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Why Do Chinese Burn And Waste Stuff?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If I see mostly 60s and 70s aged uncles and aunties doing that, I'd give it a miss as a minor inconvenience and humor their traditional superstition for old times' sake. But no, I see 20s and 30s aged educated youngsters, even bringing along their 10+/- aged kids to help burn stuff to their gods, devils, ancestors, whosoever. Goodness, when will this all end?

there will be no end , monkey see monkey do ....unless we banned religions ..


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
SingPost has been in the dumps since internet and e-mail. I think someone should suggest to them to provide postal service to gods, ghosts, devils and ancestors. Like, regular post, common incinerator. Express post, accelerated incinerator. Parcel service also available if you want to burn (send) whisky, brandy. beer, stout or wine. :biggrin:

nowaday i heard those delusion ppl even burn paper iphone ...when is those paper company going to come out with their paper ipad ?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Like the Ang Mohs, I dont see Malays burning things mindlessly. Ang mohs and Malays are the best when it comes to observance of their religion, no polluting of their environment and no health risks to fellow men. They just pray in their chapels and mosques.

Chinks are the worst. They stinge on spending on their kins when they are alive, but splurge on the dead, erecting humongous paper houses, cars, iphones etc and then reduce them to piles of ashes, clouds of smoke and flying embers.

For all the 5000 years of civilisation the Chinks claimed they possess, they still practised such unnecessary, unhygienic and dirty acts. Give them metal bins, they still burn on their offerings on the nice grass verges. Bloody disgrace to all mankind.

no religion in the world are free from stupidlity ...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
hi there

1. bro, i pity the thread author, blind.
2. to it, yellow skinned equates chiney!
3. btw, buddhists don't practice such offerings.

bro...buddhists are not free from stupidlity too ..they offer themself to their buddha :smile:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Why dun you just kick off everything the Chinese burnt and pray
and swear at it during the night time? The maybe you will know whether is it true on the Chinese belief.

i try that donkey years ago...see im still here ...:smile:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
So what is your religious? Care to share?

What I think is to be more tolerate human. Example Muslim every friday prayer anyhow park on road side from 2 lane become one lane. Malay wedding in void deck also cause in convenient to whole block.
Indian/Sikh/Chinese Temple when big festival road block also cause in convenient to all.
Sometime the old culture also make life more interesting. Others race/religious also can learn new things and culture.
Some ritual may look stupid/ridiculous to other people but to them very important.
Example Christian carry cross......
Muslim circle the Mecca stone and throwing stone ......
Indian/Buddhist cross fire and stick metal/piercing on body......

So what do you think?

Be more open minded to accept other culture and respect them. If all hate each other then there will be no peace. Many people still very conservative/small minded thinking only their race/religious/culture is the best/only one/above all/correct others are bullshit.
For me I am free thinker respect all the race/culture/religious. I do visit Chinese Temple/Indian Temple/Church and Mosque.
Make me more open minded all are good,all never ask anyone to do sin or harm others. All religious ask anyone to respect others, why we want to rank it which religious is more powerful/better there no answer for it just like chicken/egg which come 1st.

To know the GOD just search from the heart.

are you kidding me ? peace ? religion itself already draw line between humans ...bet you heard of holy war ...if theres no religion in the world ..there will be lesser differences ...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
We Chinese burnt gold, silver papers and give offerings to the Ghost durng this month so that all our fellow citzens regardless of Race, Language or Religion can live through the month in Peace and Harmony with our fellows citzens returning from the Nether World.
When the Gates of the Nether World opens these souls have to be appeased. Who is going to do it? You Christian, or you Muslim or you Aethist or you whatever reiligion?
We have a greater responsibility then you fellow citizens could possibly fathom. You weep for the poor child who has asthma. While the sickness of the poor child is tragic, what we do probably saves lives.
While our action are grotesque and incomprehensible to you people, it saves lives.
You people don't want the truth because deep down you don't talk about it in places but parties, you people want us to make the offerings. You need us to make the offerings.
We Chinese make these offerings protecting everybody. You people use these offerings as a punch line against us.
We Chinese have neither the time nor the inclinations to explain ourselves to you people who rises and sleep under the very blanket of protectiion we Chinese provide; and then question the manner we provide them.
We rather you people just say "Thank You" and be on your way.
Otherwise, we Chinese suggest you people take up the responsibility and make the offerings yourself.
Either way we Chinese don't give a damn what you people are entitled to.

in the first place theres no fucking ghost for you to appeased ..so stop justify your stupidlity ...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Have you wondered when people burn paper model iphones, laptop and electrical gadgets to the decease........ no one has ever burned them the satellite, power station and the compatible router. It just makes me wonder.

Damn sure the living did it to comfort themselves. But without the burning and smell of smoke in the air, the festive mood seems lacking. :o

once a year , smart businessman will try to make money out of delusion ppl..thats why you can have the lastest electronic gadgets made from papers ...those businessman are selling emotions ..same as religions . without religions those businessman will lack of money ...not lack of festive mood ...:smile:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Chinese have always been burning paper stuff every 7th month. I wonder why this thread was even started. TS are you some sort of foreigner?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chinese have always been burning paper stuff every 7th month. I wonder why this thread was even started. TS are you some sort of foreigner?

This is religious and culture very hard to discuss. I will take time and slowly reduce it. Maybe burning less.
Example Singaporean still practice old style by light/burning 3 incense. Many temple in Taiwan/HK start to practice by burning less offering 1 stick. Meaning reduce by 2/3 of the quantity.
I think Singapore should start to change also.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is religious and culture very hard to discuss. I will take time and slowly reduce it. Maybe burning less.
Example Singaporean still practice old style by light/burning 3 incense. Many temple in Taiwan/HK start to practice by burning less offering 1 stick. Meaning reduce by 2/3 of the quantity.
I think Singapore should start to change also.

well it might or might not change. The thing is these are religious beliefs that only some chinese practice.


I dare TS to decimate the offerings ground and post video/photo proof it here, no balls then dun complain


Can I suggest that your church leeplace the annoying church bells with a mild ringtone and congregators take public transport so that their cars do not jam up the traffic. These are suggestions. If someone else take these as insensitive remarks, it is them. Not me. Cheers! :oIo:


I do not associated myself with any church, temple, synagogue. My relationship with God does not need to be instituitionalized.

BTW, the chimes of the chruch bells lasts only a few seconds, is not deafening, does not pollute the place, and is meant to inform the congregation of the start of mass. Its sound does not spread not linger nor does it annoy anyone. If it bothers you, start a thread and see the response.

I can't speak for every church, but most of them have proper and sufficient parking, or make the effort to keep the parked vehicles away from main roads.

If you have the time, read this book entitled "Have a Little Faith" by Mitch Albiom. Very light reading.



I believe that every religion has a place in our society. We need to be sensitive towards one another and we should practice our faiths in a manner that does not intrude into other people's lives. If the mosques' call the faithful to pray can be muted to keep up with the modern way of life, I don't see why the burning of papers cannot be confined in a place that does not pollute the environment. The authorities sees fit to accommodate this practice which to me is primitive.

When a smoker cannot smoke within a 50 metres boundary of a hospital, the reasoning is becasue the patients need a good environment. The sick are not only in hospitals, most of them are at home including babies and children. We should think for the sake of these people, this practice should be curtailed and only allowed in certain areas far away from our homes.
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those taoists only burn a lot on the 1st, 14/15th and 30th day of 7th month..

this is nothing compared to the 2nd hand cigarette smoke my family gets almost every night from my neighbors (one on top and one next door) as they blow the smoke out of their windows

ban people from smoking in residential area first ...