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Chee, SDP and the letters!


I fully agree that the the letter is inappropriate and cruel.

As a sec-gen of an opposition party, he should have separated what he wanted to said into 2 letters. 1 purely a letter of condolence and the other, how people were detained for years by LKY.

But like what I said earlier he is a great opportunist. The purpose of the letter is not to console (definitely not), but taking the opportunity. While LKY and his family are grieving, he wants to hurt them when they are saddest by bringing out all the "crimes" which LKY has done over numerous people over the years and illlustrate that while he has lost his loved one, many others because of him has lost their loved ones as well. And the most hypocritical part is "I mean no ill will".

It's like stabbing someone and then said, I don't mean it you know.

Of course, by separating what he wanted to said into 2 letters would not have this effect without hurting people at their saddest. CSJ achieved his revenge, not to bring out all these points, but for instant gratification. I pity those he brought into the contents of this very "condolence letter". They are the most innocent.


Singaporeans by and large do not walk on a moral ground. They are bread and butter issues first and foremost and secondly they would like to be seen as nice people.

CSJ is making at least two generations of Singaporeans know of the dirty deeds of LKY, the gecko and the PAP. At least two generations of Singaporeans do not know a lot about Singapore as they have been imbued with fascist propaganda from the PAP.

YOu may not agree with the letter or its timing but I am sure that you agree with its contents. No?

Of course I agree with the contents. The letters just make me whether if Chee and SDP is serious about winning elections.


As a sec-gen of an opposition party, he should have separated what he wanted to said into 2 letters. 1 purely a letter of condolence and the other, how people were detained for years by LKY.

Over the years, people have gotten used to CSJ making statements about political repression/detention. He would have got hardly any attention/debate with such a letter. Only by writing such an inappropriately timed, cruel letter could he get the level of attention this letter has generated. The political imagery of the letter is very powerful as it contrasts the fulfilling life of love and comfort MM/Mrs Lee enjoyed against the suffering of MM's politcal opponents.

We now have to see if the PAP take the gambit by circulating the letter widely.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Lockeliberal was applying this standard to the PAP. Why can't I play the devil's advocate and apply the same standard to the opposition?

What's gravy for the goose is soya for the gander :p:p:p

Hey ... don't presume to know my vote. My vote is secret.

That is why you should continue to vote for the PAP. At the endof the day just vote for the PAP, you know you have done so in the past as you have just acknowledged. :oIo:

Just vote for yourself and only for yourself. YOu will go very far. Next erections please vote for the PAP. People like you voting for the APs is just a sickening. Please continue voting for the PAP andplease make sure you let everyone know that you have always voted for the PAP.


Oh God!

You missed cass888's sarcasm and now you miss mine??!?!?!?!?

Excuse me, I need to go and laugh........

I think you have to read carefully aurvandil's first post again. He did not support CSJ's letters, in fact he said that the letters will probably make Singaporeans have a negative view of him. But he did say that the good thing about the letters is that they will sensitize Singaporeans about the other stuff that LKY did/does.


Chee and SDP have done it again. At the next GE, they will wonder why they got the lowest number of votes. How silly can one get.

Secondly, people like Lim Hock Siew and other detainees are not deaf nor dumb. They don't need someone to speak on their behalf. Chee is not a political detainee and never was. He got himself bankrupted thru a series of tactical blunders and attempting to associate himself with political detainees is rather crass.

There is also no need to stoop to low standards of your adversaries to prove a point.

His travels have been restricted because on 2 occasions while overseas he lied about his whereabouts. He then expects people to trust him.

And finally the most important part - where is the sense of humanity.
There are 2 major issues with the letters.
Firstly, the timing. Secondly, the mixing of the content - mixing the condolencences with LKY's past actions particularly the detainees. Even if there was an intention to express condolences, it has been totally negated by the latter part, even if the accuracy is not disputed.

Could he not have written about the latter part on other occasions, perhaps on the occasion of the national day of the last 10 years?

Sometime ago, we were just discussing whether CSJ has already lost the voters or whether he can make a serious comeback as an MP who could help the people and the country, if he listened and did the right things. He probably needs a miracle now.


