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A Tribute To Good Old Forum Banter




GMS asks ALL PAP Ministers, MPs, Members and IBs to go get jabbed. :cautious::eek::laugh:

Goh Meng Seng

6h ·

Alert ALL PAP Ministers, MPs, Members and IBs! I believe you have gotten this SMS message from your friendly neighborhood MOH! Please take the Lead and go for your Jab NOW! Waste no time! Post your Jabbing on social media please!



GMS is concerned. :cautious:

Goh Meng Seng

30 May at 05:34 ·

While media in Malaysia is giving Full Coverage on Vaccine Side Effects and even made headlines on being 'Forced to take vaccine whose safety and effectiveness were unproven", all our media in SG are all MUTED like ostriches dipping their heads in the sand pits!



GMS enjoys Bak Chor Mee. :tongue:

Goh Meng Seng

30 May at 19:36 ·

The Best for Value Bah Chor Mee in Singapore at YCK SMC! Although price has increased but they never cut the portion of ingredients.

However, the soup quality has dropped, most likely due to savings of expensive ingredients for the soup. Nevertheless still worth the money.



GMS is disappointed. :frown:

Goh Meng Seng

1 June at 02:11 ·

We are disappointed that our Press Statement on Suspension of Vaccination Programme has drawn unwarranted malicious attacks on the various Experts from all around the world.

These highly esteemed International Experts are well respected in their respective fields of specialization. Unfortunately, due to their opinions and views run contrary to the interests of Big Pharma, Big Tech and the establishments, they were constantly targeted and smeared with deliberate efforts internationally through sponsored Fact Checkers and censorship.

In particular, Dr Peter McCullough is a highly respected Cardiologist and Public Health advocate whose opinions and views are highly sought after. He has given testimonies in various hearings conducted by the various states government as well as the HomeLand Security in the United States. He was even selected for consideration for the prestigious IAOTP Lifetime Achievement Award for 2024 (International Association Of Top Professionals).

Science can only evolve better with constant debates and reviews to form consensus. Even long standing scientific consensus could be debunked or rethink when new evidence or findings are made. "Fact Checkers" have conceded that what they put up may not be the "Truth" as well but just alternative views or narratives against those which run contrary to their likings.

It is unfortunate that some Singaporeans just jump into Smearing Campaign mode immediately when there are people who do not agree with their Pro-Vax stance. This is the result of decades of brain washing through our education system and PAP's management of dissidents, critics and political opponents. Official Smearing Campaigns are not uncommon with the total lack of robust healthy debates of issues.

We hope that Singaporeans at large would ignore such malicious attempts of smearing and focus on the issues at hand. Read about the numerous findings of which, we have raised some of them in our Press Statement. Make your own judgement from your own reading instead of being subjected to the influence of such noise.

Goh Meng Seng



GMS is mad. :mad:

Goh Meng Seng

2 June at 04:52 ·

This is scandalous that academic freedom has been compromised and this is unacceptable as it impedes on the progress of humanity.

Just because scientific research didn't sing to the tunes of Big Pharma, they are being suppressed!

But Truth is Golden and it will withstand the test of time. Several other scientific research have confirmed the initial finding that the COVID spike protein could suppress the anti cancer P53 tumor suppressor protein which will in turn cause a rapid growth of cancer tumor.




GMS pays tribute. :thumbsup:

Goh Meng Seng

4 June at 04:46 ·

Tribute to the Late Nobel Laureate Mr. Luc Montagnier

The late Nobel Laureate Mr. Luc Montagnier was the very first world renowned expert to raise the alarm that the Wuhan Virus (aka Covid19 virus) is definitely man made because he said that the presence of the 4 HIV genes at the spike proteins can never happen in nature!

Inspite of the fact that he was the expert in HIV research, he was smeared and ridiculed as "conspiracy theorist" by the enormous machinery mobilized to discredit him

He is now vindicated as Truth slowly prevails. There was indeed a Gain of Functions research funded by Fauci which was commissioned to the lab in Wuhan!

And now we know, it is entirely possible that this COVID-19 virus is indeed genetically created by human and the pandemic was most probably due
to a lab leak!

There are a lot of "Conspiracy Theories" being vindicated one by one and everyone just quietly forget what those paid "fact checkers" have been wrong in many instances!

Is the Spike Proteins "toxic"? We are being "Fact Checked" whenever we point out that the Spike Protein may create problems and the Vaccines are using it. The Spike Protein is now considered as a "pathogen" in many research papers and considered as one of the major culprit which created a lot of problems and harm to our body.

Of course the Die Hard Pro Vax establishment would just deny and use all their powers to force academic journals to withdraw those research papers which run contrary to their narratives.

I would take a moment to moan the loss of a great selfless man, Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier for his dedication to mankind with total disregard of the smearing and reputation damage he suffered, just to warn us of the
potential harms ahead to the best of his knowledge.

May you Rest In Peace.




GMS is concerned. :cautious:

Goh Meng Seng

4 June at 06:22 ·

This is how Real Experts would treat important signals like Excess Deaths from All Cause Mortality. Instead of brushing these signals off or trying every means to side track the issues, we would do an in-depth cross sectional, intra and inter-countries data analysis.

Singapore has one of the highest Excess Deaths of All Cause Mortality in the world but yet our authorities have chosen to act like an ostrich in the sand pit.

This publication of the research paper on Excess Deaths of All Cause Mortality comes JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME to reiterate and reinforce People's Power Party's concern is truly timely and legitimate.

Research paper can be seen here:




GMS says old dear. :cautious::eek::biggrin:

Goh Meng Seng

4 June at 10:09 ·

Oh dear! This is really EMBARRASSING to Ministry of Health! Right after MOH puts up a Press Release to accuse us, People's Power Party - PPP of "making false claims" and asserting that "COVID-19 Vaccines do not cause Excess Death" at all, British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a research paper put up by scientists from Netherlands which supported our position and suggested Covid vaccines may be one of the causes of Excess Deaths!

