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TJS Trojan Horse within the Opposition Camp


Alfrescian (Inf)
What has changed, is not my attitude or stance I have on WP but rather, the way you see things and your bias.

Relax. I didn't say you have changed. I am sure it's still deep down and will return but the present approach has more to do with "timing".

Surely we know WP has its weaknesses and so has every party. There are no perfect humans including those running the parties. But plucking things from the sky and calling them "mistakes" is another matter.


That malay guy Fahmi Rais who was with Ypap and a pap grassroot member for 20 years. Highly suspicious. Not even staying in Singapore now. Based in JB.

SINGAPORE - Singaporean Fahmi Rais lives in a semi-detached house with six rooms, each with an en-suite bathroom, a garden only slightly smaller than a two-room Housing Board flat, and a garage that can hold nine cars.

He bought the Johor Baru (JB) mansion for just RM550,000 (S$211,602), the average price of a two-room flat in Singapore, in 2010.

The 46-year-old is one of a growing number of middle-aged Singaporeans living across the Causeway and working here.

Mr Fahmi, an entertainment-production-company owner who is also vice-president of the Johor-Singapore Community Care Association, estimated that Singaporeans in their 40s with school-going children make up 30 per cent of the roughly 5,000 Singaporean families living in JB.

This is a stark increase from the 5 per cent to 10 per cent about four years ago, he said.

"That percentage is increasing as more young parents in their 30s follow suit. It is no longer just people wanting to retire in JB," he added.

His association seeks to cater for the long-term needs and welfare of Singaporeans living in Johor and Johoreans working in Singapore.

But why the move?

For Mr Fahmi, who used to live in a condominium in the east, it was not just the cost of living. It was also the space and the feeling of being part of a developing area, he said.

He has four children - aged four, 12, 13 and 17 - and they each have their own room now. The three older ones study in Singapore and get to their schools by car - a two-hour daily drive for Mr Fahmi.

"Outside the confines of our gates, there is nothing much to do. But we are enjoying the space, freedom and family activities together," he said, adding that his children enjoy the privacy of having a room each.

After dropping them off, it is another 20-minute drive to his workplace in Joo Chiat.

But the hassle of the long commute has faded into a quirk of living in JB.

"We are used to it. The jam is bearable, if you know what time to go and which lanes to take," he told MyPaper, adding that his wife helps him in his business.



Alfrescian (Inf)
WP wont be sitting at it laurel for the past 3 years, surely they would have ramp up the logistics division as they learnt from the 2011 mistakes.

elections not always die die must win, a good party will select it battles, some candidates are not meant to win but are fielded to tie down the imcumburts, to prevent them from stopping the party actual target. LTK is chinese educated, surely he would have read 資治通鑑 to help him plan his strategies at elections.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Alot of my frens have complained that WP is very quiet and that the WP constituencies are very dirty etc etc. However please note WP MPs not that many in Parleement so there are so many qns they can asked,,,and it seems all places are starting to feel the pinch of getting cleaners etc. Of course the real issues are the PMET category and not those cleaners, low level workers etc,,,,,,

WP wont be sitting at it laurel for the past 3 years, surely they would have ramp up the logistics division as they learnt from the 2011 mistakes.

elections not always die die must win, a good party will select it battles, some candidates are not meant to win but are fielded to tie down the imcumburts, to prevent them from stopping the party actual target. LTK is chinese educated, surely he would have read 資治通鑑 to help him plan his strategies at elections.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Alot of my frens have complained that WP is very quiet and that the WP constituencies are very dirty etc etc. However please note WP MPs not that many in Parleement so there are so many qns they can asked,,,and it seems all places are starting to feel the pinch of getting cleaners etc. Of course the real issues are the PMET category and not those cleaners, low level workers etc,,,,,,

The issue about pointing out shortcomings is that you have to ensure that no other fits the bill. Can they be sure PAP wards are not dirty or if the other opposition parties are elected, their wards do not end up the same. Otherwise, doing so would be "singling out". In reality, you can find dirt in any ward whoever is the MP there.

Or like what GMS says, that SFP can be more vocal and less Chinese than the WP. Because both instances are not true. Although SFP was not formed, TJS did not raise many issues except talk about where he went and who he met. When the party was formed, there were no Indians and only 2 Malays.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Alot of my frens have complained that WP is very quiet and that the WP constituencies are very dirty etc etc. However please note WP MPs not that many in Parleement so there are so many qns they can asked,,,and it seems all places are starting to feel the pinch of getting cleaners etc. Of course the real issues are the PMET category and not those cleaners, low level workers etc,,,,,,

dirty is subjective. all those ex pap constituencies had been dumping or littering for donkey years and make cleaners work extra hard. hougang never had issue of being dirty, people living there know not to overload the TC by keeping clean themselves by not any old how litter all over the place. the same cannot be say of pap areas where the banglas work from 6am to 7pm every damn day just to keep rubbish from piling up. i lived in both WP and PAP adminstrated Hougang, the residents are totally different, currently living in pap hougang, everyday has flying rubbish to dodge. Just yesterday a kitchen wipe roller which some arsehole threw from his/her kitchen window, narrowly miss my son by a few metres as he walk from carpark to the lift lobby.

so instead of complaining WP TC boh cho gerg, why not the people stop dirtying the place in the first place.


