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accountant lost virginity kana dumped


so maybe now the accountant feels very guilty for losing her virginity and telling him?


Cam someone summarise for me

SPG Slut get up by AMDK in California, tells Sinkie Beta fiancé, lan lan still marry, but in the end buay tahan divorce. However slut tried to stay in touch because Sinkie Beta became rich lawyer, but was sad but he died without telling her.


Some just call for annulment and pretended like nothing happened :geek:
i got questions.
1.she did not have sex with mr ong all these while while in a relationship with him? then she steal eat with another man? why like that ?
2. she and mr ong must file for divorce and not annulment because she is no longer virgin? or is it after marriage registry registration they piakpiak already so cannot go for annulment but must go for divorce?
3. actually, she and mr ong can go for annulment what. as long as both don't tell truth,no one will know. the judge will inspect sex organs meh?


i got questions.
1.she did not have sex with mr ong all these while while in a relationship with him? then she steal eat with another man? why like that ?
2. she and mr ong must file for divorce and not annulment because she is no longer virgin? or is it after marriage registry registration they piakpiak already so cannot go for annulment but must go for divorce?
3. actually, she and mr ong can go for annulment what. as long as both don't tell truth,no one will know. the judge will inspect sex organs meh?
All these questions are best channelled to the most qualified you-know-who :whistling:
Seriously I don't have a proper answer for all of them.


All these questions are best channelled to the most qualified you-know-who :whistling:
Seriously I don't have a proper answer for all of them.
but I still cannot believe she and mr ong never piakpiak while in a relationship and she chose to let another man piakpiak her. why like that?


but I still cannot believe she and mr ong never piakpiak while in a relationship and she chose to let another man piakpiak her. why like that?
I think in order for you to believe, you will need to believe if wearing a mask can whistle, or a children will whistle at a auntie first :geek: :whistling::wink:


Sounds like sob story of the privileged Sinkie class. In those days, only the rich can afford study abroad