• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Coffeeshop Folder is going the way of the Politics Folder - Help Badly Needed


There are 2 well known identities in each camp. The supporting cast is quite ok as they do not spam but tend throw their own spin. Its the same old graphics and personal details that buggers us all. I now know more about Bob, Ejay, Lamei and Tilik than I know about my own family.

There are so much unfinished business with PAP and the coming elections that we don't need this at all.

I get the feeling there are more than that involved on each side of the equation.


He offended someone here many months ago. The others who joined in are leetahbar haters or anti PAP or they don't like to see any opposition parties being whacked.

nah! it's the usual few ABnormal from the SDP IB. only they are such anal-retentive imbeciles that can't handle any criticism not even thrown at them and definitely clueless to a smart rebuttal.

their spammings are all standard format and repeats. if the mastershapeshifter were to post, he could be easily exposed and it means giving the already retard SDP IB a badder name.


Sam Leong is saying character assassination of MIW and leetahbar's shit slinging at his ex pals is par for the course. Nothing can destroy this forum if everyone desist from reading any of leetahbar's threads or postings.

they would be your ex-pals pretty soon when they find there's nothing left in u to exploit.

look what happen to uncleyap after their inclusion into sdp. the poor ding has been left out in the cold damp corner by himself.


Partially agree, but I think that is the intention of perpetrators.

Perhaps they see no other way to get rid of him other than making him the root of messed threads so that something can be done.

hello, either u r blind or u r dumb like those losers and cowards. they are the one who spam. do u see them posting anything related to the thread topic?

SDP IB's behaviour is already like that. just think what those bigger egos dwelling inside there overestimating their puny butts in oversized undies.


Maybe Sam can take a look at these vBulletin plug-in/implementation for multiple account detection or prevention.


These should limit the number of repeated shit in this forum.

the best would be to reveal and expose those nasty clones and dig out who is the mastershapeshifter doing all the nonsense behind.

i bet everyone would be shock that someone who on one hand is so phd highly educated and on the other, resorts to such cheapo antics. that would also show what SDP IB is really made off and what their real motive really is.


First thing on the list! Delete all of leetahbar's threads and posts as well as the other known contributors to this mayhem, like what was done to the "myjohnson' and "Zeitgeist" nics. Any better suggestions or you prefer the live and let live of perpetual PAP dominance?:rolleyes:

just like old time what losers and cowards did. lst, the gang up bullying. then the stab in the back BANNING. finally the obliteration of postings.

truly FREE SPEECHES and HUMAN RIGHTS from a very hypocritical SDP IB imbeciles.


this is a forum for discussion and criticism. why does the SDP IB afraid to be criticised and satirised. please do not make yourself like angels and all paps the devils.

if we do not like the paps, do not take for granted we might like SDP clowns who are many times worst off than the paps if those imbeciles would to rule the political arena.



why so shy to pretend? be more like your true self. something like this which is more comfortable to u:

Originally Posted by TheBonerman
Why is that you associate your own lifestyle with that of other people? Do you think it's normal for people to scold their aged mothers a "Lau Cheebye" like you so often did?

no other people except u who is so proud about yourself. your own mother must have been used to this term u use on her. such a well-behaved filial bastard i must say!

General Veers

nah! it's the usual few ABnormal from the SDP IB. only they are such anal-retentive imbeciles that can't handle any criticism not even thrown at them and definitely clueless to a smart rebuttal.

their spammings are all standard format and repeats. if the mastershapeshifter were to post, he could be easily exposed and it means giving the already retard SDP IB a badder name.

Nonsense! Not all has to do with SDP like what you would like to fart. I am agent #175 of the Orochi army. My primary role here is a news feeder until i call it quits or pass it on and Sun Wukong is agent #58.


why so shy to pretend? be more like your true self. something like this which is more comfortable to u:

Originally Posted by TheBonerman
Why is that you associate your own lifestyle with that of other people? Do you think it's normal for people to scold their aged mothers a "Lau Cheebye" like you so often did?

no other people except u who is so proud about yourself. your own mother must have been used to this term u use on her. such a well-behaved filial bastard i must say!

self disgracing......self disgracing......self disgracing........