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Chitchat Opium and China Military threads

Tony Tan

China flaunted their missile test photos to show that JL-3 SLBM is hypersonic HGV that can easily have global range fired from type 095 nuke subs. Tested successfully this week. Fired from sea to Mongolian desert missile test range. The dancing orbit on the night sky's illuminated by missile traced the HGV gliding orbit. Nothing can intercept this unpredictable orbit at hypersonic speed.



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霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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2018.04.28 19:53:32

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At 8 o'clock on the evening of April 27th, the night sky of Beijing and other places crossed a strange beam of light. Because the shape was like a huge flying flashlight, netizens joked that it was a "outside visitor." Since then, according to many local friends, this light beam has appeared in Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Tianjin and Shandong. What is this mysterious beam, and whether China is testing a new type of weapon, this issue will take you to the mysterious beam over Beijing on the evening of April 27. (View full content search WeChat public number: sinamilnews)

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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Shortly after the so-called "UFO" sizzling domestic social networks, a number of sources, including an authoritative media, claimed to be the Beidou satellite that was just launched at the Taiyuan satellite launch base in Shanxi. However, it can be seen from the online video that this "unidentified flying object" dragged the white long fan-shaped tail light and crossed the curve in the high air, which was obviously a high-altitude orbit. In fact, the Beidou satellite is generally in the middle and high orbit of China. It is usually launched in Xichang, China, where it can launch high-orbital launches. For example, on March 30, the Long March III was successfully launched in Xichang with “One Arrow Double Star”. Thirty or thirty Beidou navigation satellites.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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In addition, from the past transmission records of the Taiyuan base, although the site has carried out the launching tasks of medium and low-orbit satellites, it is mainly carried out by the Long March II C/Ding and the Long March 4 B/C, and the launch of the Beidou satellite is mainly used. Long March No. 3 A. Of course, some media have also judged this. It is Taiyuan’s Long March 4th B rocket carrying the high-scoring satellite No. 5. However, judging from the flight trajectory and the pictures exposed by netizens from all over the country, the "unidentified flying object" obviously flies from the east to the west, so it is impossible to launch from the Taiyuan satellite launching base. Most domestic media reports are for the high-scoring Beidou satellite launch. As a news media, it is absolutely unacceptable to rush to grab the news without going to the test.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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2018.04.28 19:53:32

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After eliminating the possibility that the rocket was launched from Taiyuan, we will try to judge whether the flying object will be "what is sacred". Through the exposed flight path, we can find that the flying object has been orbited several times in the air and actively shut down the engine. Although China's large civilian rockets are basically equipped with gliding and orbiting technology, the gliding and orbiting are long-distance and slow, and we can see from the photos that the flying object has a small angle and flexible orbit, so it is impossible. It is the scene of a large rocket launch. (If you want to know more about China's hypersonic weapons, you can check out the previous issue of "Chasing Stars and Catching Lights: China's Hypersonic Weapons Outlook". Welcome to click on the link http://slide.mil.news.sina.com.cn /k/slide_8_62085_39249.html)

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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2018.04.28 19:53:32

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In addition to large civilian rockets, it is currently possible to implement multiple active orbital changes in space, as well as anti-missile/anti-satellite missiles and hypersonic missiles. Take the anti-missile/anti-satellite missile as an example. After the launch of the missile, it is necessary to make multiple orbital adjustments before hitting the target. When China used the DN-3 missile to conduct the ground-based mid-course anti-missile test, the flight trails produced were very similar to those in this photo. This is why some media determined that this incident was the PLA's anti-missile/anti-satellite test. Where. The hypersonic missile, due to its special trajectory, returns to the atmosphere in a gliding attitude, and will continue to bounce and jump like a stone floating on the surface of the water, which will also produce such "abnormal celestial phenomena". So what kind of missile is this time? We boldly speculated that this time our army should be testing a hypersonic missile.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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2018.04.28 19:53:32

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First of all, from the perspective of the city distribution of "unidentified flying objects", the locations are generally around 35-40 degrees north latitude, such as Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, and Inner Mongolia. We all know that these cities are large and medium-sized cities with extremely dense populations and industrial facilities. In the past, when the PLA used the anti-missile interception technology in the middle of the land-based section, the target bombs were usually launched from the Wuzhai Mountain in Shanxi to the Korla in Xinjiang, and almost all of them were sparsely populated. For example, on February 5 this year, China successfully carried out the land-based mid-course anti-missile interception test for the fourth time. The target Dongfeng-21 was launched from Wuzhai, the interception kinetic energy-3 was launched from Korla, and the interception area was located in Qinghai.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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2018.04.28 19:53:32

