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  1. apple16

    Any thoughts on the new ScamNet app that is lately becoming popular?

    ScamNet: Anti-Scam App (App Store Link) Hey peeps! Scams have became more sophisticated over the years and has evolved to happening over websites, malware and etc. Yet, I am so annoyed that ScamShield, an app that is supposed to protect us from these scams, have practically not changed since...
  2. D

    Expose the face of Djohan Darmadi - Forex Scammer

    Total amount of money scammed by this guy from Singaporeans should exceeds 20 million USD. The scammer has the audacity to call himself Top 100 Entrepreneur of Indonesia. Apparently, many police reports have been made in Malaysia and Indonesia but both countries are corrupt to hell - the scammer...
  3. B

    Australia, the bloody cuntry

    So there's like 25mil people in Oz as of 2017, but there are 20mil foreign visa holders. That's quite a number of visa holders who probably choose to stay the hell away after figuring what Oz is about - a bloody cuntry. All said the Kangeroos make good money from the visa biz! IELTS is a...
  4. Leongsam

    Global warming is the biggest money making scam ever!

  5. grandtour

    Serious [Sg News] Fair & Lovely Indian Snake scamming MOM Singapore

    http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/34-weeks-jail-for-illegally-employing-foreign-workers-and-providing 34 weeks' jail for manager who illegally employed foreign workers and provided unacceptable accommodation Published Feb 24, 2017, 7:40 pm SGT Facebook0 Twitter...
  6. Survivor

    Beware of Streetdeal SCAM

    I bought a travel package with Streetdeal sometimes in October 2012. Sway Sway, the vendor providing the travel package (Travelmoove) went bankrupt. I complained to CASE, but CASE couldn’t do anything and advised me to sue Streetdeal at Small Claims Tribunal. I was sure I could take...
  7. mojito

    E-pass deluge to subside, S-pass extended family to return home

    Changes to the Personalised Employment Pass From 1 December 2012, the qualifying criteria for the Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) will be raised and some of its features will be refined. This ensures that the PEP remains a premium pass for top-tier foreign talent and is in line with...
  8. S

    S'porean arrested in HK for $4.9b bank scam

    http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest%2BNews/Singapore/Story/A1Story20120909-370474.html A Singaporean man is among eight people who allegedly tried to cheat the Nanyang Commercial Bank (NCB) in Hong Kong with fake cashier's orders. According to Shin Min Daily News, the men visited the bank's...
  9. Rogue Trader

    [Humsup sinkies beware!] Cybersex extortion scams by FTs on the rise

    Cybersex extortion by foreign women on the rise my paper Tuesday, Aug 14, 2012 POLICE have received at least 32 reports involving foreign women who attempted to extort money from victims following cybersex sessions over webcams, according to a police statement yesterday. In the reports made...
  10. S

    CHC response to comments made by Temasek

    CHC sounds very defensive Editor's Note: This is a rebut article for the original post found here. http://thinking-free-and-fair.blogsp...y-harvest.html Dear TRS, Thank you for writing such an amazing post on your take on the whole City Harvest Church saga. I respect your views...
  11. S

    CHC Member challenges Critics to join the Church for 1 year

    CHC sounds very defensive Editor's Note: This is a rebut article for the original post found here. http://thinking-free-and-fair.blogspot.sg/2010/03/analysis-into-wealth-of-city-harvest.html Dear TRS, Thank you for writing such an amazing post on your take on the whole City...
  12. S

    chc issue statement support con hee... what do u think

    SINGAPORE - City Harvest Church (CHC) founder Kong Hee will continue preaching at the church despite facing three charges of criminal breach of trust as an agent. And so will his deputy pastor, Tan Ye Peng, 39, who faces 10 charges. The church's executive pastor, Mr Aries Zulkarnain, said...
  13. S

    How far can money get you in the music industry?

    By Lediati Tan The New Paper Sunday, Jul 01, 2012 SINGAPORE - Made my wish to be a superstar, sings Ms Ho Yeow Sun in her English single, Fancy Free. Ten years ago, Ms Ho, 42, who goes by the stage name Sun Ho, embarked on her secular music career as part of the Crossover Project to reach...
  14. S

    unpleasant experience at city harvest church - posted by someone

    My unpleasant experience at City Harvest Church after being brought there by a female friend Posted by temasektimes on June 29, 2012 My background: this was in 2000 ish, I was in a pre-u school and one of my classmates was (don’t know how she is now) a staunch believer of City Harvest...
  15. S

    "I maintain my integrity" Con Hee greeted with standing ovation

    What makes Aries Zulkarnain statement could affect the court judgement Lawyers said the statement made by executive pastor of City Harvest Church regarding allegations of misuse of funds before the case has gone to trial is risky - if not reckless - and could be construed as interfering with...
  16. M

    Edmund Ng Singapore SEO Scam

    I was surfing the web and typed "Edmund Ng SEO Scams" and to my surprised, I found this sammyboy forums. Just want to share to you guys, I am also a victim of Edmund Ng Singapore SEO courses. I’ve paid thousand over dollars to him, didnt learned anything much from him. He passed me his DVDs...
  17. Rogue Trader

    Foreign Talent monks asking tourists for money

    Monks spotted asking tourists for money Zenzen inSing.com - 24 mins ago A group of monks have been spotted loitering around the Singapore River area asking money from passersby. A netizen "Kong Woon" took photos of these monks and submitted the pictures to the Stomp website. Kong Woon said...
  18. H

    T3B System is a Big Scam and Bullshit! Keane is a Sweet Talker!

    T3B system is a really big scam and bullshit! I have friends who attended their T3B courses and until now still losing money and loses a lot of money. Their T3B dont work at all. They can tell you that now their T3B system is making good money recently, but I can tell you, in the bull run...
  19. H

    Alvin Phang blogging workshop is a real scam!!!

    Alvin Phang blogging workshop is really a big big scam!!! I read this from this guy who attended Alvin Phang's blogging workshop in Malaysia, and turned out to be a real big scam. I went to Alvin Phang's preview in Singapore before, and he said that he is not a bullshit and really confirm to...
  20. H

    Alvin Phang Alvin Phang Alvin Phang Alvin Phang Alvin Phang Alvin Phang Alvin Phang!

    Hi everyone, After waited for so many days and no one wants to share about the Alvin Phang blogging workshop experience, I have come to this conclusion, I believed Alvin Phang blogging workshop most likely 99% is a scam. Singaporeans had this habit or culture, they like to suffer in...