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TJS Trojan Horse within the Opposition Camp


Alfrescian (Inf)
TJS is free to contest any Grc... same as voters are free to vote for him or not. In fact, I would be delighted if SFP sends a team to contest in my own Aljunied Grc. It will keep Wp their toes.

To draw up all sorts doomsday scenarios before any campaigning begins just shows you how politically immature sinkies are.

Indeed. Sinkies are too brainwashed into wanting 'quality opposition' as preached by the pappies. Everything must be perfect, the stars must be aligned. Even the logo must be pretty and not resemble any existing corporate brand logo. :rolleyes:

If you want imperfection, look around you. That's what decades of unchecked PAP rule have brought you. They do what they want, and couldn't care less about you and your well-being. And what do you do? Sit down and shrug your shoulders, lamenting 'what to do'. :rolleyes:

A nation of sheep deserves a government of wolves. Never forget that.


Alfrescian (Inf)
opposition votes split yet again. and victory to pap is now 100%.
Those people who had hope for next election now can go to bedok reservoir.


I don't really subscribe to the conspiracy theorist argument. Instead, I do believe that TJS is out for personal glory. I think the purpose of this new party is to allow TJS a seat on the table when the opposition parties sit down to discuss carving out electoral divisions among themselves. To that extent, TJS is no fool. He knows that there is zero chance of a new party like his taking down a GRC. He will therefore ask for 1 SMC and 1 GRC for his party. Meaning to say, that he stands in the SMC (where his chances would be better, although I still do not rate him winning) and his other party members can stand as a team in a GRC.

Note, that I have stated publicly that WP should no longer sit down with anyone to discuss seat allocation. Instead, WP should simply announce where it intends to contest once the new EBRC is published, and leave the rest to decide for themselves where to stand. Given that we now have this new party, this approach makes even more sense. It would also be in-line with what WP said at the PEBE -- that it does not prevent any other party from standing anywhere.


WP is in such a position that it can and should do it. The rest need to work harder. Wp should take this opportunity to cover its gap for the campaign ahead. With TJS in the frame it cannot avoid populist issues and just focus on infrastructure issues.

Note, that I have stated publicly that WP should no longer sit down with anyone to discuss seat allocation. Instead, WP should simply announce where it intends to contest once the new EBRC is published, and leave the rest to decide for themselves where to stand. Given that we now have this new party, this approach makes even more sense. It would also be in-line with what WP said at the PEBE -- that it does not prevent any other party from standing anywhere.


I don't really subscribe to the conspiracy theorist argument. Instead, I do believe that TJS is out for personal glory. I think the purpose of this new party is to allow TJS a seat on the table when the opposition parties sit down to discuss carving out electoral divisions among themselves. To that extent, TJS is no fool. He knows that there is zero chance of a new party like his taking down a GRC. He will therefore ask for 1 SMC and 1 GRC for his party. Meaning to say, that he stands in the SMC (where his chances would be better, although I still do not rate him winning) and his other party members can stand as a team in a GRC.

Note, that I have stated publicly that WP should no longer sit down with anyone to discuss seat allocation. Instead, WP should simply announce where it intends to contest once the new EBRC is published, and leave the rest to decide for themselves where to stand. Given that we now have this new party, this approach makes even more sense. It would also be in-line with what WP said at the PEBE -- that it does not prevent any other party from standing anywhere.

He is out for glory. SDP took him out of compassion--failed. Presidential run---failed and gave us TT instead. Now this.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
People who are going to vote for TJS as those who are disgruntled with Govt. So he is not going to take votes from the PAP. Hope we get this right. We all know there is a higher concentration of Malays and India Indians in the East Coast than most areas in Singapore.

So whose vote do you think they will steal? PAP or WP.

One important reason why many of my peers didn't vote opposition is the fact that non of the candidates have 'credible' credentials. Yeah.. Chen show mao was the closest thing but he turned out to be a dud in parliament.