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Another noteworthy thing is that the official did not issue relevant navigation notices before and after the "UFO" incident. In the land-based mid-course anti-missile test on February 5 this year, the A0412/18 notice of the Lanzhou Flight Information Region (ZLHW) was centered at 41.366 degrees north latitude and 86.084 degrees east longitude, and a full height no-fly was drawn at a radius of 130 kilometers. No-fly zone. This time, after the civil aviation pilots witnessed the “abnormal sky” and reported it to the civil aviation company, the civil aviation company independently initiated the “no-go”. In accordance with established practice, if a relevant anti-missile/anti-satellite test is conducted, the official should issue a no-fly order in advance.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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Although there is no no-fly order issued in the sky, there is a navigation warning at sea that deserves our attention. On April 27, Liaoning Maritime Safety Bureau issued two navigation warnings (Liao Air Traffic Police 0090 and Liao Air Traffic Police 0091), located in the waters near Lushunkou, Dalian. At the time, China’s first domestic aircraft carrier was sent out. The World Wide Web reported that the navigation warning was prepared for the carrier’s sea trial. However, we suspect that the navigation warning is related to this "unidentified flying object" incident, because Dalian is not only the seat of China's first domestic aircraft carrier that is preparing for the sea trial, but also the stop of our military 032 missile test submarine.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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2018.04.28 19:53:32

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In August last year, the reference news quoted the British Jane as saying that the rear of the sailboat cover of the only conventional power ballistic missile submarine 032 of our army rose. It was thought that this might be to accommodate longer submarine-launched ballistic missile launches. Tube to test the "Julang-3" submarine-launched ballistic missile that will be equipped on the 096 nuclear submarine. In addition, there were also views that the sailboat's sail cover did not show signs of widening, perhaps to test the longer range or load/multi-war version of the "Julang-2" submarine-launched ballistic missile. Combined with this incident, we may wish to boldly assume that the transformation of 032 is to test the "Julang-2" with the addition of hypersonic warheads, and the bomb was tested during the ban on the sea near Lushunkou.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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We suspect that the hypersonic warhead version of "Julang-2" should be a special aircraft launched from the sea, with a solid rocket engine as a booster, with high-altitude gliding trajectory and self-returning capability. For example, after launching from the 032 submarine, the missile may first be launched into space orbit by a solid engine with a relatively high thrust weight, then use gravity to achieve steering in space, and then start the solid engine for horizontal acceleration. Considering that there were no cases in the world where the aircraft successfully achieved horizontal skidding, if our guess is true, this missile will undoubtedly become another major breakthrough in the world's leading weaponry and equipment.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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Combined with this flight trajectory, we suspect that the missile tested this time may have adopted the "Sangger trajectory." This is a kind of booster that first delivers the aircraft to space to obtain a certain velocity vector, and then uses the combination of gravity and air lift at the junction of space and the atmosphere to achieve a far-reaching approach. Distance and flight trajectory. Everyone is generally familiar with the "Qian Xuesen trajectory". This trajectory is also to let the booster push the aircraft out of the atmosphere, then return to the adjacent space under the action of gravity, and use the shock buoyancy to achieve long-distance taxiing in the air space. . The main difference between the two on the trajectory is that the "Sangger trajectory" can achieve multiple "jumps". The flight path is obviously more tortuous. It is probably not the "Qian Xuesen trajectory" that is "expected", even though the trajectory is more It is easy to arouse some kind of enthusiasm for the people.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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Another reason for the turmoil is that the trajectory of this "unidentified flying object" is too bright. From the observation time of each place, people found it happened to be 7-8 in the evening. We know that when a rocket engine burns, the water in the product forms ice crystals at low temperatures. Due to the thin air at high altitude, the ice crystals will quickly spread, forming a small head and a large tail shape, and reflecting the sunlight and being seen by us. We can see this "unidentified flying object" in a wide span, indicating that it is very high in flight and far away, and it is impossible to be an aircraft in the lower atmosphere. It is worth mentioning that last night, some pilots witnessed the scene at the cruising altitude of the nearly 10,000-meter passenger plane. The "unidentified flying object" was even far above the passenger plane.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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However, according to the exposure of local netizens, we found that there is no relevant photo exposure in the west of Taiyuan. There is a view that this hypersonic weapon may have engine parking near Shanxi and has carried out an autonomous parachute. Of course, it also May be selected to land in Inner Mongolia. The existing methods of landing the hypersonic weapon mainly include parachute landing and airport landing. For example, the X-37B is for airport landing, but considering the existing airports in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia, as well as the success of the ground recycling manned space capsules in China. Experience, we guess the possibility of this hypersonic weapon for parachute is temporarily the largest.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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Beginning in 2014, China began a hypersonic glider test. At that time, the United States believed that China had only one hypersonic weapon and named it WU-14 or DF-ZF. But in November last year, the Americans unexpectedly expected that CCTV revealed that there are three kinds of hypersonic weapons that China is currently at different stages of development. In addition, last year, CCTV also introduced China's first self-developed and built supersonic wind tunnel, the JF12 shock wave wind tunnel, as the necessary equipment for the development of hypersonic weapons. The exposure of this wind tunnel undoubtedly means that Chinese hypersonic weapons have already been The forefront of the world. If this "UFO" incident is confirmed, it is China's first test of the sea-based version of hypersonic weapons, which undoubtedly represents another major advancement of China's hypersonic weapons. After all, this is the world's first submarine-launched hypersonic speed. The weapon appeared.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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At present, the main force of the Chinese Navy is the "Julang-2" deployed on the 094-class nuclear submarine. According to the World Wide Web report, this solid submarine-launched ballistic missile weighs 42 tons and has a range of only 8,000 kilometers. It is necessary to let the 094 nuclear submarine out of the western Pacific before hitting the whole country. The reason why everyone has been expecting the "Julang-3" to be born as soon as possible is Here. If this test is indeed a hypersonic missile modified on the basis of "Julang-2", then the problem of insufficient range of "Julang-2" will obviously be solved. In addition, due to the speeding up of the deployment of missile warning and interception systems in the Western Pacific region in recent years, our military nuclear forces urgently need to strengthen the ability to build penetration to deal with it. The emergence of the hypersonic version of "Julang-2" can also be said to be justified.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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It is worth noting that at this time, the "abnormal celestial phenomena" caused a lot of domestic melons to watch. At the same time, in the Yellow Sea, China's "old friends" American troops also sent a large number of fighters to "crowd." The US Air Force's E-8C left the Kadena base to carry out reconnaissance missions in the Yellow Sea. In addition, the US military also dispatched KC-135R and RC-135W fighters. The E-8C is the strongest "airborne brain" of the US military. It can perform real-time wide-area surveillance and remote target attack command. The RC-135W is a US military active reconnaissance aircraft. It is especially good at carrying out reconnaissance operations for collecting ballistic missile information in coastal areas. Its performance is said to be superior to EP-3.

