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Who's better: Dropout Samseng Towkay or Uni Graduate?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
A reader has shared this Facebook post about a dispute between a National University of Singapore student and a business owner.

Who do you think is in the wrong?

Read the business owner's account here.

Hi guys, this is something that happened to me just now. Basically, I own a logistics company. And this gentleman named, XXXXXXX, requested for my moving service.

XXXXXX is a university student. He seemed to be looking down on us movers and tried to put me down just because he is a uni student.

I had to ask him what time he needs my service to see if I have any slot for him but when I told him nicely that I could not make it, he became hostile and sarcastic. Seemingly trying to put across the message that people that studies in university are of better calibre than those who are/did not study in uni.

What has so many years of education done to him? I am just an honest businessman trying to earn a humble living and yet he has to look down on me like that. Then why bother even trying to engage movers if you look down on them, right? We are all humans, everyone is equal.

Share this around and make it known to people that such people are a disgrace to the society and this goes to show that the many years of education have gone to waste judging by his attitude. Thanks!





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Alfrescian (Inf)
Why is his current world not real? How to define 'real world' ?

student world and outside world is different, this NUS schoolie thinks that by studying hard, he has the world as his oyster. i think demographics are changing, not necessarily, a graduate will make it in real corporate world. if this happen in 3rd world countries, he may be beaten up by thugs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
typical sinkie shit behaviour ...
agree ...

ever mor interested in c others no up, putting others down, 1-upping others, demanding apologies n resulting in losing focus in getting ze job @ hand done ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
adding on, student life revolves around school friends and professors. he has little contact with the outside world or know how it work, eq is important and to get ahead in working world, it's who you know that counts not straight As. pple in the outside world may not be as friendly as us, sammyboys.:o


Alfrescian (Inf)
The entire dialogue is farcical. Only shows up how immature these 2 young Sinkie males are to even engage in this exchange. It's like asking who's better: Albert Einstein or Bill Gates?



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
student world and outside world is different, this NUS schoolie thinks that by studying hard, he has the world as his oyster. i think demographics are changing, not necessarily, a graduate will make it in real corporate world. if this happen in 3rd world countries, he may be beaten up by thugs.

If you study hard, the world is indeed your oyster. How do you think top government scholars are selected? In the SAF, you need at least poly diploma to qualify for OCS.

There are lots of parents doing volunteer work in primary schools to help their kids enroll into the top primary schools. Parents, including myself, also send our kids to the top secondary and junior colleges. And later on, to the top universities if possible. Lots of parents also send their kids for evening and weekend tuition.

Third world countries are precisely third world because their parents do not invest in their kids, especially in education. They make kids drop out of school, deprive girls of education, give a small budget for schools and cheating is rampant. School dropouts who become successful in the working out make the news because such news are rare. Vast majority of the lowly educated and droputs end up as losers in life.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you study hard, the world is indeed your oyster. How do you think top government scholars are selected? In the SAF, you need at least poly diploma to qualify for OCS.

There are lots of parents doing volunteer work in primary schools to help their kids enroll into the top primary schools. Parents, including myself, also send our kids to the top secondary and junior colleges. And later on, to the top universities if possible. Lots of parents also send their kids for evening and weekend tuition.

Third world countries are precisely third world because their parents do not invest in their kids, especially in education. They make kids drop out of school, deprive girls of education, give a small budget for schools and cheating is rampant. School dropouts who become successful in the working out make the news because such news are rare. Vast majority of the lowly educated and droputs end up as losers in life.

ya right! you should look at how well connected beginning from the spouses of PAP minstars.:rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you study hard, the world is indeed your oyster. How do you think top government scholars are selected? In the SAF, you need at least poly diploma to qualify for

You've been well-indoctrinated by the PAP. While investment in education is crucial, most experts agree it's basic formal education that matters most – 10 to 12 years of education. Which is why all western countries and Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan, Korea and China make basic education compulsory. (Your beloved PAP on the other hand has yet to implement compulsory education, for all the talk about education's importance.)

When it comes to tertiary education, the jury's still out. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Jerry Yang, Mark Zuckerberg all share one thing in common, apart from their billionaire status: they're all dropouts. University enrolments are falling year-on-year in the States for the past 5 years. Germany and the low countries and Switzerland focus on craft guilds and polytechnic training to support the economy rather than university education. Many MBAs worldwide are out of a job, and experts are now studying the worth of a degree in the real working world. Of course, you'd still need a uni education if you want to be in the professions – law, medicine, engineering, etc.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You've been well-indoctrinated by the PAP. While investment in education is crucial, most experts agree it's basic formal education that matters most – 10 to 12 years of education. Which is why all western countries and Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan, Korea and China make basic education compulsory. (Your beloved PAP on the other hand has yet to implement compulsory education, for all the talk about education's importance.)

When it comes to tertiary education, the jury's still out. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Jerry Yang, Mark Zuckerberg all share one thing in common, apart from their billionaire status: they're all dropouts. University enrolments are falling year-on-year in the States for the past 5 years. Germany and the low countries and Switzerland focus on craft guilds and polytechnic training to support the economy rather than university education. Many MBAs worldwide are out of a job, and experts are now studying the worth of a degree in the real working world. Of course, you'd still need a uni education if you want to be in the professions – law, medicine, engineering, etc.

I plan for my kids to get a degree in professions like law and medicine, not engineering. Engineering is meant for lower class people who think they are great just because they are good in Math at school. The entrance requirements for Engineering is very low and the cohort intake is very large. Basically, any tom-dick-harry can get an engineering degree.

With regards to your tech whizzes, I already pointed out earlier that they make the news precisely because so few dropouts become success stories in life. Most end up as losers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I plan for my kids to get a degree in professions like law and medicine, not engineering.

Good on you. But if your definition of success is only lawyers and doctors, then you're a much bigger goondu – and more brainwashed – than I thought.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
De lorry driver oso damn 1 kind...cnot make it say so immediately lah..jus keep quiet frm 6-9pm until kena chase for reply then response...wat a fuckup attitude...his business gonna up lorry soon too...


Alfrescian (Inf)
De lorry driver oso damn 1 kind...cnot make it say so immediately lah..jus keep quiet frm 6-9pm until kena chase for reply then response...wat a fuckup attitude ...
if not lidat, how 2 show off he's b-z n his biz making tons of moni? ...


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
This mover showed he is clearly not a businessman pretending to be one:

1. Needed Reminder to Reply - the student had to write him again for a reply at 9.48am


2. Late reply - took him 3hrs and 25mins after a reminder to reply at 9.49am (please see above)

3. Obnoxious - see his reply below, it's obvious that he replied late after reminder yet he trying to defend his poor service also his reply is like trying to pick a fight


A real businessman don't do the above. He's obviously a low class motherfucker mover not a businessman as he trying to portray. Fuck him hard he deserves.


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Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
As a customer there is nothing wrong with the student. Fuck this type of "businessman" wannabes hard.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
You just see the way this fucker "businessman" reply he's no better than those in Sim Lim aka Jover type of "businessman". There was no provocation from the student at all except his own.