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Chinese Embassy in Tokyo received bullet threat from "Jap's PM"


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just because bigfuck have a few Japanese friend that are kiasee and hated their own country because those group of Japanese think they are higher then some Japanese who don't speak English . And he believe in them ? Don't forget , there's many Singaporean also hated Singapore does it mean everything they said is true ? Now start thinking and don't be bias .

Go ask Drifter lor. He tell you how great Japanese phones are to the world. There was one howlian bid attempt to grow Japanese mobile phones 5 years back to take the market share with billions of dollars worth of phones sales in Asia. That big company which supplies phones to the Jap telco now diam diam. Must be too much drinking at pubs. I was laughing back then. One thing I did not see was Nokia going to shit so fast though I already thought the design was shit.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It is fine if you want to twist it that way and ignore UN's position. I do not know of regions that have any region in Japan before 3-11 having 36% thyroid nodules. 35% of children having thyroid nodules is very rare and a lifetime exposure is normal for "children living close to the plant were exposed to "lifetime" doses of radiation to their thyroid glands." Fine by me. Not my kids since what needs to be said has been.
Yawn. It is okay. Please continue your defense. Okinawa not detected as far as I currently know. Hokkaido yes. http://www.asahi.com/business/news/xinhuajapan/AUT201207310103.html. Interesting is quite a few Japanese newspapers have deleted the report details in since the time I read them. Oh well. Not my problem.
Keep going at it. I am fine. I hope you not eat foreign import foods and support local produce. I am well aware what happened to supermarket shelves when it came to foreign food imports. Not only from news but phonecalls and electronic communications that came in from gaijin and houjin friends.

Whahahahaha another bias news from Korean media ?
Let me translate for u :wink:

( Pekin 6 tsuki 27-nichi )kaigai media no hōdō ni yoru to, Kankoku seifu wa 27-nichi, hōsha-mono ni osen sa reta kanōsei ga aru to shite, Nihon no suisanbutsu 35 hinmoku no yunyū o zantei-teki ni kinshi suru koto ni kimeta.Kin'yu taishō ni wa hirame ya asari, uni ga fukuma reru.Kankoku nōrin suisan shokuhin-bu no naibu kankei-sha wa, 35 hinmoku no yunyū kinshi ga isshu no yobō sochida to setsumei suru.Dō-bu ni yoru to, sakunen 3 tsuki ni Fukushima no genshiryokuhatsudenjo de jiko ga hassei shite ikō, Kankoku seifu wa mada Nihon kara korera 35 hinmoku no

According to reports in the international media - June 27 Beijing Xinhua , the South Korean government has decided that as there is a POSSIBILITY ( means haven confirm ) that Food from Japan has been contaminated with radiation, to prohibit temporarily the import of 35 items fishery of Japan . Subject to embargo includes flounder and clams, and sea urchins. Internal parties of the Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, South Korea, will ban the import of 35 items and it kind for preventive measures.

Whahahahaha Korea again :wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Now cannot argue Singaporean also treated those FT not born in Singapore as gaijin despite they stay Singapore for donkey years now want to change the topic to Fukushima :wink: wow .. Unbelievable debate :wink: Whahahahah . Maybe later going to debate Chinese ghost is more scary then Japanese ghost :wink: whahhaaaha .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Try harder bigfuck as I'm not going to argue with bias anymore .. But if I'm free and wanted to have some fun
I might come in again to poke :wink: have a nice day :wink:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Please do not try to translate. 6 "gatsu" not 6 "tsuki". It is "ha" not "wa" when written. There was actually a dosimeter reading for the samples which has been deleted. It is "genshiyokuhatsudensho" no "genshiyokuhatsudenjo" After so many years in Japan still make such areas. kimi ga hansei subeki, nisemono houjin. BTW, you have studied more in school. It is not translation but romanization. Translation would be to English or Mandarin or Korean or Thai.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Since now I got nothing to do I will come in here again...to express my view .

"i think u didn't get my point. drifter, u r talking like a pap now which always neglect the sentiment. u have to spare a thought for those who still feel hurt or even hatred for the incident, not about asking people to move on and forget it".