霹雳掣电捎平冈: On the 27th, China’s suspected first shot of Haiji hypersonic weapon

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2018.04.28 19:53:32

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Tony Tan


美称中国几个月就试验1次高超音速武器 美军几年1次

美称中国几个月就试验1次高超音速武器 美军几年1次






[环球网军事9月6日报道]俄罗斯卫星通讯社华盛顿9月5日报道,美国国防部主管研究与工程的副部长迈克尔·格里芬(Michael Griffin)9月4日表示,五角大楼需要不超过200亿美元用于研制与中国所开发的相似样品的高超音速武器。


It is said that China has tested a hypersonic weapon once in a few months, and USA once in few years.
September 16, 2018, 11:22, World Wide Web


Data map: China's "Starry Sky 2" hypersonic aircraft test flight screen


[World Wide Web military reported on September 6] Russian satellite news agency Washington on September 5 reported that Michael Griffin, deputy director of research and engineering at the US Department of Defense, said on September 4 that the Pentagon needs no more than 200 Billions of dollars were used to develop hypersonic weapons similar to those developed in China.
Griffin said at the meeting in Washington: "We have conducted these studies. We decided not to turn these results into weapons, but others decided to make weapons from this, and we should respond."
He said that the research results of the United States in this field are slightly behind China, because China conducts relevant tests every few months, and the United States is a few years in the United States.
In the face of China and Russia's frequent breakthroughs in the field of hypersonic technology, the US military is somewhat unable to sit still. According to the US Defense News website reported on August 15, the US Air Force awarded a contract for hypersonic weapons to Lockheed Martin, which is the second hypersonic speed signed by the US Air Force and the defense giant in 2018. The development of weapons has become a big deal, which also reflects the determination of the US military not to give up the superiority of the supersonic weapon technology.
The "Defense News" report stressed that Russia and China are investing in hypersonic technology. Not long ago, China announced that it had tested a hypersonic vehicle called "Starry Sky-2" for the first time. Russia also publicly expressed its interest in hypersonic weapons and demonstrated the MiG-31 with a new hypersonic missile in the Russian Victory Day parade in May.
Michael Griffin, deputy secretary of defense for the Pentagon's research and engineering, said in July that the United States could not give up the superiority of the hypersonic field to its rivals. Prior to this, he publicly called for more investment in hypersonic technology. Griffin told the US House of Representatives Military Committee at a hearing on April 17. "The most significant improvement of our opponents is that China is now developing a very mature system for routines over thousands of kilometers. A quick blow to weapons... For today's defense systems, we don't want to see these missiles coming."

