curb on other's negative impression and criticism about them.

rannix is linked with lamei.


if u think she is just a honest simple cha bor, congrats to u!

u ve just been F&D!! FLIRT&(waiting to be)DESTROY.:wink:


There are 2 well known identities in each camp. The supporting cast is quite ok as they do not spam but tend throw their own spin. Its the same old graphics and personal details that buggers us all. I now know more about Bob, Ejay, Lamei and Tilik than I know about my own family.

There are so much unfinished business with PAP and the coming elections that we don't need this at all.
The biggest lesson - Never meet any of the people in the forum and assume that you are friends.


Alfrescian (Inf)
contribute to SDP is it? contribute your hard earned $ to SDP to enhance their "FREE SPEECHES" to curb on other's negative impression and criticism about them.

rannix is linked with lamei.


if u think she is just a honest simple cha bor, congrats to u!

u ve just been F&D!! FLIRT&(waiting to be)DESTROY.:wink:

We can all assume who is who as we like but where is the proof?


The biggest lesson - Never meet any of the people in the forum and assume that you are friends.

it's ok to meet. but take a lesson for my li'l brother leetahsar. do not treat them as "geniune" friends and stupidly bring them home for regularly for teas.

so far as i ve known, none of those who he used to invite to his home ever did the same. u guys have seen the regular exposure about LTS' hideouts. have u seen any of those losers and cowards?

for example, my pet snake in my avatar lives in bishan. which specific location in bishan? the troll's hideout is in abc market. again, what address? the only address once that could be detected was the runaway lawyer in yishun. but that is no longer listed. he's probably back staying with his parents in changi area. and of course, changi village is just nearby, if u know what i mean:biggrin: many come to know where was his working location but that was exposed by the chinese daily and kojabkt (host of 3in1kopitiam) was the one who confirmed it in the old sbf.

treating forummers as friends is testy. u still get people who qualify as FRIENDS but the risk about encountering fakes are greater.


We can all assume who is who as we like but where is the proof?

the assumption now is whoever is against SDP must be my clones. even if i vehemently tell u that i ve only one nic, many won't believe. the reason is this place is already over run by SDP IB losers and cowards.

many are dead serious against the paps whether the paps does right or wrong. however, when it comes to the continuous nonsense fr SDP, many prefers to keep mum or even enhance the misleading views.

just think of this. if SDP is mostly right in what they are always bitching about, why haven't them won themselves any ward? why has their votes dwindle every GE?

the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

SDP hasn't proven anything they have accused. that's why they always ended up losing lawsuits. but then again, their backup for their losses was exploited in such a way that SDP misleads further again to discredit the LAW blaming it as another instrument of the LEEgime.

everything reasons for their failings is blame on external factors. it has never been their own causes for their own desserts. it's always LEE KWAN YOU but never LEE KWAN ME. u bet SDP shall lose miserably once again this coming GE. they never learn and they never change. they just get from bad to worst.


Bob Sim Kheng Hwee, you speak of yourself in the third person. In psychiatry, it is a symptom of guilt so much so you can't even bear the person that is yourself. You are nothing but a 50 year old jobless failure in life who had lost the friendship of highly intelligent people, of which the chance to make new ones, you will never have again for the rest of your life.


Bob Sim Kheng Hwee, you speak of yourself in the third person. In psychiatry, it is a symptom of guilt so much so you can't even bear the person that is yourself. You are nothing but a 50 year old jobless failure in life who had lost the friendship of highly intelligent people, of which the chance to make new ones, you will never have again for the rest of your life.

highly intelligent people or proud, arrogant and egoistic clowns?

i would say it's a blessing to my li'l brother to have seen through their true colors early than later.

if those clowns persist in their exaggerated loftiness, the big longkang is always there to welcum and cool them down.

highly intelligence can sometime be a curse than a blessing. adding a dash of stubborness, they can sometime be stupider than fools.:rolleyes:


Ah! Go fuck yourself! Compare yourself to Lamei Ejay and Tilik! Like shit to beef steak!

just a very simple question:


obviously, their nasty clones shall answer this very simple question.:rolleyes:

yellow people

Alfrescian (Inf)
no[lan];361998 said:
Let's see:

Look at my signature.

It reads List of leetahbar and his cronies. No indication that you are clone of leetahbar.

And look at your signature.

Funny how can i be a member of F4 when :

1. I am the commander of the Orochi army who trashes the PAP IB clones that harasses anti PAP forummers here? I don't serve the SDP or any particular opposition party! Just anti PAP!

2. I am online 24/7? No member of the opposition has the capacity to do that.

If you ask me why the nick yellow people existed? It is to kick that racist keling yellow_people whose purpose here now is only to attack Chinks.
