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Chitchat Ah Neh move back to India from Canada. The comments were so LoL

Scrooball (clone)

You want to know who I am - Ceca or not, you can come to my village by Lake Victoria Uganda - if you have the balls.
Otherwise I can meet you up next month at the Minah stall selling goreng pisang People’s Park Complex. I doubt you will be there because it would be very difficult for you to be out of the shit hole.

Lol... how old are you? Knn... meet at People's Park Complex? So that I can pass u a pack of adult diapers is it?

U use FairPrice brand?


Lol....So childish. Typical baby boomer generation. Tsk tsk... i suspect there is a huge generation gap between me and you this senile ah pek.

You are not even proficient in English and you have the cheek to boast about your command in 9 languages? U think anyone in this forum is IMPRESSED by your self-proclaimed proficiency in NINE languages?

Hey I came across this video of you trying to show off.... haha... Anyone? Anyone?

Ah Pek why so jealous?
So bottom line is jealousy.

Scrooball (clone)

Ah Pek why so jealous?
So bottom line is jealousy.
Jealous of you?

You are some old ah pek who is enjoying your arthritis and erectile dsyfunction, while I am in my prime enjoying life in general. By the way, keep calling me an ah pek. haha... hurts me like a bitch. :cry:

U so old already better not have such a hot temper. Otherwise, some kind hearted souls may have to airlift your corpse back to whichever shithole u came from. The holy Ganges River works for you?

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Jealous of you?

You are some old ah pek who is enjoying your arthritis and erectile dsyfunction, while I am in my prime enjoying life in general. By the way, keep calling me an ah pek. haha... hurts me like a bitch. :cry:

U so old already better not have such a hot temper. Otherwise, some kind hearted souls may have to airlift your corpse back to whichever shithole u came from. Haha...
frustrated indeed arrrhhhhh Ah Pek
