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Hope For Singapore?


Alfrescian (Inf)
We are already very pro USA, and we were never popular to begin with.

Yet today the PAP has 60.14% of the popular vote, the citizen dissent has only translated into 7% of the seats going to the opposition, and we are a small rich nation that likes to be arrogant from time to time just to stroke the ego of the elites.

Agree with you. But if we know that we are not doing the right thing as situations have changed, does it not mean that we ought to do a U-turn and do the correct thing?


The USA's GDP is 3 times the next contender, which is China (just overtaken Japan - sorry, Irene Yeoh) in 2010. Can China catch up? Sure, by will take a very long time. Many decades. Maybe over a century if Chinese historical cycles are still in play.

Why sorry to me? I've worked for JAL before but that was just work. I'm still Chinese. I'm happy that Chinese economy is bigger than Japan.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You have international politics all backwards. Being nice on the world stage does not bring you friends. Self interest rules the day, and all political calculations are made on long term economic considerations.

In order to survive in the hostile region, SG needs the USA as a strategic ally. Why do you think we are such a stooge of US foreign policy and not to mention, the liberal use of naval bases, etc? What SG needs is not elimination of threat (which is impossible), but balance of power -- and that is also what the USA seeks to achieve in the Pacific. Since our interests are so much aligned with theirs, is it any wonder we spread legs to let USA screw w/o condom?

Hostile? Threats? Isn't these self indulged fears and imaginations? Brunei, one of the richest nation in the world should have equipped herself with nuclear arms. A country that is ruled with self interests breeds brilliant citizens with same the interests and we are not far off.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hostile? Threats? Isn't these self indulged fears and imaginations? Brunei, one of the richest nation in the world should have equipped herself with nuclear arms. A country that is ruled with self interests breeds brilliant citizens with same the interests and we are not far off.

Good points abt Brunei


Alfrescian (Inf)
Hostile? Threats? Isn't these self indulged fears and imaginations?

Threats are frequently used by rogue govts to frighten the citizens and to garner their support.

did you remember how the pap used to tell Singaporeans abt bad times ahead and having to tighthen belts?

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Thick Face Black Heart said:
The myth of the USA decline has been greatly exaggerated.
The USA's GDP is 3 times the next contender, which is China (just overtaken Japan - sorry, Irene Yeoh) in 2010. Can China catch up? Sure, by will take a very long time. Many decades. Maybe over a century if Chinese historical cycles are still in play.

The USA does not suffer the same kind of demographic nightmare as the European nations or Japan. It has more arable land per capita than all the European nations and Japan.
Tell me how the USA is in decline.

Do not confuse the total GDP of a country with its GDP per capita. For the GDP per capita of China to catch up with the USA, it will take many, many years, maybe 30 to 40 years. But most economists, just by looking at raw growth figures, would predict China to overtake USA in just 10 years in the total size of their economies and India to do the same by 2050. This is, in fact, the more significant event as not only does it passes the baton over for bragging rights but also signifies a change in their respective influence in the world. Of course the USA can use its military power to disrupt this eventuality from happening but I doubt they will do it without attracting irreparable harm to themselves. The recent overture by Japan to start a direct Yen-Yuan trading arrangement with China, although done with a low profile and Obama keeping a brave front, maintaining silence, shows that Japan is getting ready for a change in the pecking order of world politics. Japan's next stop is India, scheduled early next year. Even the recent demise of Kim Jong Il showed some remarkable change with S Korea sending its former First Lady Lee Hee Ho and Hyundai Group Chairwoman Hyun Jeung Eun to express their condolences. There is also a desire of both China and S Korea to start a new relationship. Also something is going on between China and Vietnam. This string of events is something we can not see a year ago. So the preparation for change has started.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Do not confuse the total GDP of a country with its GDP per capita. For the GDP per capita of China to catch up with the USA, it will take many, many years, maybe 30 to 40 years. But most economists, just by looking at raw growth figures, would predict China to overtake USA in just 10 years in the total size of their economies and India to do the same by 2050. This is, in fact, the more significant event as not only does it passes the baton over for bragging rights but also signifies a change in their respective influence in the world. Of course the USA can use its military power to disrupt this eventuality from happening but I doubt they will do it without attracting irreparable harm to themselves. The recent overture by Japan to start a direct Yen-Yuan trading arrangement with China, although done with a low profile and Obama keeping a brave front, maintaining silence, shows that Japan is getting ready for a change in the pecking order of world politics. Japan's next stop is India, scheduled early next year. Even the recent demise of Kim Jong Il showed some remarkable change with S Korea sending its former First Lady Lee Hee Ho and Hyundai Group Chairwoman Hyun Jeung Eun to express their condolences. There is also a desire of both China and S Korea to start a new relationship. Also something is going on between China and Vietnam. This string of events is something we can not see a year ago. So the preparation for change has started.