The various US military services and military units have also cooperated in related fields. According to US media reports, the US Air Force is also working with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on two hypersonic technology research projects, namely the Tactical Boosting Program (TBG) and the Hypersonic Inspiratory Weapons Concept (HAWC). The former is expected The prototype bomb was produced between 2022 and 2023, and the latter was the successor of the X-51A demonstrator. The other military departments of the US military are also advancing the supersonic development plan. The US Department of Defense, Missile Defense, Air Force, Navy, and Army leaders signed a memorandum of agreement on June 28 to collaborate on research into hypersonic boost gliding technology.

Keywords: China Supersonic US Army

Tony Tan

The United States and Russia are dispatching troops near Syria, we present two Chinese fleets to the Middle East.
September 20, 2018, 20:55 Sina Military



Russian warship
As the world's "oil depot", the Middle East has always been a battleground for the military. Recently, because of the Syrian Idlib issue, the United States and Russia have not allowed each other to move their troops around Syria. The "gunpowder barrel" in the Middle East faces the danger of being once again ordered. At this critical juncture, two mysterious fleets from the great powers of the East suddenly gathered in the Mediterranean, releasing a strong signal . There is a saying in the ancient Arabic book: If there is heaven in the world, Damascus will be among them.
But since the beginning of a conflict in 2011, Syria has been devastated by seven years of war. In these seven years, the once paradise on earth has almost become a human purgatory, and the bustling market is now devastated. However, in recent years, with the support of the powerful Russian army, the Syrian government has won the festival and has now recovered most of the lost land in the country, leaving only the province of Idlib in northwestern Syria.
The province of Idlib is located at the junction of Syria and Turkey, and its strategic location is very important. According to foreign media reports, the Syrian side has now assembled hundreds of thousands of troops to prepare for the final general attack on the opposition armed forces stationed in Idlib province. It is reported that this time, the government forces are preparing to dispatch Syria's ace army tiger troops and several mechanical armored divisions, which can be described as elite, and the Russian side has also sent a large number of warships and elite troops to escort the government .
Chinese fleet
However, at this time, the United States could not sit still, and a large number of warships were deployed in the waters around Syria, including the US "Ross" destroyer carrying 28 "Tomahawk" cruise missiles and 56 "Tomahawk" cruise missiles. The US "Sullivan" destroyer. At the same time, the US military's B-1B nuclear strategic bomber was also deployed to the U.S. military base in the Middle East, the largest air force base in the Middle East.
Under this circumstance, Russia does not say that it is directly in the Mediterranean area, pulling out 34 planes, 26 naval warships and ships for large-scale air-to-air live-fire exercises. The purpose is self-evident, naturally it is warning the United States. Do not act rashly and interfere with the peace process in Syria. The United States and Russia can be described as arrogant in the Middle East.
At this sensitive moment, the two Chinese fleets suddenly appeared in the waters near the Middle East . According to domestic media reports, the 29th escort formation of the Chinese Navy consisting of the Binzhou ship, the Xuzhou ship and a Qiandaohu supply ship and two ship-borne helicopters, and the supply ship of the Penghu ship, the stern ship and a Dongping Lake, two The 30th escort formation consisting of ship-borne helicopters appeared in the western waters of the Gulf of Aden. In addition, there are more than 20 special warriors and more than 1,400 naval officers and men who have teamed up with the team.
Chinese warship
It is understood that Binzhou Ship, Xuzhou Ship, Wuhu Ship, and Emu Ship are all 054A missile frigates. Familiar friends know that this type of ship has also appeared in the movie "Red Sea Action". The 054A missile frigate is equipped with advanced regional air defense missiles and long-range anti-ship missiles. It also has the advantages of long range and high reliability. It is a backbone member of the new generation fleet of the Chinese Navy. It has often performed ocean-going missions since its service.
The Chinese navy’s high-profile appearance in the “gunpowder barrel” area in the Middle East is undoubtedly releasing a signal to all parties. No matter how the US and Russia in the Middle East can toss, it cannot threaten our country’s oil lifeline in the Middle East. More importantly, it cannot Injuring Chinese citizens and Chinese merchant ships in this area, the Chinese Navy will not cause trouble, but it will never be afraid. (Author's signature: Frontier Post / Jia Jia)


美俄都在叙利亚附近调兵遣将 中国两支舰队现身中东

美俄都在叙利亚附近调兵遣将 中国两支舰队现身中东





Tony Tan



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Tony Tan

I guess this is equally good for Syrian Deserts & invasion of Israel, because it is very cooling for desert and sand countries.

