GMS responds.

9h ·
The following is my response and comment on MOH's latest "Myth or Fact" post:
This is the ONLY REAL HARD TRUTH data we have and if what MOH said here is true, does it mean that even in 2022 and 2023 there are many Covid deaths by Unvax and those "not up to date" vax people?
Mind you, over 90% of people were "up to date" in vax in 2022, due to silly MOH allowing No Jab No Job rule!
But why are we still having high Excess Deaths in 2022?
Was the Covid deaths in 2022 exceptionally high?
This is the most incoherent, nonsensical "Fact" MOH has put up so far, total disregard of the factual Data. It's really an total irony to call it 'Facts'.
Nevertheless I thank MOH to respond to my nagging on the high correlations of horrendous Excess Deaths of 20% to its reckless Vax program.
But at the very least, can you try not to make yourself look stupid by contradicting your own narrative that the various variants of Covid is very mild and doesn't cause much death?
I call upon MOH to halt the mRna vaccination and to investigate thoroughly on the extraordinary phenomenal Excess Deaths we are facing right now.
Yes, high correlations are not necessarily causation but it deserves caution in the interests of Public Health.
We don't profess we know the Truth or facts when everyone else, including all your experts, really have no clue at all what causes these extraordinary Excess Deaths.
The right thing to do is to Pause and be Cautious.