• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Tan Kin Lian replies to "smears"


Thank you for deciding to take a step back, Debonerman the motherfuck**. Enjoy watching.

Pissed off? Not at all. Yeah I am a motherfucker alright! Just ask your mother. She died? Was she smiling with her last breath? That's Debonerman for you! Guess you were never in sammyboy until you came in to defend the scheming bastard Tan Kin Lian. I am going to take a back step to enjoy watching you hang Tan Kin Lian's effigy in this forum!:wink:


Porfirio Rubirosa. Please say something meaningful. You wasted my time reading your silly remark. If you do not have question, please do not post.

I am not selling BS - and hence, your 11 years old niece cannot buy.

u gotta try harder wif yr spin dude...even my 11 yr old niece does not buy yr BS...


Tonight I go tell his parents the good news that their child got potential to be lawyer or accountant:smile: Btw, do you think his son can be also become doctor bo:confused:

2. And watch out for the change in my sig. later:rolleyes:

Doctor not so easy, doctor must really study hard one.
But be careful, what do they call the guy who finished bottom of his class in medical school?
Ans: Doctor. :biggrin:

You added an "a" before "colour"?
The answer is the same. You never have to.


I put it from another perspective, show me WHICH candidates have not declared that he is INDEPENDENT?

Once you say you are independent, isn't it by logic you are declaring that you do not have any "association" or "affiliation" or whatever with any political parties?

I don't understand what the candidates mean when they say they are independent. Tony definitely said it, not sure if TCB did, can you confirm.
Is there any other kind of presidential candidate other than an independent one? Isn't "government endorsed" merely a commonly used term and not an official one?

On the other hand, Tony may mean that he is independent as in not endorsed by government, yet he may admit that he is affiliated with pap and their policies through the years. He won't have any choice.

My point is very simple.
As an ordinary singaporean voter, I would like my president to be straightforward, walk the talk and talk the walk (does what he says, says what he does), just be open and frank whenever he talks to the people with no "double speak" and not to be calculating the angles everytime the wind blows.

Rather surprised that for someone who for years in the forum going back to delphi days, consistently describes yourself as being straightforward, you don't seem to get it. Surely you understood my reservations about the petition. (post number 25)
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TKL has openly declared his disagreement with PAP and has resigned long ago from PAP, as compared to TCB (1 month ago) and TT (1 day ago)!

Btw, in my view only, the above is a plus for TKL and a small minus for TCB and a big minus for Tony.
Still doesn't change the fact that he asked for a petition previously and asked an opposition party member and canddiate to collect his nomination forms.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Btw, in my view only, the above is a plus for TKL and a small minus for TCB and a big minus for Tony.
Still doesn't change the fact that he asked for a petition previously and asked an opposition party member and canddiate to collect his nomination forms.

Many people have different identities to start with. You may see Png as "opposition party member" but Png may see himself as "good friend of TKL". You have to admit it, it takes two hands to clap.

People are talking as if it is "easy" to ask anyone, least opposition members, to do something for them; like collecting forms. The truth is, Png did it more than willingly and there must be some compelling reasons for him to do so, something more than politics. By the look at the video on how he answered the questions and voluntarily offered the name of TKL, he is proud to be "associated" and "helping" him to collect the forms. Thus, I really don't know why people see this whole issue in contempt.

Goh Meng Seng


Many people have different identities to start with. You may see Png as "opposition party member" but Png may see himself as "good friend of TKL". You have to admit it, it takes two hands to clap.

Ok, this is also where I don't understand why you don't understand. :o

The issue is not about Png, neither is it about you. If Png wants to be associated with TKL, very few people care, at least for now. We will examine him again in 2016 if he is stilll a candidate. Same goes for you. Frankly, don't think it will matter.

The issue now is about the potential presidential candidate.
Why can't he collect the forms himself? This is a little like the petition, do you see? It could be interpreted as saying "I'm above collecting the forms myself" or "I want to see via the petition whether it's worth my time or trouble to contest".
Tony even brought his wife, for pete's sake!

Even if he can't collect himself, why must he ask you and when you couldn't, ask Png? Could he not have asked a family member, relative or friend who is not an opposition party member and recent election candidate? Or at least just say frankly "I want the opposition vote."

Did he ask both of you hoping to get the opposition vote and then writes in his blog that he will not have political affiliation, so that he will get some of the "light pap votes" and not have the senior pappies mad at him? Just be brave and straightforward lah!

The issue for us is not whether u volunteered to get for him or whether Png got it for him as a friend. The issue is why TKL saw the need for an opposition guy to collect the forms. Did he think this would please the opposition supporters? It certainly didn't impress me and many forummers have said the same.

Bro, there is the impression that there is always an angle lah, u see?
Whether it's reality or not, we don't know, because most of us don't know him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its ok bro, too much spin here:biggrin: I feel alittle faint myself:(

I don't blame you because so far after so many postings I still don't get it. One definitely cannot get straight answers from simple questions, just merry-go-round talk. Many words but no substance. Get me out of here!!!


actually I'm impressed with jw5's patience.... really, from the beginning till the end, you have repeated your questions and explain your intentions many times. Wonder how many more times and how many more pages this will go on.... lol

Porfirio Rubirosa

fully agree wif yr well articulated views bro...this piece of shit TKL lacks grace, class n dignity befitting the head of state of our nation regardless of the fact that it is an EP...TKL appears to be trying to blow smoke n mirrors to confuse the anti-pap n neutral electorate...worse still he is a spoiler to TCB's bid agst TT...also may i add TKL is much younger than both TCB n TT...which further supports yr pov that TKL sld hv run for parliament instead of EP...clearly TKL is inappropriate n not cut out to be EP...