Chee is like a wounded dog. No money. No status. No job. No supporters. Heck...even his wife is in Taiwan now. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls down his pants and shit in front of the Istana to gain some publicity! :oIo:


Alfrescian (Inf)
As a sec-gen of an opposition party, he should have separated what he wanted to said into 2 letters. 1 purely a letter of condolence and the other, how people were detained for years by LKY.

But like what I said earlier he is a great opportunist. The purpose of the letter is not to console (definitely not), but taking the opportunity.
It's like stabbing someone and then said, I don't mean it you know.

So the following letters from PM Lee to JBJ's sons is gracious?

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong wrote a condolence letter on the demise of JBJ, addressed to JBJ’s sons Kenneth and Philip Jeyaretnam.

PM Lee wrote that JBJ “used to engage in heated debates” in Parliament probably because “he and the PAP never saw eye to eye on any major political issue and he sought by all means to demolish the PAP and our system of government“.

PM Lee said that this “helped neither to build up a constructive opposition nor our Parliamentary tradition

Please read and re-read those UNDERLINED "consolation".


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Harry shall always be harry...he has fought political battles wif opponents of far greater n superior calibre than the entire present oppo/political-social activists(both local, regional, international) combined...n has somehow come up trumps whenever it has mattered....

Sending a goon squad to arrest political adversaries at 4.30 am in the morning and locking them up for two decades without trial can hardly be described as a "political" victory. It's pretty much unadulterated thuggery in my books. The old fart's "knuckle dusters" comment was hardly a figure of speech.:rolleyes: He used gang warfare that the Sicilian Mafia would be proud of.

My definition of a "political victory" is where political opponents go head to head in a campaign to win over the electorate. Lee's heavyweight political opponents never got that opportunity.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Yes Sneer, that's what he says. He is just making an observation on what SDP CSJ is doing. He did not say specifically whether it is right or wrong, nothing judgmental, though he may not agree on whether Chee's strategy will work.

But maybe because he has raised some seemingly valid points about the intent that raise some eye brows here.

For me, Karma will find its way to go round. What you do unto others, others will do unto you. The PAP has not been kind in their words and actions towards people like JBJ who are against them. It is a matter whether one would showcase their kindness and empathy towards their most vicious enemies or opponent but it is totally another cup of tea for people like Locke to "demand" kindness towards the PAP while ignoring the fact that they are not that kind of people who would be kind to others, even in times of grief and mourning. It would be a bonus if people actually empathize and sympathize with their opponents in grief even though knuckle dusters have been used in every fight but it would only be natural for those who have suffered from such bashing to be unkind towards their bullies even when they are in mourning. That is karmic reaction, so to speak.

Of course, in terms of politics, it may not be wise for Chee to do such things as it would not put him and his party in good light. Politics is more than personal punches; it is about winning third party support... the voters.

Goh Meng Seng


Of course, in terms of politics, it may not be wise for Chee to do such things as it would not put him and his party in good light. Politics is more than personal punches; it is about winning third party support... the voters.

So, Mr M S Goh, does the NSP endorse or condemn what the SDP has done? :biggrin:


Sending a good squad to arrest opponents at 4.30 am in the morning can hardly be described as a "political" victory. It's pretty much unadulterated thuggery in my books. The old fart's "knuckle dusters" comment was hardly a figure of speech.:rolleyes:

My definition of a "political victory" is where political opponents go head to head in a campaign to win over the electorate. Lee's political heavyweight political opponents never got that opportunity.

Oh Sam...you almost sound like a Communist! Old Man had to resort to knuckle duster approach with hardcore communists who are assholes mostly.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Oh Sam...you almost sound like a Communist! Old Man had to resort to knuckle duster approach with hardcore communists who are assholes mostly.

They weren't communists. They were socialists. The "communist" label was used simply to justify the use of the ISA.:rolleyes:

Declassified British documents <sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-0">[1]</sup> reveal that Lim was not the Communist he was and is painted in history textbooks in Singapore. In a starkly revealing essay, Dr Greg Poulgrain of Griffith University observes that the British Governor of Singapore and his Chief Secretary in their reports to London stated that the police found no evidence to establish that Lim was Communist.

The Barisan Socialist Manifesto in 1963 pretty much reflected what many Singaporeans are asking of the govt today.. rights for Singaporean workers and a social safety net for the poor and the disadvantaged. It was also against merger with Malaysia which proved to be a disaster.