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A Tribute To Good Old Forum Banter




GMS has issues with MOH's response. :wink::coffee::biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

21h ·

After PPP issues our Press Release today, MOH come up with a rhetoric response today, which is a Public Holiday.



GMS is surprised. :o-o::confused::eek:

Goh Meng Seng

18 June at 02:23 ·

I am pretty surprised ST reported on this news about Kansas AGC suing Pfizer about the safety of mRna vaccines while ignoring our PPP Press Releases.

But that's ok. According to Kansas AGC, Pfizer knew that its mRna vaccines are not safe for pregnant women because its own lab test on mice had given a serious signal. Yet it continued to make the claim that it's safe for pregnant women!

If you remember, MOH has made strong assertion that the vaccines are safe for pregnant women back in 2021.

However, anyone looking at the data on still birth, prenatal deaths and miscarriages for the past 3 years yet?



GMS enjoys cai png. :wink::coffee::tongue:

Goh Meng Seng

19 June at 23:12 ·

Katong Shopping Centre has a air-conditioned Food Court and naturally, I will try out the Singaporeans' favorite food, Cai Png.

Food Court Cai Png is definitely much more expensive than my favorite coffeeshop Cai Png in AMK. They are usually 40% to 50% more expensive.

The good thing is food in Katong area should not taste too bad as we have Katong Laksa, Katong Chicken Rice, Katong Wan Tan Mee, Katong banana pie (yeah, just at the back of my little pop up shop), Katong Bai Chang (dumplings) etc.

This Katong Cai Png didn't fail the taste test, the curry is fragrant and the braised pork is superbly soft.

Guess how much does this Cai Png cost?

Answer: $6.50



GMS comments on History Revisionist. :wink::coffee::tongue:

Goh Meng Seng

3h ·

History Revisionist

Just because we are now anti-smoking, we have to remove the cigarette off this mura which depicted the reality of the life back in history?

That's Revisionist.



GMS is concerned. :cautious:

Goh Meng Seng

8h ·

Singapore has imposed sanctions on Russia over Ukraine war. We will not able to join BRICS now while Malaysia has applied to join BRICS. In fact, more Asian countries are more interested to join BRICS now.

Most likely, in the decades to come, China will integrate its One Belt One Route strategy with BRICS. Although India and China have traditional rivalry in terms of border clashes, but Russia will play an important role in glueing them together.

Well, will Singapore lose anything if we lost the ticket to join BRICS because of our unilateral sanctions imposed on Russia? Only Time will tell.

BRICS will become the base of the alternative Polar of Economic influence that will challenge the dominance of the Western Developed countries led by US.

If Indonesia joins BRICS, the impact on trade and politics would be even larger because we will have the three most populous countries in the world grouping together in BRICS.

"Any country seeking to join the BRICS group should not participate in illegal unilateral sanctions, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said, emphasizing that this is a key criteria for Moscow to welcome new members.'



GMS discusses U Turns. :o-o::confused::biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

9h ·

Alot of people are apprehensive of what PM Lawrence Wong has said here. Many people have criticized him for giving such a "vague and inconsequential" Vision.

It took me a while to think about his vision for Singapore.

I realized it is not unusual for him to come up with such U-Turn terminology. The Covid committee which he was part of and led throughout 2021, had made quite a number of U Turns.

From no need masking, no need social distancing to mandatory Universal Masking and no massive events which I had advocated right from the start.

From $4.5B deficit enough to deal with Covid economic impact (which I have mocked at) to $80B funding.

From "no need to lock down, live life normally" to "we will lock down".

From Vax has 95% efficacy and we will achieve herd immunity to Vax will not prevent infection nor transmission but prevent serious illness and no more herd immunity.

There are just too many U Turns within these few years for him, personally. He finally understood that U Turns are nothing to be shameful about .

In fact, these U Turns are actually the right decisions made, amidst the little embarrassment created. Without these U Turns, many lives and livelihood would be affected. No shame in U Turning for the interests and welfare of our people.

However, in Contrast, the VDS, no jab no job and the ongoing nudging people to "update" their jabs were all the wrong policies that went wild. I would not call it U Turn when they "relaxed" the No Jab No Job rule because they still allow such rule to be exercised by some employers as they wish!

I promise I won't mock at PAP GOV under leadership of Lawrence Wong if he so decided to do a U Turn on this vax program and effect a halt on it.

Last but not least, if Lawrence Wong really means what he say, he should review our Penal Code and imprisonment system. A lot of Ex-Convicts tried to do U Turn in their life but the system is just too unforgiving and exceptionally harsh on them.

We have to rethink on the system of imprisonment as a means to rehabilitate instead of "punishment". Let's start with AGC, the judiciary system and the prison system. Then we talk about social stigma and mindsets.

Of course there will be a lot more to talk about U Turns on other aspects but I shall stop here for now.



GMS tries to look handsome. :rolleyes::eek::roflmao:

Goh Meng Seng

7h ·

Keep it Handsome

Calvin Cheng has criticized me as "ugly" while Iris Koh has put up a survey which found more than 90% found him more ugly than me.

Well, nevertheless, I guess I must keep myself look Handsome thus I visited the barber shop Keep It Handsome at Blk 820 Tampines St 81 and get the most expensive hair cut I have paid in my life (my father used to cut my hair when I was young, I never paid more than $10 for a hair cut).

The 32 yr old barber Joy is pretty skilful and I have a good hair cut! Handsome boh?

Well actually, I want to tell everyone including Calvin, looks come right from the heart. 相從心生. He can't be handsome than me if he keeps having bad evil vindictive thoughts about jailing and caning Unvax.




GMS had two encounters. :coffee::eek::biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

25 June at 21:45 ·

In my usual routine today, I have two encounters.

While I was walking pass a guy, I was having a phone call. When I met him again, he asked me, "Are you GMS? I recognize your voice!"

Maybe my haircut made me too handsome to be recognized but luckily my voice still recognizable.

While having my brunch at my usual hawker center, a supporter took a snapshot of me from far.

He told me the first thought seeing me having my usual meal in hawker centre without any professional photographer, grassroot or bodyguard surrounding me is "GMS is from the people, with the people and for the people."



GMS hopes his Ginger Tea can last. :unsure::coffee::tongue:

Goh Meng Seng

6h ·

Coffee or Tea or Vinegar?

Just got out of POFMA Office for lunch after first round of investigation. Brought my own home brew Ginger + Akbar English Breakfast Tea for this investigation.

I will have to go back again after lunch. Hope my Ginger Tea can last.



GMS asks whether he is handsome. :rolleyes::redface::biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

27 June at 22:15 ·

Extremely rare that I wear so "formally". Yeah I know, a lot of people wear long shirts to work but my default is polo shirt plus Bermudas. This is specially for POFMA Office!

Handsome boh?



GMS back to normal. :wink::coffee::tongue:

Goh Meng Seng

28 June at 22:58 ·

Ok, back to my normal me with Polo T Shirt and Bermudas at my little pop up shop at Katong Shopping Centre!

Now, this photo does not have AI beauty function, don't complain liao hor!

Please come down to have tea and support my Akbar Tea!
