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Charlotte AShton


Where the fuck you got the idea she din?

Izzit your novel idea of getting a free fuck or blowjob from Charlotte? Keep on dreaming you fucking moron! Carry on masturbating..........

Juz ignore this agoraphobic cunt la. This is one asshole ex sinkie chinese who gave up sinkie citizenship to move to canada and now back in sg as an ft. This fuckin moron thinks that juz coz he now a canadian, he has somehow transformed into a thoroughbred white boy with the mentality to match :rolleyes:

He will not hesitant to diss those who exposes his white master's misdeeds. I must say that he is an excellent white men"s doggie. Juz look at his posts. Just look at all his post n u can spot a trend that he is super pro western way of life and mentality and diss everything thatz asian. I ve learned to ignore all his post becoz they r all super biased and smack of superiority complex :rolleyes:
He has the typical "white men's burden" mentality but juz that he is yellow.
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Juz ignore this agoraphobic cunt la. This is one asshole ex sinkie chinese who gave up sinkie citizenship to move to canada and now back in sg as an ft. This fuckin moron thinks that juz coz he now a canadian, he has somehow transformed into a thoroughbred white boy with the mentality to match :rolleyes:

He will not hesitant to diss those who diss his white master. I must say that he is an excellent white men"s doggie. Juz look at his posts. Just look at all his post n u can spot a trend that he is super pro western way of life and mentality and diss everything thatz asian. I ve learned to ignore all his post becoz they r all super biased and smack of superiority complex :rolleyes:
He has the typical "white men's burden" mentality but juz that he is yellow.

That angmor duakee siow eh will be under my radar.

KNNBCCB to him.


thanks for sharing.

Still puzzle people why Japs want to invade China and Asia? Not for religious reasons nor for technologies. So many poor people and why Japs want poor people country? Furthermore occupy the land and squat with lazy people for what? Has to feed them too.

Apart from wantinf to fuck the european powers for their arrogance and kill all of them out of Asia, Japan also has her own agenda for conquering asia. They need all the natural resources they can get to power the growing economy and military might. They were also facing overpopulation problems and thus need new land to ease the crunch.

But i guess Imperial Japan was the lesser of the 2 evils. At least they managed to kick the imperialistic white colonizers out of asia and show the world that east asians have the power and might to chanllenge western powers.

The tablle is now turning slowly against the western world and in no time it will be the east asia bloc that set the trend. All they need is to settle their archaic differences and join hand and work towards breaking white men's monopoly of the world.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
What a charitable guy, to "break the ice among sinkies and let them have some fun". why don't u make fun of yourself instead of the schoolgirl, and than let everyone laugh at you. If you are such a clown, and want to make everyone laugh, just pour some coffee over your head on the train. Lots of people will laugh at you. Only a coward make other people laugh at the expense of a school girl. Yes, you are an asshole.

you still don't get it even after giving you ample clues. nobody was laughing at the kind young girl. good hardworking sinkies are not like that. they were laughing at me. i'm the clown and butt of their laughter and fun. :rolleyes:

your wrong jump to ASSumptions is a perfect example of why charlotte ashton is white, oops i mean to say, right. :biggrin:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Look, there's a time to let your hair down, there's a time to have a good laugh, especially in uptight Singapore.

But not in this case. It is already so hard to instil civic-mindedness in Singaporeans without subjecting them to ridicule, especially for very shy young people who are making a painstaking effort at public etiquette. What you did was to embarrass the young girl and make her very reluctant in future to offer seat to somebody else for fear of being laughed at. Not everyone has a thick hide and finds it easy to laugh at herself in public.

You could just have said, "Thanks, appreciate the gesture, but I'd rather stand."

thanks for punctuating charlotte ashton's opinion with your sinkie pontification and high mindedness. :biggrin:


Perhaps you might want to make up your mind which direction you wish to take. You are carelessly stumbling, or rather fumbling around.

Give you a hint - yes, you need to prove me wrong. If you can. Good luck.



Is there a need to slander a lowlife like you?

Do I need to prove you wrong or that you were schooled in SekolahKambing?

Only IMH inmates can figure out what goes on in my mind... Time for your valium moron.

Pek Kim Lui

Perhaps you might want to make up your mind which direction you wish to take. You are carelessly stumbling, or rather fumbling around.

Give you a hint - yes, you need to prove me wrong. If you can. Good luck.


In SBF and any other forums you lurk, there is NO need to prove you wrong. Simply becos you were conceived wrongly - from a leaky discarded condom in back lane brothels..

Go to hell & get lost for ever!!


Can't dispute with you on this. So you conclude that you are wrong. That we can accept.

BTW, it is not easy to get lost in Singapore. One simply can't.


In SBF and any other forums you lurk, there is NO need to prove you wrong. Simply becos you were conceived wrongly - from a leaky discarded condom in back lane brothels..

Go to hell & get lost for ever!!


Correction. I never was pro-western. I'm pro-modern. Perhaps you might wish to relook at the way you think. It's kinda backward.


....................... Just look at all his post n u can spot a trend that he is super pro western way of life and mentality and diss everything thatz asian. ......................

Pek Kim Lui

Can't dispute with you on this. So you conclude that you are wrong. That we can accept.

BTW, it is not easy to get lost in Singapore. One simply can't.


You admitted to be offspring from a discarded condom....... how honest.

For moron like you it is easy to get lost n not to know who your bio father is//////////


How did you come to the conclusion that I admitted being an unwanted offspring? You conveniently jump to conclusions which you wish for. I have to say that society comprises the entire spectrum from scumbag to nobility, from your response you show yourself to be scum.


You admitted to be offspring from a discarded condom....... how honest.

For moron like you it is easy to get lost n not to know who your bio father is//////////

Pek Kim Lui

How did you come to the conclusion that I admitted being an unwanted offspring? You conveniently jump to conclusions which you wish for. I have to say that society comprises the entire spectrum from scumbag to nobility, from your response you show yourself to be scum.


Ich bin fucking your mother when she was rounding her heels...... for free. No brainer in guessing how many pricks before and after me.............. at corner of her bed were some recycled condoms.

YOU? noble scum? What a fragrant shit!


Juz ignore this agoraphobic cunt la. This is one asshole ex sinkie chinese who gave up sinkie citizenship to move to canada and now back in sg as an ft. This fuckin moron thinks that juz coz he now a canadian, he has somehow transformed into a thoroughbred white boy with the mentality to match :rolleyes:

He will not hesitant to diss those who exposes his white master's misdeeds. I must say that he is an excellent white men"s doggie. Juz look at his posts. Just look at all his post n u can spot a trend that he is super pro western way of life and mentality and diss everything thatz asian. I ve learned to ignore all his post becoz they r all super biased and smack of superiority complex :rolleyes:
He has the typical "white men's burden" mentality but juz that he is yellow.

Why Canadian now???

Reminds me of Devan Nair the drunkard womanizing ah neh pres
Not good enuf to make it in sg??? Good riddence!
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