Alfrescian (Inf)
First of all, it would be overly optimistic for anyone to proclaim that WP can just announce where it wants to go and then just fight. That's really full of arrogance and ignorance.

First of all, no need to demonize WP as it is not a black-and-white matter. All opposition parties are doing the same thing, that is to strike a balance between giving way and contesting the wards they want to contest, to varying degrees. If you want WP to give way all the time, might as well be straightforward and ask them to close shop.

To avoid a multi-cornered fight in the present situation where more and more opposition parties are being formed, every party will be left with only 2 GRCs to contest. There are 15 GRCs and already 8 opposition parties. NSP has to give up 2 GRCs. Will they?

This is why, LTK would still attend NSP Anniversary Dinner on Saturday and went around ALL tables (I believe over 40 tables) to shake hands and chit chat with everybody. He is after all a shrewd politician who understands the importance of DIPLOMACY when you are still small as compared to the biggest opponent PAP.

Reading too much or too little. Attending the dinner was because he was invited. Shaking hands is to greet people. That should have no bearing on the strategies in 2016.

No doubt that TJS has strategically chose his party's name as "Singaporean First Party" to zoom in on the "neglected" part of public discourse by WP, that doesn't mean that he will definitely go into three corner fight with WP in East Coast.

Everywhere except Tanjong Pagar GRC has been contested by the opposition before. If they have to go somewhere, why not East Coast.

SFP may possibly capture the votes from people who are disappointed of WP's relatively quiet stance on various issues as well as the perception of WP as "Chinese Party"

Unless they are less Chinese and less quiet but at this point now, not the case.

They may be FORCED into three corner fight with WP when WP wanted to encroach into their turfs but won't initiate such bold move to attack WP's turf for no reasons.

RP was forced to enter the Punggol East by-election?

That would be suicidal in terms of damaging its party branding.

Contesting in a multi-corner fight can damage your party branding? Never heard of.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I understand that WP is doing a good job under hard circumstances and it need to thread carefully. With the overwhelming dominance of the Pappies,,,black for them can become white...Look at how PAP twist the truth with the Hawker Centre cleaning thing? Tat why WP have to be careful,,and of course by saying WP is quiet is falling into the hands of the media as WP good stuff is seldom reported,,,

I have no qualms that a WP TC is better run than a PAP TC,,,but with the next GE due in 24 mths,,,it needs to circumvent the PAP media dominance and show that it is speaking up on issues and at least seem to be working to out play the PAP IBs etc..

Look at this Forum. In the political site,,,all we see is WP doing community work etc etc,,,few is said about its actions in Parleement etc,,,it needs to highlight this fact,,,

Just my rants,.,,

dirty is subjective. all those ex pap constituencies had been dumping or littering for donkey years and make cleaners work extra hard. hougang never had issue of being dirty, people living there know not to overload the TC by keeping clean themselves by not any old how litter all over the place. the same cannot be say of pap areas where the banglas work from 6am to 7pm every damn day just to keep rubbish from piling up. i lived in both WP and PAP adminstrated Hougang, the residents are totally different, currently living in pap hougang, everyday has flying rubbish to dodge. Just yesterday a kitchen wipe roller which some arsehole threw from his/her kitchen window, narrowly miss my son by a few metres as he walk from carpark to the lift lobby.

so instead of complaining WP TC boh cho gerg, why not the people stop dirtying the place in the first place.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Excellent point by point rebuttal by tanwahp.

8 opposition parties out there. 6 of them active contestants who will definitely want to have at least two or three GRCs for themselves maybe more. How can everyone give way to everyone else?

GMS don't be a mad cow leh.

I am saying WP should not even give way to anyone and yes, it should not give way even for the so called marginal seats.

If this is what GMS considers bloody arrogant so be it. Enter parliament is the key priority. Arrogant or not none of WP's problem.


I think this is what some ex-PAP people are waiting for. For certain the old farker carrying the hatchet is over and threat is mellowed to dripple. Old fart Loong is useless PM criteria and easily be pushed over.

Many ex-PAP knows too well that PMship is beyond their take even if they can lead better than old fart long.

It is this break they are looking for, ho seh liao, they can emerge from their hiding ground.

TJS did what he did during the Presidential Elections. Now all opposition parties are going to be tarred by the same brush. The allegation of bigotry and racism will loom large over all of the opposition camp. This will not just confined to dog-whistle politics this will be full blown.

As CPP said in another related thread, the new citizens will move to the PAP in strength. And their voting bloc is no longer insignificant.

Did anyone wonder why the bulk of his new team are from from PAP and PA background. Not a single one of the new chaps identified wrote or voiced an opinion contrary to the PAP's position.

This sort of pseudo opposition will set us back by more than a few years.

This guy single handedly handed Tony Tan the Presidential Elections and the Istana.


If you think WP is too quiet and SFP will do it for you, you are forgetting the whole system is rigged. PAP MPs can slack while their PA members do their job. PAP MPs can sleep in parliament or skip it since their votes are already planned.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That is why I give WP the benefit of the doubt unlike the Mr Got More Shit who criticises the opposition more than the PAP...and the PAP has more shit in its closet than anyone else,,,

If you think WP is too quiet and SFP will do it for you, you are forgetting the whole system is rigged. PAP MPs can slack while their PA members do their job. PAP MPs can sleep in parliament or skip it since their votes are already planned.