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Singapore is worse than a prostitute...


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Success in English = Success in Life!!! Ang Mohs RULE!:biggrin:
<object height="344" width="425"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JW-Zri3aGpQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>


like i said, wanna do business with ang moh, stay global stay competitive, communicating with other races in our society, english as 2nd language is sufficient. why go to the extreme and push english as 1st language??

obviously its a sell out. do watever it takes for the monetary, economic edge and gain.

thats worse than a prostitute, singapore. get that right.

In that case half the world is a brothel....


Long live the US of A! America rules!:p

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Pz195SPGKmA&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

okay, let suppose many PRC chinese wanna ditch chinese language.


like i said to u, life is not about what majority do or about the market share (e.g. english language, ms windows OS). if all the chinese ditch chinese language, it doesn't mean its right. all people use ms windows OS that doesn't mean thats a good product.

there's beauty in chinese language and culture. its appalling for the chinese to treat their own language as dirt.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Success in English = Success in Life! Ang Mohs RULE!!!! :biggrin:

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JW-Zri3aGpQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

like i said, wanna do business with ang moh, stay global stay competitive, communicating with other races in our society, english as 2nd language is sufficient. why go to the extreme and push english as 1st language??

obviously its a sell out. do watever it takes for the monetary, economic edge and gain.

thats worse than a prostitute, singapore. get that right.


u mean half of the world endorse english language as their 1st language and 'demote' their native language to 2nd language? half the world did that? or is it just us spore?

Statistically i'm not too sure but i think many countries do. Make it quarter of the world is a brothel....hehehe


there's a degree in doing things.

wanna have money? sure. almost everyone wanna have money, wanna be rich.

but selling one's mother for money, thats appalling thats disgusting.

same for language.

wanna stay competitive, sure. but wanna stay competitive to the extend selling one's language, thats disgusting, thats appalling.


yeah right. u as a fan of mac, why don't u ditch mac and use xp or vista instead? since majority of the people using ms windows?
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U started the thread mah.

i started the thread but i don't go claim that 1/2 the world or 1/4 of the world they promote english as 1st language and demote their language to 2nd. u make that claim, u show us statistic.
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The prostitute sell their body, their neh neh, their pussy for money. Anyone pay the right price could poke, enter, explore her vagina.

Gopalan Nait enters and explores but was arrested when he tried to poke Singapore.

Conclusion: Singapore is slightly better than a prostitute :biggrin: :biggrin:


Don't quote based on convenience leh. Be fair in arguments.

look. we could go nitpick all day on data.

instead of going on and on combing each country, let me pick one country, india.

'cause india is a non ang moh, non Caucasian populated country. and english is one of its official language.

now lets take a look here, from education in india (wikipedia)

"Government high schools are usually taught in the regional language, however urban and suburban schools usually teach in English. These institutions are heavily subsidised. Study materials (such as textbooks, notebooks and stationary) are sometime but not always subsidised. Government schools follow the state curriculum."

Its not every school teaching all subjects in english.

Any better example of a non Caucasian populated country, have english as first language, but do not use english extensively in school?


Please ignore post #139.

Let me rephrase my question.

Instead of throw me one whole chunk one whole website of info to digest, could u show me one country (besides Singapore), whereby English is not their native language, and the country uses english extensively in school?