Tony Tan

Russian military strategy exercise 300,000 troops, the Chinese army will appear in the C position
September 16, 2018, 16:51 Sina Military


The Russian Navy's Northern Fleet's "Ustinov Marshal" cruiser led the Mediterranean exercise naval ship
At the beginning of September, the Russian military has been moving frequently, and the Russian Navy has successively created two "modern history" first.


The first "first" was in the Eastern Mediterranean, and on September 1-8, the Russian Navy and the Air Force Army conducted large-scale air and sea military exercises. Due to the Syrian issue on the side, the Russian military can attach considerable importance to this exercise. To this end, the former Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Korolev first came to a VCR, and Korolev read the news release we saw in the VCR.

A large number of Su-30SMs of the Russian Navy equipped with the Black Sea Fleet and the Baltic Fleet arrived in Syria for the Mediterranean exercise. A considerable part of the aircraft also came from the Russian Navy.
But what is interesting is that Korolev’s first sentence was ignored by the media, that is, this is the first time in Russia’s “modern history” to conduct large-scale air and sea military exercises in the Mediterranean. The exercise included 26 warships (2 submarines) and 34 aircraft. The Russian Navy transferred ships and planes from major fleets and sang absolute protagonists throughout the air and sea exercises.
During the Cold War, although the Soviet Navy claimed to compete with the US military in various oceans, the real competition was actually in a few places such as the Mediterranean. In a complicated situation, the actions of the Russian military in the Mediterranean are inevitably concerned by the outside world.
The Russian army has an action, and the West certainly has to keep up. What is awkward is that the movement of the Russian army seems to be a bit "sudden". It is said that there are not many ships in the Western countries currently active in the Mediterranean, so it is not enough for the entire exercise. "Monitor".

"Varyag" led the exercise of the Pacific Fleet, and the "Glory" level served as the main force. Its status in the Russian Navy is evident.
The second "first" occurred in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk in the Pacific Ocean. Since the end of August, the Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet has continued to assemble on a large scale. The scale of the exercises being carried out in the Mediterranean is large. In fact, it has gathered together the Northern Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet, the Baltic Fleet and the Caspian Sea Fleet, a small semi-main surface ship.
However, the Pacific Fleet, with the power of a fleet, swayed and moved more than the Mediterranean exercise. According to the public picture, the number of ships dispatched by the Pacific Fleet has reached 28, and the scale has been overwhelmed by the Mediterranean exercise. This scale is naturally the first in "modern history."
The background of the Mediterranean exercise is well known, so what is the name of the Russian Pacific Fleet? In all indications, this should be a prelude to the "Oriental-2018" strategic exercise.

The Chugor Range is the "main battlefield" of the "Oriental-2018" exercise.
On September 4th, the Russian Ministry of National Defense held a regular meeting. Shoygu introduced some of the recent major tasks of the Russian military at the regular meeting. Among them, the "Oriental-2018" exercise was highlighted. Shaygu once again emphasized that the participating exercises will reach 300,000 people. There will be 1,000 fixed-wing fighters/helicopter/unmanned aircraft, 80 naval vessels and 36,000 tanks/armored vehicles. Wait.
This number looks very scary, like 300,000 people "playing together." In fact, "Oriental-2018" is actually a 300,000-strong army in the context of the planned strategic battle. In the official description, the main contents of the exercise are maneuver defense, firepower strike, and counterattack. The 300,000 army is mainly a mobile defense, occupying most of the time and space of the exercise. The current action of the Russian Navy’s Pacific Fleet should be part of “mobility”, which can be said to be the horn of the exercise.
Subsequent fire strikes and counterattacks were carried out at several shooting ranges in the eastern part of the Russian army. This is the final and most essential part of the exercise, but it lasts for a short time.

