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Chitchat Ah Neh move back to India from Canada. The comments were so LoL




Scrooball (clone)

You look handsum wohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Now wonder you fell for her

U are so weak and lame in your retorts.

Not intelligent. Not witty. Not young. Not articulate at all. Lol... and you claimed that you 'whacked' the Scroobal?

Aiyo...old already maybe your mental functions are failing you. You better not hang around People's Park Complex too much. Some of your senile genes might rub off from you to the pleasant old men there. Haha!

And here's a little selfie of yourself to end my bludgeoning of you. :biggrin:



U are so weak and lame in your retorts.

Not intelligent. Not witty. Not young. Not articulate at all. Lol... and you claimed that you 'whacked' the Scroobal?

Aiyo...old already maybe your mental functions are failing you. You better not hang around People's Park Complex too much. Some of your senile genes might rub off from you to the pleasant old men there. Haha!

And here's a little selfie of yourself to end my bludgeoning of you. :biggrin:


Why you getting so frustrated Ah Pek.
That is your Ceca uncle. He says he lovbe you berry much

you frustrated because you ni ta ma de meiyuu yinjiing de lao nanran
knnb boh lanjio




CECA Indians should show to the world that they have basic minimum pride, not spineless, move back to their motherland by giving up foreign citizenship,
PR, EP, to make India great again

I like that.
All Sinkies should also move back to India, China, etc etc and leave Singapore to the Bumiputera Malays.


If you have 2 candidates:
1) Local Singaporean NTU grad in computer science asking for a $8k salary

2) CECA with similar degree from some dodgy uni asking for a $4k salary

If you have unlimited budget for recruitment, of course you will hire the first chap. Now but if you are one tight bastard or working in some local SME and wanna save money, u will of course pick the second one. It’s not even possible to consider hiring No.1!

And what if #2 has curry smell and #1 no curry smell. 4k difference for tolerating curry smell?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I fail to understand the anger and hatred here.
From my experience the only reason why people start hating people of another race and react in this manner is fear and their own inability to keep up with the “newcomers”
For eg look at the Chinese in Singapore Malaysia and Indonesia. The locals hated them and still hate them because the Chinese have done much better than the locals.
Now look at the Sinkies.
They have so much fear, anger and hatred for the CECA because the locals cannot challenge and keep up with them.
This is all historical.
Look at Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia again.
The locals fear, anger and hatred towards the Chinese in the past have resulted in riots because the locals thought “they are taking away what belongs to us and we cannot keep up with them”.
Now the same is happening in Canada, England, Australia, Italy, France, etc etc
The Euros in the past subjected the local natives to horrific treatment and abuse.
They prospered and relegated the natives to live in reserves.
Now with thousands of Sikhs and others moving to these countries (as shown in some videos above) and being very hardworking have managed to make themselves much more prosperous than the Euros.
This has resulted in the Euros getting very upset because they are now considered the poor and under privileged and start blaming others without looking at their own inability to keep up with those who work much harder than themselves.
What the Euros are doing now is selling their homes and moving into smaller towns as they cannot survive in the big cities which have become very expensive thanks to these new people.
I see a similar situation in Singapore.
You people who complain so much and curse and swear at the CECA should instead learn from them and work harder.
It is a proven fact that negativity will just lead you to fall deeper into the shit hole.
Just ask the Euros.
They have fallen so deep into the shit hole I fear there is no way out for them.
So all you little complainers here it will do you good and equally good for your mental health to have a positive outlook towards life and others and try to work harder.
Don’t expect your PAPies to help you out of the shit hole you are now in.

I still welcome you outcasts to my village by Lake Victoria, Uganda.
The locals here treat me extremely well because they know this guy is very fair, hardworking, made their life much more comfortable and of course is very handsome.
If one is smart, nobody question, if two are real talented, nobody will dispute, if three are sincere and willing to blend into our culture, they are always welecomed.

The real problem: one brought in the entire tree of family members that span 3 generations, two brought in an entire village and three brought in an entire state of India that came in dozens after dozens plane load.....do you think this is acceptable to the locals?


As mentioned before, this cuntry should be totally banned by WTO and UN from trading with and travelling to any other countries due to their shitty (literally) culture and behaviour which are too deep in their genes.

Before they keep accusing others of racism and xenophobia, they should probe deeply within themselves on why they are engaging in all these disgusting activities to force others to avoid them like a plague and much hated everywhere in the world. Even ghosts would run like hell.






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I like that.
All Sinkies should also move back to India, China, etc etc and leave Singapore to the Bumiputera Malays.
Only ceca Indians need to be sent off, they create shit smell in everywhere

Read the comments from so many people in so many countries, ceca Indians are the most unwelcome in every country.

Let face the fact and reality, CECA Indians are only suitable to live in their motherland


If one is smart, nobody question, if two are real talented, nobody will dispute, if three are sincere and willing to blend into our culture, they are always welecomed.

The real problem: one brought in the entire tree of family members that span 3 generations, two brought in an entire village and three brought in an entire state of India that came in dozens after dozens plane load.....do you think this is acceptable to the locals?

Yes you are correct indeed.
The Chinese and Indians in SE Asia including Sinkapore and Malaysia should all convert to Islam and blend in.
I am sure the locals and natives will be very happy and welcome the outsiders.

In the same way the Euros should all adopt the Native culture and pow wow ways and forget about their past Euro customs or go back to where they came from.



syed putra

What is the Canadian Secret? How do they do it? Oppo parties must learn and put it in their next platform. We have to get rid of the CECA like the Canadians
Canada is a dying country. Hongkies who migrated there must have regretted. No dynamism.
Their private sector built a aircraft to challenge boeing and Airbus and their government did not back that business causing it to nearly go bust if Airbus had not bought it for $1. What kind of government would allow their businesses to be swallowed up cheaply.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Canada is a dying country. Hongkies who migrated there must have regretted. No dynamism.
Their private sector built a aircraft to challenge boeing and Airbus and their government did not back that business causing it to nearly go bust if Airbus had not bought it for $1. What kind of government would allow their businesses to be swallowed up cheaply.
The PAP. They sold NOL for peanuts. Now NOL is very profitable for the new owners CGM-CMA. So, Singapore also no dynamism? U are so fucking stupid