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Untold story of PAP

Porfirio Rubirosa

perhaps a no holds barred book should be done on Mrs LKY and her influence/impact on PAP when both harry and her have passed on...

What proved to be a treasure trove of precious insights were the 200-odd oral history interviews released by the National Archives of Singapore.
They included the voices of Lee Kuan Yew and his wife Kwa Geok Choo, S. Rajaratnam, C.V. Devan Nair, E.W. Barker, Fong Sip Chee, Richard Corridon, Lord Selkirk, David Marshall, S. Woodhull, James Puthucheary, Ong Chang Sam, Soon Loh Boon and Chen Say Jame.

what political development Tony?...more like depoliticisation

Singaporeans might ask: Why should we know the PAP story?

Since 1959, PAP has won 12 general elections making it one of the most successful and longest ruling elected parties in the world. The 55-year-old party has ruled Singapore for 50 years. So whether you are for or against PAP, knowing the history of the party would mean knowing the political development of Singapore.

yeah well it was ok for harry to 'sacrifice' because wifey and brother were raking in the $$$...harry was never ever an idealist...and that soap flake story on dr goh is just ridiculous...but i gather francis thomas was a decent bloke however like marshall not a very able politician...

The reader will be struck by the idealism, integrity and self-sacrifice of the first generation of PAP and non-PAP leaders: Lee Kuan Yew charging little or no fees as lawyer for political activists and trade unionists; Goh Keng Swee bringing soap flakes on his overseas trips to do his own washing to save taxpayers' money; ministers and legislative assemblymen refusing to accept bribes; Francis Thomas requesting the Ministry of Education to drop his expatriate allowance after he became a Singapore citizen; and leftists leading an austere life which compelled PAP leaders to do likewise to win the hearts and minds of the people.

sad that singapore under the present PAPs together with harry have long since departed from such a noble path...

Indeed Men In White can be read as a tribute to the generation born before the war who suffered under British colonialism and Japanese occupation, endured unimaginable poverty and privations, underwent social and political upheaval, and yet were able to overcome the tears and the trauma to lay the foundation for a new nation.

If not for the thrift, frugality, hard work and tremendous sacrifices of the leaders and the people, the present generation would not enjoy the privilege of being the beneficiaries of Singapore's peace and prosperity today.

Porfirio Rubirosa

this teo ser luck is a hypocritical clown..."embrace diversity"???...


'The book shows us that within a party there can be diverse views. And having diverse views and embracing them is important in today's context. So, for the event today, it was very touching to see MM Lee actually come together with those who opposed him in the past.

'I've read three-quarters of the book, I know the history, so when I saw him standing there it was the most moving moment for me.

'For MM and the leftists, they opposed each other, there may be some bitterness still, but to see them bring closure today was really the best moment.'

Mr Teo Ser Luck, 41, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Transport as well as Community Development, Youth and Sports.


They should write a book about Francis Thomas. Ethical and sincere in serving the people. He is the one that started the "Meet the people" session while in the Labour party where any tom, dick and harry can see the MP, which the PAP copied. He is also the one who revealed the corruption in the Labour party when Lim Yew Hock was evasive instead of addressign it.

Porfirio Rubirosa

this one from harry takes the cake...now that he has no commie/marxist bogey to play on he plays the malaysian/indonesian/muslim card...


'It was an absorbing book because it gave everybody's point of view and what I found fascinating was how seriously they misjudged us. Underlying all that they did was the assumption that we were English-educated and softies. And they also did not understand the wider political backdrop and they had really no chance.

'We will never have the same set of circumstances again where you have a colonial power in charge on the wane, about to relinquish its authority and a tussle between communists and non-communists to succeed it.

'So what may arise is that when you become weak economically, then you become weak militarily because you cannot afford weaponry, then I think we are at risk.

'I leave it to your imagination why we are at risk. If you read, better still if you live in Malaysia and Indonesia, you will understand.

'And I hope the younger generation understands that before the situation arises and does not allow such a situation to arise.'

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, in a video screened at the launch of the book.
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It is obvious that theose that appeared at the launch have been bought over and many times over.

There are countless that were not in the book.

Any sane person that doesn't see the diabolical ways of old man and how he has enriched his family and his cronies while punishing the people of Singapore to pay sky high fees for almost everything they require is definitely an untruthful being.

Any sane person that doesn't see that Singaporeans are constantly being short-changed while an 'elite' bunch of cheaters are increasing their wealth enormously, daily is untruthful.

Any sane person that believes that Singaporea and Singaporeans can continue on this road of pappyism is untruthful.