Your account below is painting a disastrous picture on how Tan Kin Lian ended up running for President. Her are my main points from your post below.

1. He was reluctant to run but you persuaded him.

2. He was upset with PAP's value system but chose not to run for Parliament but the Presidency. Seems completely out of whack with logic and common sense. The Elected Presidency is a creature of PAP and it is essentially a sterile office with little or no ability to change or do anything. Why not stand against the PAP if he feels strongly against the PAP.

4. The word value keeps popping up but there is very little that we can see. Frankly, when I saw him use Tan Cheng Bock's name to do a survey for President, I realised that we are dealing with a manipulative individual. By now people are adding up all the comments and incidents and can see a clear pattern of an individual who has a big ego and manipulative. He claims that he is not affiliated to any political party but everyone who has dealing with have been opposition candidates. Associating with opposition figures is absolutely fine but why make such claims.

Look at today's comment by him to the press. He claims that he is closer to the ordinary Singaporean but can't even bothered to pick up his own form while Tony Tan is a multi- millionaire can do it as well as Tan Cheng Bock.

I hope you can see the number of disconnect between his comments and his actions. Maybe he can explain how he can fight the PAP sitting in the Istana instead of fighting for a parliament seat, attending meet the people sessions, writing letters to help residents and making the PAP accountable. One cannot deny the President's perks are really impressive and one does have to do much but enjoy the role.


Contesting the Presidential Election

Some people commented in some blogs that it would have been better for me to participate in the general election, rather than the presidential election. I like to explain my decision.

I did not want to contest the general election as I did not like to spend time to run a town council, if I were elected. I was also not yet ready to join any of the political parties – until their leaders agreed to merge and build their membership base.

Initially, I did not want to contest the presidential election either. I changed my mind after receiving requests from many people to stand and offer them a chance to vote. (They said that I was one of the few non-PAP people that might be able to get the certificate of eligibility).

After Dr. Tan Cheng Bock expressed interest, I decided also to join in. My reasoning was that it would be difficult for the “powers” to disqualify both candidates but it would be easier for them to find the reason to disqualify a single candidate.

I acknowledge that I do not have the same “class” or “charisma” as Dr. Tony Tan. If that is what the people of Singapore wants, I would be quite happy to lose the election.

I can only offer to the people the chance to vote for a candidate who is willing to listen to the people and reflect their aspirations, have an independent approach to the decisions that have to be made by the President’s office (and not be confrontational to the Government) and able to use my knowledge to safeguard their CPF money and the national reserves.

Some people may prefer some other candidates and not me, but that is all right. There is really no need for them to insult me or smears my character or reputation. (I refer to defamatory remarks and smears posted against me in some blogs or websites or being circulated by e-mail. I hope that right minded people will stop these bad behavior.)

Tan Kin Lian


Alfrescian (Inf)
Contesting the Presidential Election


I did not want to contest the general election as I did not like to spend time to run a town council,....

Why don't like? Isn't it great to serve the people?


Tan Kin Lian did not join any political party. Hence, if he wins the GE (as an independence candidate), to run a TC without the support of the party and party members is almost impossible. Tan Kin Lian will be contesting in the PE and if he wins, this is also serving the people too.

Why don't like? Isn't it great to serve the people?


Bro, my sarcasm seems to have missed by a mile. I have been harping about not collecting the form by suggesting that TT had no one to collect when he has an army of minders. This is the second time, it fell flat this week I mentioned earlier about being invited by 2 cabinet ministers to stand for elections to make a point a that anyone can make such claims, and one chap bought it hook, line and sinker.

Got be sharper less I get my fan club too excited.

hahahha...eh scroobal why the sudden volte face viz TT??...tot u claimed in another thread that TT had initially tried to get others to collect the forms for him but either they were out of town or busy...??!!


It's best that Tan Kin Lian keeps quiet. He has been making all the wrong comments and he still does not know the difference between smears and unfavourable comments. When he was a PAP cadre member for 30 years, the PAP choice of weapons were detention without trial, character assassination and smears. They even mocked Chiam See Tong for not performing in the same league as a scholar. Chiam went on to serve for nearly 3 decades and the scholar He defeated went to become a cabinet minister on the coat-tails of a GRC.

Here he is claiming that he is not with the PAP. When he was already a PAP cadre member, when TCB and TT were not even PAP members. HE can mislead the younger generation but the profile that is now forming shows a man who denies his past, sends out distorted information and seems completely lost on the reasons for running for EP.

If he does not want to run a Town Council, why even bother to run for EP. The position of President is an entirely different role. He can still run for Parliament and refuse to run the Town Council. I would like to see the Govt walk away as they have an adviser in the form of a defeated candidate .

If he cannot stand the heat in the kitchen and refuses to answer basic questions repeatedly asked of him, he should gracefully withdraw. Instead he claims that they are smears, provides silly answers, provides misleading information.

This rubbish about he not wanting to run, the wife not wanting to run, do not want to run town councils, no time to collect forms, persuaded to run by GMS are things that kids in primary school throw out when failing to do their homework.

Contesting the Presidential Election

Some people commented in some blogs that it would have been better for me to participate in the general election, rather than the presidential election. I like to explain my decision.
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There is a new poll at TKL's blog today asking for opinions on the preferences for a two-corner vs. a three-corner Presidential Elections. Is he preparing an exit path?
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