The Type 99 tank of the People's Liberation Army went to participate in the "Oriental-2018" exercise
So which part of the exercise the PLA is participating in? According to the information disclosed by the Chinese and Russian armed forces, China will inevitably participate in the exercise at the Chugor Range. This is the land-based battlefield of the entire "Oriental-2018" exercise. The most essential part is C-bit . At that time, the PLA may join forces with Russian troops such as the 5th Army of the Eastern Military Region, which has been manned thousands of kilometers by the Russian army, to carry out the final "decisive battle."
It is worth noting that at the regular meeting on September 4, Shoygu once again pointed out that 3,500 PLA officers and men will participate in the "Oriental-2018" exercise. However, there is no mention of Mongolia, which will be participating together. For Mongolia, it may be “emphasis on participation”.
On September 6, Russian military chief Gracimov will lead two Russian defense ministers to hold a briefing briefing, and more information will be disclosed. (Author's signature: Northern Defense)


俄军战略演习30万大军枕戈待旦 中国军队将在C位亮相

俄军战略演习30万大军枕戈待旦 中国军队将在C位亮相












Tony Tan



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The PLA is leading the way! Peace mission 2018 joint anti-terrorism military exercise scene is very intense

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2018.09.06 09:56:00

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On August 29th, the eight-day "Peace Mission-2018" Shanghai Cooperation Organization joint anti-terrorism military exercise came to an end in the training base of Chebarkur in Russia. Participating in state-owned China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, India and Pakistan, Uzbekistan sent 10 people to attend as observers. This is the 7th joint anti-terrorism military exercise under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. During the exercise, the participating countries organized a joint operational cluster to distinguish counter-terrorism operations in six stages: “reconnaissance, containment, flight, combat, clearing, and pursuit”, and comprehensively test joint planning, joint command, joint strike, and joint support level. It fully demonstrates the military mutual trust between the SCO member states and is of great significance for enhancing the joint anti-terrorism capabilities of member states. The exercise has a total strength of more than 3,000 people. It uses more than 500 sets of weapons, such as fighters, helicopters, tanks, infantry vehicles, and self-propelled artillery. It is mainly based on the army, air force, and new combat forces. It is the SCO. The joint performance of the use of military equipment, the use of new combat forces the most. The Chinese side participated in more than 700 troops and effectively improved cross-border joint anti-terrorism operations by participating in exercises.

The PLA is leading the way! Peace mission 2018 joint anti-terrorism military exercise scene is very intense

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2018.09.06 09:56:00

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The Chinese fighter plane fired a ground target.

The PLA is leading the way! Peace mission 2018 joint anti-terrorism military exercise scene is very intense

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2018.09.06 09:56:00

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The Pakistani special warfare team took a helicopter to carry out the cable drop.

The PLA is leading the way! Peace mission 2018 joint anti-terrorism military exercise scene is very intense

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2018.09.06 09:56:00

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Russian special warriors parachuted at high altitude.

The PLA is leading the way! Peace mission 2018 joint anti-terrorism military exercise scene is very intense

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2018.09.06 09:56:00

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Participate in the special operations of national special forces.

Tony Tan

Shen Fei launched a new version of the 歼15 carrier aircraft equipped with a new radar-mounted PL15 missile
Sina Military , September 06, 2018, 11:39



The picture shows the 歼15 fighter
Recently, according to media reports, the Chinese aircraft carrier will be equipped with a new killer weapon, which is equipped with an active phased array radar 歼15B carrier aircraft, the shock of the 歼15B, will also let the 歼15 series no longer Lonely, Shen Fei finally created a miracle again. For the news that China's stronger model carrier aircraft is about to land on the aircraft carrier, the US RAND think tank said that the 歼15B will not only install a new type of radar, but also add 15 air-to-air missiles. The F35 ushered in the biggest rival this time.
The original 歼15 heavy-duty carrier-based fighters, due to limitations in technical conditions during development, resulted in many subsystems not being the most advanced. Many subsystems are based on the 歼11A type. The main purpose of this is to reduce technical difficulties, speed up development and further save money. So when the 歼15 began to serve, many of the performance was not the most advanced.
The picture shows the takeoff of the Chinese 歼15 test machine test ship
For example, its avionics system basically uses the 歼11A type, equipped with a large Doppler radar, and has a variety of combat functions. It can be used for air, ground and anti-ship operations. Although the combat capability was first-class at the time, the US Navy began to use its active phased array radar as its core avionics system and the fourth-generation F35 carrier-based fighter aircraft for the F/A18E/F carrier-based fighter. Also started on the ship for testing. Therefore, the 歼15 is facing the challenge of facing the three-generation and half-ship fighters with advanced avionics and the advanced generation F35 carrier-based fighters in the following years.
Fortunately, at this time, the Chinese aviation industry has successfully developed the fourth-generation stealth fighter, namely the 歼20, so that the new generation of avionics for the 歼15 and other subsystems have reliable technical and material support. . At present, it is known that the new generation of avionics for the 歼15 is the same as the 歼16, which makes the overall performance of the 歼15 easily reach the level of the three-generation and half-carrier aircraft.
The picture shows the Chinese 歼15 fighter
The new active phased array radar has up to 1500 R/T modules, which can be calculated by energy conversion to achieve a target level of more than 300 kilometers for targets like B52. In contrast, the original 歼15 basic airborne radar is only more than 200 kilometers. In this case, the PL15 medium-range long-range air-to-air missile that could not be mounted by the 歼15 basic type should be able to hang on the improved model.
In terms of range, the range of the PL12 type, the latest improvement is only 150 kilometers. The PL15 has a maximum range of 300 kilometers and has a PL15 type 歼15B type, which can launch an over-the-horizon attack on an enemy early warning aircraft in a fighter plane and an air defense tight protection circle. This is very difficult to defend against the Air Force, which relies heavily on the AWACS aircraft in modern air combat. If the AWACS is shot down, then the outcome of the entire air battle can basically be said to be one-sided. (Author's signature: Zhuge Xiaoche)


