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Armstrong in 2013 - Why he did it.


I followed Tour de France for 7 years all because of Armstrong.
Now I don't even bother to watch 1 leg.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I followed Tour de France for 7 years all because of Armstrong.
Now I don't even bother to watch 1 leg.

I stopped watching the tour because of Armstrong. It was all too predictable. Once he had 3 to 4 minutes in the bag, you knew he was going to win.

The recent tours have been a lot more interesting.


As an individual he is a phenomenon - good, bad or ugly, Its your choice. He also generates huge amount of attention.

The attention is now on all those associated with pro cycling over the years.

One interesting trivia out of this is the elderly doping inspector who pre arranged testing sessions not because he was receiving money but that he could not keep up.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I would like to know how he managed to cheat all the tests.

He didn't cheat the tests. He passed the tests and that was the requirement for being classified as clean. A decade later, they redefine the rules and apply them retrospectively. It's criminal.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He is still my hero.
why he did it.

He compete in an era of cycling, when if you dun take performance enhancing aids, you are nobody. To win, you must take it. So the fault is not with him, but with the sport.
It is a disgrace that they went after him like this.

If he is the only person who took aids, then he is in the wrong, but everyone that won something are doing the same. So, those people still kept their medals, while he is being made an scapegoat. This is so unfair for Armstrong. His government attack on him is so unfair, USA athletes in every sport are doing it, so they going to go after all their sportsmen and sportswomen?

hi there

1. bro, i would agree with you on that.
2. doping to win at all cost!

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
oy! what the fuck is this? :confused:



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I don't understand how you can support a cheat and liar. Lemme guess.. you vote for Pap as well??

He simply played the game the way it had to be played in order to win. Had he not done the necessary, the likes of Ullrich, Pantani, Basso or Vino would have assumed the mantle. You'd probably have to go through at least the first 100 finishers in order to find a clean rider.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I've no issues with the doping. It's the lies and denials that I find disgraceful.

You have to understand that the Tour de France is not a sport. It's warfare. You need to keep your cards close to your chest if you want to have a hope in hell of winning.


I'm neither a cycling enthusiast nor an Armstrong fan, however this is a man that has beaten all odds (against survival) and gruelling competition and emerged a champion and on top of this, is an example of human determination and focus and has become a role model for thousands of others to emulate.

For those anti-doping dopeheads, when you have a headache, do you not swallow a Panadol? Seek relieve from pain-killers, remedy from illness from anti-biotics? Even drink Brand's Essence of Chicken for your examinations? And when someone takes some booster to enhance their physical performance, you buggers point your fingers at him and cry foul? Where is your sense of fairplay? Stop being hypocritical and stop holding back progress in biomedical science, allow and accept human knowledge in research for improvement and advancement in life sciences.



Alfrescian (Inf)
He simply played the game the way it had to be played in order to win. Had he not done the necessary, the likes of Ullrich, Pantani, Basso or Vino would have assumed the mantle. You'd probably have to go through at least the first 100 finishers in order to find a clean rider.

Actually the notion that it's a level playing field just because everyone dopes is false. Different people benefit to different degrees when using a particular performance-enhancing drug. If you have a hematocrit of 48% naturally, raising it to 50% with EPO is not going to make much of a difference compared to someone who started off with 42% (50% is the maximum allowable under the new biological passport rules).

Also some people have more money, better doctors, better drugs, better drug-masking techniques, better info on off-season drug tests. Guess which athlete has had it better in every way?

And then you penalize those who refuse to take drugs for whatever reason. Some of these 'natural' athletes could have been a potential 7-time TDF winner, but they quit the sport in disgust.

I don't know whether Lance was the best cyclist out there on natural ability. (Some of his cycling team mates from his amateur years said that he had always lagged behind on the hills in training, and everyone had had to wait for him in the team bus downhill.)

But he's certainly the best doper out there - doping to win, passing doping tests, bribing test labs, committing his teammates to the omerta code.
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Armstrong may be a dope cheat, but he is just one of the many. Many others who cheated got away scot free due to being less popular than Armstrong. The man is just unlucky.

If I were to compare,

it is the same as the people who blames only Nazi Germany for the persecution and massacre of Jews. But they were unaware that the Polish government before the invasion by Germany had also been killing Jews and rounding them up. The Soviet Union was also responsible for handing over Jews to the Nazis during their 'alliance' before Operation Barbarossa. Vichy France was also persecuting Jews. Only Britain and US among the Allies were not Jew-hunting. It is the reason why many European countries are so keen to 'forgive' Germany and portray Germany as 'repented', to bury the skeletons in their closets.


Alfrescian (Inf)
For those anti-doping dopeheads, when you have a headache, do you not swallow a Panadol? Seek relieve from pain-killers, remedy from illness from anti-biotics? Even drink Brand's Essence of Chicken for your examinations? And when someone takes some booster to enhance their physical performance, you buggers point your fingers at him and cry foul? Where is your sense of fairplay? Stop being hypocritical and stop holding back progress in biomedical science, allow and accept human knowledge in research for improvement and advancement in life sciences.

It's OK if performance enhancers do just that - enhance performance. Only question that remains is fairness: some people with more money and better doctors will have the edge. Do you want sports to be a contest of natural athletic ability, or a pharmaceutical contest?

But PEDs harm, and kill. When EPO surfaced, many young cyclists were dropping off like flies of unknown causes - fit young cyclists with VO2 max way above the average man's and fat levels of 4%. Even back in the '60s and '70s, cyclists have died from the use of amphetamines which cause dehydration and abnormal heart rhythm during intense exhaustion. Arnold Schwarzenegger suffered from liver failure due to steroid overdose when he returned to active bodybuilding in '80 for his 7th Mr Olympia.

It's difficult to condone drugs when they harm your health, especially in large quantities that the athletes use, questions of fair play aside. We take a Panadol to relieve a headache, not to take our own lives. If you swallowed 50 Panadols and survived, you'd be arrested for attempted suicide.
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