Intuitively, many people sense that China is rising and USA is decline..Looks like it's a matter of time before China overtakes the USA economically. However, USA is not sitting quietly. It will try to use strategies like the Taiwan card, etc to slow China's growth. Whether USA will succeed will be seen in the future

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
TracyTan866 said:
Intuitively, many people sense that China is rising and USA is decline..Looks like it's a matter of time before China overtakes the USA economically. However, USA is not sitting quietly. It will try to use strategies like the Taiwan card, etc to slow China's growth. Whether USA will succeed will be seen in the future

If the KMT succeeds in retaining power, I don't the Taiwan's card can be used because Taiwan has also to think of its own future. If the USA puts bragging rights aside and continues development on its own, as what TFBH has said, the USA has a definite edge over Japan and Europe and can continue to be the leader in technology and innovation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If the KMT succeeds in retaining power, I don't the Taiwan's card can be used because Taiwan has also to think of its own future. If the USA puts bragging rights aside and continues development on its own, as what TFBH has said, the USA has a definite edge over Japan and Europe and can continue to be the leader in technology and innovation.

Yes, the USA is very innovative and enterprising. it will take a lot for them to crumble...but recent years have seen a clear USA decline..

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Do not confuse the total GDP of a country with its GDP per capita. For the GDP per capita of China to catch up with the USA, it will take many, many years, maybe 30 to 40 years. But most economists, just by looking at raw growth figures, would predict China to overtake USA in just 10 years in the total size of their economies and India to do the same by 2050.

Total GDP of china to overtake US in 10 years? Not possible. You'd have to assume the continuation to 10% p.a. blistering growth for China for the next 10 years, and GDP of US = 0% growth for the next 10 years.

Japan wants closer monetary relationship with china because they lack labour and cannot import labour like singapore, and the Japanese also want closer access to chinese markets in case USA start to play punk. However USA will remain significant export centre for both China and Japan, you cannot discount the enormous influence from USA.

Unification of Korea is almost inevitable within our lifetime, IMO (I am assuming u are not a very old man, rite?) India will have a hard landing. S. Korea is strategic to the region and the USA will try to leverage there in order to counter Japan and China.

Throughout the pacific, change is coming because the major players are trying to gain a better foothold. From rising commodity prices to instability in the middle east to re-emergence of russia to collapse of the EU, each major power has the incentive to spread their influence to secure trading relationships and counter US influence. But the US will remain dominant on a global basis for the foreesable future, IMO.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Japan wants closer monetary relationship with china because they lack labour and cannot import labour like singapore, .

what is the reason Jpn cant import labour like SG?

SG imports cheap labour liberally... the skilled, the unskilled, the qualified, the unqualified, the fake qualified, the fake skilled, the uncouth, the uncivilised, the 3rd world migrant...is that the reason JPN doesnt do what SG is doing because the Japanese are more discerning and more selective?
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Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
true..but why do Malaysia lash at us? Because we are not close friends. So we need to have good relationship and deterence

There can never be truly good relation with malaysia because malaysia will always view SG as a hemorrhoid stuck at their arsehole. To them SG sits at a strategic location that can control entry and exit from the Strait of Malacca. There is also the envy factor. And also the fact that SG is a prostitute. And also the fact that SG has too many chinese, and rich chinese at that. And also the fact that our leaders are arrogant and actively seek to contain malaysia by blowing foreign powers. So many reasons for M'sia to hate SG.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
what is the reason Jpn cant import labour like SG?

SG imports cheap labour liberally... the skilled, the unskilled, the qualified, the unqualified, the fake qualified, the fake skilled, the uncouth, the uncivilised, the 3rd world migrant...is that the reason JPN doesnt do what SG is doing because the Japanese are more discerning and more selective?

Japanese culture forbids dilution of the national identity by import of foreigners.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There can never be truly good relation with malaysia because malaysia will always view SG as a hemorrhoid stuck at their arsehole. To them SG sits at a strategic location that can control entry and exit from the Strait of Malacca. There is also the envy factor. And also the fact that SG is a prostitute. And also the fact that SG has too many chinese, and rich chinese at that. And also the fact that our leaders are arrogant and actively seek to contain malaysia by blowing foreign powers. So many reasons for M'sia to hate SG.