沈飞推出新版歼15舰载机装备新型雷达 挂载PL15导弹

沈飞推出新版歼15舰载机装备新型雷达 挂载PL15导弹






Tony Tan

6th Gen jet engine is hypersonic, but I think this generation are pure drones, as human pilots sitting in there is too much burden and limitation for hypersonic speed maneuvers, they will die or past out, and they are never going to react fast enough when 6th gen jets flies something like 10X speed of sound. This is nothing too much for China because their hypersonic missiles already @ world's #1 leading position. Only key difference between hypersonic jets and missiles is missiles are made for only just 1 single flight, jets must be reused for many years not a single use write-off type.

China Aviation Development has achieved a major breakthrough in the experimental version of the sixth-generation engine ignition success
September 16, 2018, 15:31 Sina Military


Recently, it is simply good news. First, the navy, the 5.55 million-class destroyer is in service, and the 002 is the second test. In the atmosphere of universal celebration, China’s sixth-generation fighter engine was successfully ignited and a major breakthrough was made in the field of aviation engines. The news came from the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which recently completed an engine test project. This key engine is a hypersonic and high thrust-to-weight ratio engine that has been considered by the outside world to be the most likely to become a sixth-generation engine. At the same time of successful engine ignition, the experimental engine with the push-to-weight ratio of 15 has also passed the experimental test. Such a large thrust-to-weight ratio engine compressor will provide strong thrust for China's six-generation machine to ensure its hypersonic flight. Claim.

What is the sixth generation fighter and what is the sixth generation fighter engine? These two issues do not currently have a definitive concept, because the sixth-generation fighters are now only concept machines, and the major aviation countries have different understandings of the sixth-generation fighters, so the explanation is different. However, several points have been unanimously recognized by all countries, that is, the sixth generation fighter is a highly advanced intelligent control, hypersonic, high thrust-to-weight ratio engine. According to the standards of the Pentagon of the United States, the sixth-generation fighters must truly realize the integration of land, sea, air, sky, electricity and net. The mobility and stealth should be well balanced. The flight speed of the aircraft should reach about Mach 6 or so.

In the past few days, China's Starry 2 experiment's "Pulse-Wave" aircraft was one of the sixth-generation fighter verification machines, mainly to verify the hypersonic performance of the sixth-generation fighter and the third fluid engine technology. Unlike the Star 2 ramjet, the Starry 2 requires the rocket to launch it at a certain speed before using the ramjet technology. However, the sixth-generation fighter engine requires the aircraft to accelerate to the required speed of the ramjet, and then The ramjet engine is turned on, so the sixth-generation fighter engine is also called the "adaptive engine." Therefore, the high thrust-to-weight ratio of the engine is very important.

According to media reports, this time the experimental system of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has successfully achieved a push-to-weight ratio of 15 for the engine compressor, which is fully equipped with a high thrust-to-weight ratio. We can make a comparison. China's WS10 push-to-weight ratio is 8, and the WS15 push-to-weight ratio being developed can reach 10. Compared with the United States, the US F-14 Panda fighter engine F110 push-to-weight ratio is about 7-8, and the F-35 fighter F135 is about 10-12. It can be seen from this that the engine compressor technology with a push-to-weight ratio of 15 is very advanced. In general, the weight of the third-generation and fourth-generation engines is about 1600 kg. According to the push-to-weight ratio of 15, the engine can reach 24 tons of thrust, and the thrust of the two engines will reach 48 tons of thrust. The fighter engine was built entirely for the sixth generation of fighters.