Like it or not, TJS's "ex-apparatchik" label might be his greatest asset. In 2011, we read his economic masterplan and were duly impressed. He had ideas and solutions which could move the singapore economy up the value chain - something Goh keng swee himself would have endorsed.

Regarding his appeal to Indian and Malay voters, I have yet to hear any of his party's stance so I can't comment.

And regarding "Attention" being someone's middle name... I believe that honour belongs to Tan kin lian, not TJS.


Alfrescian (Inf)
So whose vote do you think they will steal? PAP or WP.

Neither PAP nor WP is entitled to my vote
Which is for me to decide how to cast
Therefore no party can have votes stolen
Screwedballs talking cock again as usual

Any party that fails to deliver on electoral promises
"First World Parliament" or "More Good Years"
Deserves to lose votes if emergence of vocal ones
Forces Parliamentary mouses to become lions
It is a good thing all other factors remaining equal


Alfrescian (Inf)
dun vote opposition, they have no experience in politics. They will mess up everything. Just like in Japan and Taiwan. Even if they won, you will beg pap to come back in next election. Just look at the quality of opposition supporters in this forum, and they behavior. No good will come to singapore if opposition won. Best to influence pap to change.


You are right that TJS falls in to that zone that other opposition candidates cannot - Member of the elite Admin Service and he does speak well. Unlike Hazel and Tony who were also from there. He also is able to carry a conversation on the economy and conduct of government in carrying out their duties. There is certainly appeal. I guess all eyes on him on what he plans to do. He will be crucified if he undermines the opposition.

I personally do not think that he will win in an SMC. There is body of opinion that GRC where inferior PAP MP candidates riding on the coat-tails of better qualified candidate is now exposed. So they become targets. In an SMC one cannot exploit this.

Yes, forgot about TKS. He daily blog entry, his popularity poll on the PE etc. prior to losing his deposit.

One important reason why many of my peers didn't vote opposition is the fact that non of the candidates have 'credible' credentials. Yeah.. Chen show mao was the closest thing but he turned out to be a dud in parliament.

Like it or not, TJS's "ex-apparatchik" label might be his greatest asset. In 2011, we read his economic masterplan and were duly impressed. He had ideas and solutions which could move the singapore economy up the value chain - something Goh keng swee himself would have endorsed.

Regarding his appeal to Indian and Malay voters, I have yet to hear any of his party's stance so I can't comment.

And regarding "Attention" being someone's middle name... I believe that honour belongs to Tan kin lian, not TJS.


Alfrescian (Inf)
dun vote opposition, they have no experience in politics. They will mess up everything. Just like in Japan and Taiwan. Even if they won, you will beg pap to come back in next election. Just look at the quality of opposition supporters in this forum, and they behavior. No good will come to singapore if opposition won. Best to influence pap to change.

Dun vote PAP, they have lots of experience in breaking electoral promises. They have already messed up everything. More broken promises will be the outcome if PAP won. Influence PAP to give up the knuckle duster and cul de sac which have been hard wired into their DNA? Hahaha so funny, better to Unsinkify thyself and all those around you:

(Book I, Chapter XVI of MACHIAVELLI’s Discourses on Livy - this is an abridged version, edited by me)

Many examples from history will show how difficult it is for a people used to living under a Prince (LEEgime) to preserve their liberty after they had by some accident acquired it, as Rome acquired it after driving out the Tarquins. Such difficulty is reasonable, because that people is nothing else other than a brute animal, which although by nature ferocious and wild, has always been brought up in prison and servitude. Later being left by chance free in a field, and not being accustomed to obtain food or not knowing where to find shelter for refuge, becomes prey to the first one who seeks to enchain it again.

This same thing happens to a people, who being accustomed to living under governments of others, not knowing to reason either on public defense or offense, not knowing the LEEgime or being known by them, return readily under a yoke, which often times is more heavy than that which a short time before had been taken from their necks.

To the above should be added another difficulty, which is that the state which becomes free makes enemy partisans, and not friendly partisans. All those men become its enemy partisans who avail themselves of the tyrannical state, feeding on the riches of the LEEgime, and who when they are deprived of the faculty of thus availing themselves, cannot live content, and some are forced to attempt to reestablish the tyranny so as to recover their authority.