Yes, enough reasons for Malaysia to dislike SG...Did SG leaders aggravate the situation??


Alfrescian (Inf)
Japanese culture forbids dilution of the national identity by import of foreigners.

That's a wise policy..Japan is a homogenous society which is proudly clean and cultured. It serves Japanese and japanese well. I wish SG has that kind of backbone instead of being a whore to materialism
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Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
1. Economically
a. It's huge debts
b. Is its economy doing well?
c. Its financial institutions are in trouble

2. Militarily -It is no more militarily supreme..even third world countries like Afghanistan can bog USA down for 10yrs

3. Technologically - other countries are catching up fast..eg Boeing vs Aerospatiale

4. Socially - The family as an important institution is being challenged

5. Religiously - It has moved away from being God-centred

6. Politically - The politicians are not as honest and upright as before

Tell me what is USA doing well now that can keep it in the pole position?

If you owe 10 trillion dollars to foreigners, but have a total net worth of 100 trillion dollars, it is other people who have a problem, not you. That's the case with the USA now. (Remember GDP is NOT net worth -- GDP measures the sum total of annual transactions, it is different from net asset value).

The only problem you have is that the 100 trillion is in private hands, and how to get it from private hands into public coffers? Taxation is one way. Inflation is more indirect, and more devastating to the lower income, but more politically acceptable in the long run. Since foreigners own the debt, the bestest way is via currency depreciation. That's why I own gold and gold stocks.

Afghanistan is no issue. How can it ever be an issue when the main fighting was done by local insurgents and not US forces? It was Iraq that was the major policy plunder and diverted crucial resources away from areas that desperately needed them. Because the americans were bogged down in Iraq, they ignored the re-emergence of russia, and this will come back to haunt them in 2015-2030.

The other factors you mention are insignificant. Technologically, USA will always be the world leader. In fact, moving away from being God centered will be a plus for the USA, as it means it can pursue stem cell research without hinderence. But I won't count on that happening anytime soon. Religion is like opium.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you owe 10 trillion dollars to foreigners, but have a total net worth of 100 trillion dollars, it is other people who have a problem, not you. That's the case with the USA now. (Remember GDP is NOT net worth -- GDP measures the sum total of annual transactions, it is different from net asset value).

The only problem you have is that the 100 trillion is in private hands, and how to get it from private hands into public coffers? Taxation is one way. Inflation is more indirect, and more devastating to the lower income, but more politically acceptable in the long run. Since foreigners own the debt, the bestest way is via currency depreciation. That's why I own gold and gold stocks.

Afghanistan is no issue. How can it ever be an issue when the main fighting was done by local insurgents and not US forces? It was Iraq that was the major policy plunder and diverted crucial resources away from areas that desperately needed them. Because the americans were bogged down in Iraq, they ignored the re-emergence of russia, and this will come back to haunt them in 2015-2030.

The other factors you mention are insignificant. Technologically, USA will always be the world leader. In fact, moving away from being God centered will be a plus for the USA, as it means it can pursue stem cell research without hinderence. But I won't count on that happening anytime soon. Religion is like opium.

You are an optimist...I am less optimistic abt USA..I think many things are going wrong and Obama has his hands full..


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you owe 10 trillion dollars to foreigners, but have a total net worth of 100 trillion dollars, it is other people who have a problem, not you. That's the case with the USA now. (Remember GDP is NOT net worth -- GDP measures the sum total of annual transactions, it is different from net asset value).

The only problem you have is that the 100 trillion is in private hands, and how to get it from private hands into public coffers? Taxation is one way. Inflation is more indirect, and more devastating to the lower income, but more politically acceptable in the long run. Since foreigners own the debt, the bestest way is via currency depreciation. That's why I own gold and gold stocks.

Afghanistan is no issue. How can it ever be an issue when the main fighting was done by local insurgents and not US forces? It was Iraq that was the major policy plunder and diverted crucial resources away from areas that desperately needed them. Because the americans were bogged down in Iraq, they ignored the re-emergence of russia, and this will come back to haunt them in 2015-2030.

The other factors you mention are insignificant. Technologically, USA will always be the world leader. In fact, moving away from being God centered will be a plus for the USA, as it means it can pursue stem cell research without hinderence. But I won't count on that happening anytime soon. Religion is like opium.

What do you think USA has done well..compared to its past or compared to its competitors