With the introduction of the high thrust-to-weight engine, China's sixth-generation fighters will gradually surface, perhaps extending the rhythm of the electromagnetic guns on the ship, and it is not known to lead the United States. (Author's signature: Lee Blade / Zhang Yang)


中国航发取得重大突破 实验版六代机发动机点火成功

中国航发取得重大突破 实验版六代机发动机点火成功







Tony Tan


300k troops & thousands of war machines: Russia starts biggest military drill in decades (VIDEO)
Published time: 11 Sep, 2018 08:03 Edited time: 11 Sep, 2018 14:08
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Some 300,000 troops and tens of thousands vehicles, aircraft and warships are participating in the largest military exercise Russia has staged in 37 years. Units from China are to take part in the maneuvers as well.
The Vostok 2018 exercise is meant to test the capability of the Russian military to rapidly move and deploy large forces over long distances as well as coordinating between several branches during a large-scale engagement.

The war games will include around 300,000 Russian soldiers and officers, including 6,000 airborne troops, over 1,000 warplanes, helicopters and drones, about 36,000 armor, and 80 combat and support ships.

The assets have been sent from all over Russia to several training ranges in the Far East of the country by railroad and military transport planes. Several units of the People’s Liberation Army of China will join the Russians for a drill at the Tsugol range.

Chinese armor arriving in Russia to take part in the Vostok-2018 exercise. © Evgeny Epachintsev / Sputnik
For some participants, Vostok 2018 will be their first chance to show off some new weapon systems. For instance, the Airborne Troops will be deploying their freshly-supplied BMD-4M air-dropped infantry fighting vehicles and Patriot pickup trucks armed with Kornet anti-tank missiles. Meanwhile, the military engineers will be doing their best to confuse “the enemy” with inflatable mock-ups of Iskander missile launchers and S-300 anti-aircraft batteries.

FILE PHOTO. An inflatable mock-up of an S-300 launcher. © Ilya Pitalev / Sputnik
One of the key elements of the entire exercise, however, will be hard to notice from afar. Russian military communication specialists have deployed a secure network over an area of around 9.8 million square kilometers to ensure the exchange of intelligence and stable communications between the many military units involved in the drill. A broadband link to the General Staff HQ in Moscow 900km away will keep the military chain-of-command in order.

FILE PHOTO. Russia's National defence command center. © Aleksandr Vilf / Sputnik
The exercise will be witnessed by monitors from 57 nations as well as NATO and the European Union, according to Deputy Defense Minister Aleksandr Fomin. He added that Russia informed NATO of the planned exercise months ahead of time during a meeting in May.
The US-led military bloc routinely voices concern over Russian exercises. The Vostok-2018, however, was not targeted by a wave of suspicion similar to its counterpart last year, the Zapad-2017, which some allies framed as bordering on an act of aggression and a possible ruse to launch an invasion of the Baltics. The fears never materialized, just as Moscow said.


Tony Tan


2018-09-11 08:11:53 来源: 新华网


9月11日,在俄罗斯楚戈尔训练场,“东方-2018”战略演习中方导演部进行演习导调。 中国军队参加的“东方-2018”战略演习,11日在俄罗斯后贝加尔边疆区楚戈尔训练场正式拉开帷幕。在未来几天时间里,中俄两军官兵将密切协作共同上演一场规模空前的战略级联合战役演习。 新华社记者 樊永强 摄
参加“东方-2018”战略演习的中方参演官兵在俄罗斯楚戈尔训练场野营驻地进行警戒执勤(9月2日摄)。新华社记者 樊永强 摄




参加“东方-2018”战略演习的中方参演直升机在俄罗斯楚戈尔训练场进行机动训练(9月6日摄)。新华社记者 樊永强 摄

参加“东方-2018”战略演习的中方参演官兵到达俄罗斯楚戈尔训练场后举行升国旗仪式(9月2日摄)。新华社记者 樊永强 摄



syed putra

Just look at that flat grassland. That was how nomad barbarians conquered china as the invading army brought along their food supplies in the form of live sheep and horses which fed on those grasses. One warrior maybe have several horses. If one is dead or injured, it is cut for food.

Tony Tan



Chariots driven to crush enemies positions, warriors cannibalized enemies to feed themselves when hungry, to drink enemies blood when thirsty after joking about wars. As we resurrect our past glories, take back what the heavens had owed us.

Tony Tan

Just look at that flat grassland. That was how nomad barbarians conquered china as the invading army brought along their food supplies in the form of live sheep and horses which fed on those grasses. One warrior maybe have several horses. If one is dead or injured, it is cut for food.

300K warriors can not be all in one place. Guess where are the submarines?