It does not, as I have said, acquire friendly partisans, for a free society bestows honours and rewards through the medium of honest and predetermined rules, and outside of which does not honour or reward anyone. When one receives those honours and rewards as appears to them he merits, he does not consider he has any obligation to repay them. With regards to freedom from expropriation and the like in a free society, no one will ever confess himself to have an obligation to one who only does not offend him.

Please feel free to comment.

For the original, see Book I, Chapter XVI of Machiavelli’s Discourses on Livy, available here:



Imho, the Opp parties should try to spread out. No need to kill off each other crowding into incumbents' spaces thereby splitting Opp votes. Go for straight fight with the PAP in a GRC - thats what SFP should do.

Between the PAP and a credible Opp like TJS, swing voters who erstwhile never had anything credible as choice will likely root for SFP if they want an Opp.

If a 100 flowers want to bloom, lets have them all over the island instead of in one basket where we can lose all.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Let's get this straight people.....

When I predicted before the hustings of the last election, I was totally right.......East Coast GRC and Tampines GRC.........but the Opp are too dumb to catch on....very likely this time they'll still not listen and play me out in my bets once again. Haizz....

Forget about Joo Chiat.......waste of time. Let it rot and merge please.........

Marine Parade was never meant to be, so GMS was an abject idiot..........while we love Nicole, there is no fucking way she can take on GCT.......so GMS had set himself up for failure even before the fight had ended. He did pretty well in Tampines whacking Ah Mah, but he just gave it all up, all the party's resources and his own sorry ass. See, you can slice the Marine Parade GRC margin down, but you cannot take it down......so, what the fucking point?

Lest everyone thinks East Coast GRC is ripe for the picking now, again, idiots will not listen to me and fall into a trap or get blind-sided once again......and it will happen that way, because the Opp are either trojan infiltrated or filled with self-serving retards........like Yaw Shin whatever his full name and the likes......

Beyond the criticisms I give here, I of course would like to see fruitful healthy intellectual above board and fair political competition that serves the people, no matter new citizens or old.......(we should have gone beyond that by now). Can't turn back the clock, but can stave the bleeding....so here's my prediction and strategy for 2016......

1. Forget TOTALLY about the West of Singapore. Cannot win, total waste of time and resources

2. Give token offerings to the North and South of Singapore

3. Concentrate on the Central and East of Singapore

4. Forget about si2pid concept like by-election effect.....go fuck spiders whoever still think along those freaking myopic lines

5. Go for broke, if not, don't do it

6. Use social media and lots of it.......something which WP will never catch on, because it is a kiasi, kiasu, kiabo, kia taichi type of party

7. Careful about another Desmond types of clowns....like that bayi Singh talking rots at Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, careful of them

8. Forget about SMCs..........cannot win one. Potong Pasir will return to PAP, this one no need to give second glance, CMI. You think everyday there is a Hougang meh? Don't be an idiot can or not? Anyway, the Opp has no solid well-liked calibre people who can helm an SMC, and don't have silly wet dreams please. SMCs are there to win for PAP, not lose for them, so why go there? Too free is it? Or too si2pid?

Here's my humble bets......

Tampines GC - by SFP
Marine Parade GRC - by NSP or WP
East Coast GRC - PAP

Sori hor, WP lost its best chance at East Coast GRC last election........you think target remains there for you to screw this time? Think again!

To zeddy.......forget about cover the ground, not everyone is a Sylvia Lim and she did not win Aljunied by covering the ground. George Yeo has no charisma, no intellect, no strategy, no nothing....he was meant to be slaughtered there and he knows it, but boh pian, even GCT cannot help him out.

To win, focus on national issues, not municipal issues. Gone are those days of HDB upgrade and what fucked shit about transport bus routes and wet market and shopping centers local issues.....

Now, the issues had grown beyond localized issues, like:

1. Top of the agenda.....CPF withdrawal and minimum sum and everything related to it

2. Transport congestions, delays, breakdowns and continuous fare hikes, yet transport companies making huge profits. How come?