Me talking like PAP .. Please hor don't lower me to their standard to prove your point here . You don't have to go there . Did I say what those japanese army do is right ? I'm just saying japan HAVE ALREADY APOLOGIZE , AND WE SHOULD MOVE ON .. anything wrong with that statement ?

Japanese politician is playing politics in their own country by visiting the Shrine to show Japanese war crime family whose brothers , husbands , fathers die in the war as a respect for them who die for their own country ..IT'S NOT ABOUT HONOURING THOSE WAR CRIME ..you have to know the different since Japan already apologize tons of times . ( what's wrong with playing politics in their own country ? ) If you are Japanese and your family members die for the country , would you want the country to pay respect to them when they die ? That's why the goverment is playing politics and scoring points in their own country .

How sincere you want those Japanese to be ? The whole nation kneel down in front of the national tv ?

no need whole nation knee down in front of national tv or worse seppuku.

the temple only house those mother fucker top generals right? got foot soldiers inside? they keep honouring those mother fucker generals to score pt??? then there must be something wrong with jap people knowledge to the war. if they were educate regarding the history properly like the German, they will feel ashame by those generals and feel disgusted when the politicians visit the shrine. how to score pt when people feel its wrong??? i keep repeating like a broken record, if German extremist politician want to do that by honouring hitler. i doubt he will score any pt and win any vote in Germany election.

just do what the German do will do.

good day.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
drifter, i am curious about the knowledge of the commoners in japan on what they did to Chinese all over Asia during WWII. since u are there for a long time and even planning to settle down with a jap gf. i hope u can shed some light on this issue.

i remember saw one news on ch8 many years back when they were holding a memorial service on February 15 at the Civilian War Memorial to remember the victims of the japanese occupation, some japanese tourists walked pass and saw the service. they stopped and start taking picture of the ceremony. so the TV crew kapo went to interview the tourists, surprisingly they claimed ignorance to what happened during WWII. so the TV crew informed them about the history briefly and they started crying and apologise. everything show on TV during the news and that time no internet and LKY still pm and very anti china. the jap tourists all adults and ignorance about the what their jap soldier did during WWII. all the while they thought they were the victim due to the 2 atomic dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki which made them surrender.

do you think the japanese people need to know what their soldier did in the past? or should they be keep in dark? or lets be open like the Germany gov???

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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
drifter, i am curious about the knowledge of the commoners in japan on what they did to Chinese all over Asia during WWII. since u are there for a long time and even planning to settle down with a jap gf. i hope u can shed some light on this issue.

i remember saw one news on ch8 many years back when they were holding a memorial service on February 15 at the Civilian War Memorial to remember the victims of the japanese occupation, some japanese tourists walked pass and saw the service. they stopped and start taking picture of the ceremony. so the TV crew kapo went to interview the tourists, surprisingly they claimed ignorance to what happened during WWII. so the TV crew informed them about the history briefly and they started crying and apologise. everything show on TV during the news and that time no internet and LKY still pm and very anti china. the jap tourists all adults and ignorance about the what their jap soldier did during WWII. all the while they thought they were the victim due to the 2 atomic dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki which made them surrender.

do you think the japanese people need to know what their soldier did in the past? or should they be keep in dark? or lets be open like the Germany gov???

Been here for more around 10 years . came here when I was just 29 years old , yes my wife is a Japanese . A lot of Japanese know the war crime in Korea and china but many do not know that those Japanese army commited crime in Singapore . When the first time I bring her to sentosa to let her know that how last time Japanese army treated Singapore , she also cry . When I bring her to see my grandmother she even knee down and apologize to my grandmother for the war crime on behalf of Japan ( my whole family was caught by her surprise when she do it ) . I feel every Japanese should know the truth especially the younger generation .not only know the truth about Korean and china during the war time .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
no need whole nation knee down in front of national tv or worse seppuku.

the temple only house those mother fucker top generals right? got foot soldiers inside? they keep honouring those mother fucker generals to score pt??? then there must be something wrong with jap people knowledge to the war. if they were educate regarding the history properly like the German, they will feel ashame by those generals and feel disgusted when the politicians visit the shrine. how to score pt when people feel its wrong??? i keep repeating like a broken record, if German extremist politician want to do that by honouring hitler. i doubt he will score any pt and win any vote in Germany election.

just do what the German do will do.

good day.

