Sexual harassment of women should become a thing of the past.
Our women-folk all over the world ought to be protected from sexual predators and opportunists out to have a good time.
These wily slimy predators are found everywhere (some sadly are women themselves) and may also be in the form of a senior office executives or holding positions of power.
However, in all fairness, women should also refrain from "getting too close to such office executives" just to further their careers and climb the corporate ladder of success much faster then other self-respecting women-folk or even men.
It is an undeniable fact that these sort of "immoral behaviour" among women is quite common in many organisations, including the Singapore Civil Service (uniform services included). There have been rumours that many women made it up the ladder of success NOT by possessing sheer and outright intelligence but by the mere fact that they were women.
The women in the news lately are some very good examples. True to the proverbial saying that, "behind every man's success is a women". The same is also true that "behind every man's doom and failure is also a women".
Ancient history also has many such examples of wily, cunning and slimy humans in the form of Cleopatras and Delilahs. We have modern day Monica Lewinskys, Cecilia Sues, Lauras and many other unknown ones from the past and present. The disease is also going to spread to many unsuspecting men in the near future.
Singapore has laws laid down in the Penal Code, Women Charter and even the Shariah laws that protect young girls under 13 and 16 years of age, respectively. Similarly the Shariah Law also spells out these in "iddah" and "mutaah".
From the days of the Blackwell Sisters (depicted in the book "They Dared To be Doctors"), women in Victorian England and even in Singapore have been given equal rights. Generally these species have never been taken advantage of.
In the past, there had been great women leaders like Helen of Troy and Dido of Sparta. Modern times too have seen the likes of Margaret Thatcher, Lady Eva Peron and Golda Meir.
So women are in a position to make genuine demands for their protection and well-being all over the world and refused to be treated as mere chattels.
In conclusion, women species should always be protected, respected and cherished by men for from their wombs come great thinkers, philosophers and honest leaders.
I love my late Mother so much.............