3. Unemployment rate increasing, more unemployed and salary no minimum wage and pro-employer all these years after 1988

4. Inflation rate exceeding wage increase year on year on year on year

5. Education funding preferences and potential discrimination and course fees hike

6. Healthcare and food-prices going up and up and up and never down

7. Unscrupulous businessmen and big corporate bullying tactics and regulators doing nothing to prevent these evils

8. Corruption at high levels and middle levels of management, systemic failures that need to be exposed and whistle-blower's protection non-existent

9. Police incompetency at various levels and petty crime and organized crime rates rising

10. Judicial case-by-case opaqueness, prejudices, bias and somewhat arbitrary judgments passed that defies common sense and natural justice

Focus on these...........but right now, Opp very quiet on all these issues leh...........and spend their time covering the ground or filing their finger-nails and waiting for PAP to make mistakes, like they say, if one has no talent, then wait for the competition to make mistakes.......KNN, Kanna sai lah.....useless piece of shit,

I'm spoiling my vote unless you servants of the people start to wise up and wise up fast lah......Don't act like you deserve to rule and get paid huge salaries and start your own crony networks. There're plenty of talents and high calibre people who are watching you and can take your place anytime, anyhow, anywhere....So, don't act like you're God-sent, don't be shameless.

Karma is a bitch, a really bitchy one too. Good luck PAP and Opp. I've no affiliations and is apolitical. Who wins, also can, but don't touch my money and my interests, or you pay. No govt is good govt, all else is a false front for self-serving activities and power grabbing, you think I si2pid is it? I know, but choose to behave like the provebial 3 monkeys, never see, never hear, never say. Clear?


thats why i think WP has been compromised....hate to say this but WP has been "deathly" silent over the last few years ........

afraid to rock the boat eh?

amazing wtf can be achieved when you got billions of dollars to anyhow throw away ....everyman has his price...... especially more for those who wanna wayang

They have not been deathly silent. Since they are in parliament they have to work through parliament, which they have. Don't expect the MSM to be fair t them.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Note, that I have stated publicly that WP should no longer sit down with anyone to discuss seat allocation. Instead, WP should simply announce where it intends to contest once the new EBRC is published, and leave the rest to decide for themselves where to stand. Given that we now have this new party, this approach makes even more sense. It would also be in-line with what WP said at the PEBE -- that it does not prevent any other party from standing anywhere.

Agree on this. WP should just state where it will contest and stay out of all horse trading negotiation which for WP will just be a waste of time.

The other parties need to horse trade because they have not reached the required might to swallow a GRC with any confidence and also not sufficient differentiation in terms of degree of brand recognition. Leave the negotiation to them and let them sort out amongst themselves.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
He is out for glory. SDP took him out of compassion--failed. Presidential run---failed and gave us TT instead. Now this.

That's a silly statement. SDP did not parachute him in out of compassion. They fucking found him to be a flying godsend. To the extent that TJS could suan Chee on national television and get away with it.


double confirm he is opportunist. but cant blame him to lurk forward now if PAP lucks r on the slippery slope. then again revolutionists die first. is now a good time, perhaps.


Just heard from Kaki that Fatimah Akthar is firebrand and has been critical of the PAP for sometime. IC however is Indian.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
And regarding "Attention" being someone's middle name... I believe that honour belongs to Tan kin lian, not TJS.

You may have missed all those speeches he gave where he essentially did nothing but highlight his own achievement or which famous person knows him personally.

Compared to him in my opinion TKL is Humble Pie.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I personally do not think that he will win in an SMC. There is body of opinion that GRC where inferior PAP MP candidates riding on the coat-tails of better qualified candidate is now exposed. So they become targets. In an SMC one cannot exploit this.


SMCs are where a good opposition candidate can come in and really give the incumbent a good smack if the latter was complacent and failed to pay attention to what was going on. I'm sure Charles Chong had plenty of explaining to do after GE 2011.