Yasukuni is a shrine to house the actual souls of the dead as Kami, or "spirits/souls" it is believed that all negative or evil acts committed are absolved when enshrinement occurs.This activity is strictly a religious matter since the religious separation of State Shinto and the Japanese Government. The priesthood at the shrine has complete religious autonomy to decide to whom and how enshrinement may occur .
Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社 or 靖國神社 Yasukuni Jin ) is dedicated to the soldiers and others who died fighting on behalf of the Emperor of Japan.Currently, its Symbolic Registry of Divinities lists the names of over 2,466,000 enshrined men and women whose lives were dedicated to the service of Imperial Japan, particularly to those killed in wartime.

The shrine don't only hold ClassA war criminals and top general .
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Vietnamese government set up memorials reading:

And what will happen if the families of the slaughtered Vietnamese women and children find the Korean government’s apology insincere?

Why is a single apology to one nation considered acceptable by members of the nation that carried out the atrocities, yet 14 apologies ( Japan do apologize )and reparations offered to their country for similar crimes seen as unacceptable? Answer: double standards.

I guess self-awareness is not the strong point of many Koreans.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I have many Korean friends in Japan too .. I was amazed how few people knew about these massacres, and on several occasions had Koreans aggressively claim I was lying. That pretty much tells you that Koreans are unwilling to accept certain truths about their own country. And that they’ve never been told about it, and likely never will.

That Korean-apologists cannot see the double-standards they are employing here are an absolute abandonment of logic. Not a single call for Korea to more fully acknowledge these atrocities and make reparations and appear contrite before the Vietnamese is as much as an insult as any supposed offence carried out by single Japanese politicians, who after all, do not represent all of the Japanese people.

Japan has done all it can to make amends with Korea. Korea has done all it can to agitate it’s people against Japan, even telling outright lies about how Japan has never apologised. Korea has never apologised to the standards it requires from others for the atrocities carried out by its armies against the Vietnamese people. I therefore have zero respect or sympathy for those Koreans continually and self-righteously bleating about how they were wronged and nobody apologiesd.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If I were the Japanese, I’d give up on the apologies. Clearly nothing will ever suffice. :wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Now my gun move to the Americans :wink:

It was condemned as atrocities when Korean marines in person gunned down or blew off, with hand-grenades, hundreds of innocent Vietnamese in person in peaceful countries, and they were called like war criminals even by Americans. American soldiers who popped a little boy out of a window to blow-off tens of thousand of innocent Koreans and observed from the B-29 flying a few thousand meters above ground how successful it was were called American heroes.
The world appears so much unfair to Koreans. Most first- and many second-generation Korean survivors of Hiroshima are still suffering from and dreadful of its aftereffects. Koreans should deserve some sincere appology and fair compensation from the Americans too .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Please do not try to translate. 6 "gatsu" not 6 "tsuki". It is "ha" not "wa" when written. There was actually a dosimeter reading for the samples which has been deleted. It is "genshiyokuhatsudensho" no "genshiyokuhatsudenjo" After so many years in Japan still make such areas. kimi ga hansei subeki, nisemono houjin. BTW, you have studied more in school. It is not translation but romanization. Translation would be to English or Mandarin or Korean or Thai.

Errors not areas.

any particular extent of space or surface; part: the dark areas in the painting; the dusty area of the room.
a geographical region; tract: the Chicago area; the unsettled areas along the frontier.
any section reserved for a specific function: the business area of a town; the dining area of a house.
extent, range, or scope: inquiries that embrace the whole area of science.
field of study, or a branch of a field of study: Related areas of inquiry often reflect borrowed notions.

a deviation from accuracy or correctness; a mistake, as in action or speech: His speech contained several factual errors.
belief in something untrue; the holding of mistaken opinions.
the condition of believing what is not true: in error about the date.
a moral offense; wrongdoing; sin.
Baseball . a misplay that enables a base runner to reach base safely or advance a base, or a batter to have a turn at bat prolonged, as the dropping of a ball batted in the air, the fumbling of a batted or thrown ball, or the throwing of a wild ball, but not including a passed ball or wild pitch.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Errors not areas.