There has to come a time when the country goes back to the property of the people.


Pensionable scheme was removed from the bulk of the civil service in the 80s - converted to CPF. The schemes that remained under pension for obvious reasons were Admin, Intelligence, Sr Police Officer, Selected Sr SAF Officers and I think there is one more (can't recall)

Guess what, couple of the scary ex-communist chaps are drawing pension. Here is a clue, there is stat board that has budget allocation for pension.

It is obvious that theose that appeared at the launch have been bought over and many times over.

There are countless that were not in the book.

Any sane person that doesn't see the diabolical ways of old man and how he has enriched his family and his cronies while punishing the people of Singapore to pay sky high fees for almost everything they require is definitely an untruthful being.

Any sane person that doesn't see that Singaporeans are constantly being short-changed while an 'elite' bunch of cheaters are increasing their wealth enormously, daily is untruthful.

Any sane person that believes that Singaporea and Singaporeans can continue on this road of pappyism is untruthful.

There has to come a time when the country goes back to the property of the people.



Outside the Men In White
New book brings old foes together

Once in power, then out of the PAP, opposition veterans were back in the old Parliament House - but only for the afternoon
By Ng Tze Yong

September 10, 2009


HAND SHAKE BETWEEN OLD FOES: Mr Fong meets MM Lee at the launch of Men in White. PICTURES: LIANHE ZAOBAO

IT WAS an unusual reunion, one which brought together the victors and the vanquished, and an occasion heavy with camaraderie - and awkwardness.

At the launch of Men In White at The Arts House yesterday afternoon, a stream of silver-haired men, many in their 80s, hobbled through metal detectors.

The guest-of-honour was Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.

For some among the old guard who were there as guests, he was their leader. For many others, he was their biggest opponent.

As they took their places on the maroon leather seats, they squinted as they looked around for familiar faces. They leaned in close, ear to mouth, as they talked about health, children, businesses and hobbies.

Politics could wait.

Fiery words once filled this hall. But yesterday, body language spoke louder.

Former PAP MP Chan Chee Seng, who had grabbed a good seat early, slapped the seat next to him with a loud thud when he spotted a friend from afar. But some other greetings - while promptly offered - were followed by awkward silences.

Mr Fong Swee Suan, a leftist who fell out with MM Lee, chose a seat high up at a corner of the third row. There he sat, silent and expression-less.

At an adjoining room, former Barisan Sosialis members Ong Chang Sam and Teo Hock Guan chose to while away some time at an art exhibition, then entered the chamber and sat side by side.

Back in the limelight

Meanwhile, reporters scrambled to identify faces and double-check names of these movers and shakers who have long since left the limelight.

At 4.30pm, MM Lee arrived. The audience applauded, but not all. Former Barisan Sosialis member Low Por Tuck looked intently at first, as if trying to recognise the man, then clapped - languidly - with his hands at waist level.

Another Barisan Sosialis member, Madam Hoe Puay Choo, didn't clap. She stood with her hands by her side, as if at attention.

Later, when asked about it at the reception, she would break out in embarrassed laughter and say: 'I was just surprised that he had aged so much.'

The opening speech began, but MM Lee seemed preoccupied.

His eyes scanned the gallery, seemingly row by row. He leaned forward and craned his neck at times, mouth agap, legs uncrossed.

The speech ended with Singapore Press Holdings chairman Dr Tony Tan calling on those who had been imprisoned before to stand up. They did so, one by one, when called by name.

There was applause, but it sounded more polite than thunderous.

The book was launched. MM Lee didn't stay for the tea reception. But he did stay long enough to greet his friends and former foes.

Mr Fong was one of the first. He returned to his seat afterwards, beaming to himself.

How was it like, I asked him in Mandarin after the event was over. 'I was very happy to see him,' he said. 'It has been a long time.'

Was he still angry with MM Lee? Mr Fong maintained his smile, but his lips were pressed tighter together now.

He kept quiet for the next 10 seconds, then patted me twice on the shoulder, laughed heartily, and walked away.



A Chinese-educated unionist and anti-colonial activist, Mr Fong Swee Suan, 78, was locked up by the British for leading strikes, including the Hock Lee Bus Riots in 1955.

He was a founding member of the PAP, but pro-communist Mr Fong objected to a merger with Malaya.

As a fiery young secretary of the Trades Union Congress, Mr Fong attacked MM Lee for his capitalist policies. MM Lee then ordered Mr Fong to vacate his post.

In 1961, Mr Fong was part of a group of leftist members who broke away from the PAP to form Barisan Sosialis. Two years later, he was detained under Operation Cold Store until 1967.