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Classic Forum Replies


Spot On! Hmmmmmm, you will be duly rewarded with 70 points, even though your persona is highly suspicious. :biggrin:
I'm just a mere mortal, so I'm not prefect. :o

But I try my best! :p

Asterix is right, Narong and Sideswipe are both right, Chia Yong Yong and Mark Andrew Yeo are both wrong! :wink:
Silly ass streak always going about with those foreign ways. This is singapore ok? Here we do things differently. We prosper together with the PAP. Win-win.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Assistant Deputy Senior Deputy Assistant Moderator Zhihau! :p

what a respectable title :biggrin: by right template is :

His script can be automated by :


set x = $3

echo "Altogether now...$x AH !"
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Alfrescian (Inf)
mojito aka screwball with a Garfield avatar. I wonder why did he choose to act add the asshole with this moniker as in playing it so openly since he's already an asshole just that he's more subtle with his other clones


Hey thanks man! :smile:
You're welcome! :smile:

mojito aka screwball with a Garfield avatar. I wonder why did he choose to act add the asshole with this moniker as in playing it so openly since he's already an asshole just that he's more subtle with his other clones
By the way, just in case anyone would like to see Mark Andrew Yeo Kah Chong's face more clearly, I managed to discover two photos from CitySpring Infrastructure Trust's two most recent Annual Reports (on the Board of Directors page in the pdf file; just click on the picture); also, based on his age that was mentioned, it seems he's born in 1962 or 63:


Standing from left to right:
Mr Ong Beng Teck (Director), Mr Mark Andrew Yeo Kah Chong (Independent Director), Mr Haresh Jaisinghani
(Independent Director), Mr Tan Ek Kia (Independent Director), Mr Daniel Cuthbert Ee Hock Huat (Chairman,
Independent Director), Mr Yeo Wico (Independent Director)


From left to right:
Mr Ong Beng Teck (Non-Executive Director), Mr Haresh Jaisinghani (Independent Director),
Mr Daniel Cuthbert Ee Hock Huat (Chairman, Independent Director),
Mr Mark Andrew Yeo Kah Chong (Independent Director), Mr Yeo Wico (Independent Director)


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Alfrescian (Inf)

Mr Daniel Cuthbert Ee Hock Huat (Chairman, Independent Director),

What an amazing name. He not only has an ang moh name but an ang moh surname and a cheena ah beng surname and he looks 100% chinese. This is actually a bit confusing. His surname would be Ee and yet it's cuthbert in ang moh wei.