any particular extent of space or surface; part: the dark areas in the painting; the dusty area of the room.
a geographical region; tract: the Chicago area; the unsettled areas along the frontier.
any section reserved for a specific function: the business area of a town; the dining area of a house.
extent, range, or scope: inquiries that embrace the whole area of science.
field of study, or a branch of a field of study: Related areas of inquiry often reflect borrowed notions.

a deviation from accuracy or correctness; a mistake, as in action or speech: His speech contained several factual errors.
belief in something untrue; the holding of mistaken opinions.
the condition of believing what is not true: in error about the date.
a moral offense; wrongdoing; sin.
Baseball . a misplay that enables a base runner to reach base safely or advance a base, or a batter to have a turn at bat prolonged, as the dropping of a ball batted in the air, the fumbling of a batted or thrown ball, or the throwing of a wild ball, but not including a passed ball or wild pitch.

Wow bro like that you also can spot ? I take my hats off ... Respect is the word !!! :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Been here for more around 10 years . came here when I was just 29 years old , yes my wife is a Japanese . A lot of Japanese know the war crime in Korea and china but many do not know that those Japanese army commited crime in Singapore . When the first time I bring her to sentosa to let her know that how last time Japanese army treated Singapore , she also cry . When I bring her to see my grandmother she even knee down and apologize to my grandmother for the war crime on behalf of Japan ( my whole family was caught by her surprise when she do it ) . I feel every Japanese should know the truth especially the younger generation .not only know the truth about Korean and china during the war time .

drifter, no need to defend for japanese dogs until like that.

no need to list what others did or what the jap suffer in order to make japanese dogs wrong doings look insignificant or a norm.

i am a Chinese, you are a Chinese and we are talking about jap dogs killing of Chinese.

i use Germany to compare to jap dogs because both were in the axis power in second world war.

you are not doing jap dogs a favour by doing all these defensive stance, u only stirred up negative emotions on jap dogs. quite a few of the jap dogs also having all these defensive stance due to their ignorance of history, especially when we bring up all these fact of history .

from what you said, that means they got limited knowledge of what happened. so ignorance is innocent? we should pity them?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
drifter, no need to defend for japanese dogs until like that.

no need to list what others did or what the jap suffer in order to make japanese dogs wrong doings look insignificant or a norm.

i am a Chinese, you are a Chinese and we are talking about jap dogs killing of Chinese.

i use Germany to compare to jap dogs because both were in the axis power in second world war.

you are not doing jap dogs a favour by doing all these defensive stance, u only stirred up negative emotions on jap dogs. quite a few of the jap dogs also having all these defensive stance due to their ignorance of history, especially when we bring up all these fact of history .

from what you said, that means they got limited knowledge of what happened. so ignorance is innocent? we should pity them?

Me defence for those Japanese army ? You must be crazy . Many are already dead ! Its time to move on . Now it's the new generation Japanese that are living . Don't be a political tools for those an tiong . don't let ah tiong fool you by telling you all Chinese are chinaman !! Singaporean Chinese is Singaporean Chinese . So since you say u are
Chinese .. Do you welcome those ah tiong coming to Singapore ? do you welcome them to be in your work place ?

By the way , nobody here says that what those Japanese army did was right during war . what I'm saying is don't let those ah tiong land to manipulate you for their political gain . Do I really have to repeat myself again and again ?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Me defence for those Japanese army ? You must be crazy . Many are already dead ! Its time to move on . Now it's the new generation Japanese that are living . Don't be a political tools for those an tiong . don't let ah tiong fool you by telling you all Chinese are chinaman !! Singaporean Chinese is Singaporean Chinese . So since you say u are
Chinese .. Do you welcome those ah tiong coming to Singapore ? do you welcome them to be in your work place ?

By the way , nobody here says that what those Japanese army did was right during war . what I'm saying is don't let those ah tiong land to manipulate you for their political gain . Do I really have to repeat myself again and again ?

FYI the japs killed many sinkie chinese too and who knows his relatives and even yours might have been killed. He is entitled to his own opinion why are you saying the tiongs are manipulating him when it's very clear of what the japs did to chinese whether they be sinkie chinese or china chinese at that time? During that time there were baba chinese do you think they would have been treatly differently from a china chinese? Nope definitely not.