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Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Poor Pathetic KNNBNBCB, A Son Of A Street Whore!!!

So I've accepted your challenge but you're afraid. YOU FEAR!!! You have exposed your FEAR by coming out with lousy excuses like not daring to hold a placard or shouting KNNB A Son Of A Street Whore is nothing but plain excuse.

I've already told you if you're flying down to indonesia, I will personally hold a placard to welcome a son of a bitch like you but alas your ballz shrink into you anus.

I've taken you out of surprise coz you taught I wouldn't dare to reply to you yesterday morning so you can act like a HERO in this forum further but now that I've responded to your challenge, you're crawling back to hide under your whore mother panties n coming out with plenty of excuses...

you just one of those pathetic with low self-esteem coward who walk with heads down on the streets???

you've disgrace n shame your bitchy Mother!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.....

From your behavior n words, I can see a low self-esteem in you and you feel so inferior to others.... You're ashamed of yourself for having a STREET WHORE MOTHER and which is why you're trying to ACT like a HERO in this forum by licking n sucking up to the ballz of your various masters but again JESUS, they left you in the lurch when I responded to your challenge and you look nothing more than a fool. :rolleyes:

:kma: GOOD TRY that you know how to copy n paste my words.... But tried harder!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.... :kma:

:biggrin: :biggrin: By copying my words, I wouldn't take you in as my disciple n you need not to beg me !!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:



Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Save some face value for your mother if not for yourself.... Honestly, I dun see anyone interested in your ignorant vulgarity post anymore!!!

I sympathize with your mother to have a child like you so fillial that is selling your mother's smelly hole everyday the moment you wake up.... LOL!!!

Treat your mother with better respect... Your mum ain't easy working as a street whore in Wuhan just to feed a useless fool like u!!!

Also, your Hk stands for what? "hello kitty" is it..:biggrin:

your sole existence in this forum is for me to humiliate ....Ha Ha Ha Ha:biggrin:

To your disappointment, I dun even have to use what CB or KNN to humiliate a son of a bitch like you!!!!

Indeed you've to start sympathizing yourself or rather your MOTHER to have such a BALLESS n GUTLESS child like you who ONLY KNOWS HOW TO CRAWL UNDER HER PANTIES N HIDE INSIDE HER SMELLY HOLE JUST LIKE A STREET RAT!!!

By giving yourself so much of excuses here is useless.... Since when I accepted your challenge, all your master's that you have licked n sucked have left you n sitting aside just to watch how a clown like you continue to make a laughing stock out of yourself.... But my post are still being well responded by some members!!!

Oh Ye..... Indeed I agree you tried to use my words that I've humiliated n insulted you back on me but you failed n you failed BIG TIME.... You run out of words n the only thing you can think of is to COPY my words for your own usage!!!

:cool: Come on... you're disappointing me!!! I'm WAITING FOR YOUR CHALLENGE!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Lastly, also dun just hide over here to reply to me!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.... Many are watching!!!



Singapore is like a prostitute: a lot of money and services change hands, but at the end of the day, only an idiot would marry you. :biggrin:

:rolleyes: Then why are you still inside a prostitute den??? Ain't you contradicting yourself or are you being brought up in a prostitute den which is why you're so used to it???... :rolleyes:

:biggrin: Ordering Laksa without cockles???? :biggrin:


Re: TOR will give you freedom to say as you like without fear from PAP cockroaches

Japanese are always polite.

Of course Japanese are polite.... They allow your mother to be a COMFORT WOMAN and yet they will smile at you and in return you as an Eunuch will be THANKING the Japs for turning your mum into a COMFORT WOMAN!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Poor Pathetic HK14K, A Son Of A Wuhan Street Whore!!!

So I've accepted your challenge but you're afraid. YOU FEAR!!! You have exposed your FEAR by coming out with lousy excuses like not daring to hold a placard or shouting KNNB A Son Of A Street Whore is nothing but plain excuse.

I've already told you if you're flying down to indonesia, I will personally hold a placard to welcome a son of a bitch like you but alas your ballz shrink into you anus.

I've taken you out of surprise coz you taught I wouldn't dare to reply to you yesterday morning so you can act like a HERO in this forum further but now that I've responded to your challenge, you're crawling back to hide under your whore mother panties n coming out with plenty of excuses...

you just one of those pathetic with low self-esteem coward who walk with heads down on the streets???

you've disgrace n shame your bitchy Mother!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.....

From your behavior n words, I can see a low self-esteem in you and you feel so inferior to others.... You're ashamed of yourself for having a STREET WHORE MOTHER and which is why you're trying to ACT like a HERO in this forum by licking n sucking up to the ballz of your various masters but again JESUS, they left you in the lurch when I responded to your challenge and you look nothing more than a fool.:kma:


Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Pathetic KNNBNBCB Son Of A Street Whore

:biggrin: Oh, KNNBNBCB.... What a GOOD DOG you are!!!! :biggrin:

You dun have to learn how to suck n lick my ballz coz you're not up to that standard yet!!! By trying to be a three-legged frog (SAR-KA in Hokkien) will bring you no where and all ppl including your coward gang masters are all looking on how you are going to disgrace yourself further!!!!

:wink: If you are CHICKENING out now, just admit it and definitely I WILL FORGIVE N FOREGO WHAT YOU HAVE SAID N DONE!!! :wink:



Re: Imagine a Singapore without LKY and PAP

:eek: Zzzzz.....Zzzzz.....Zzzzz.....

A street rat that tries to ACT LIKE A HERO run into this forum again!!! :eek:


Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg

He is definitely not afraid but he could be uncomfortable. He knew he had made a wrong move but neither can he or should he come out and say something because it would be a betrayal of his uneasiness. Instead, someone else will speak on his behalf to reflect his personal dilemma. If I didn't read wrongly, it has already been done.

His problem is not about knowing his enemy but rather, how so many bystanders can be drawn into the picture. He has misread the ground and has to be very careful with his next move. It is between losing face and incurring greater wreath. He needs a real good advisor in turning adversity to gain when caught in such a lose, lose situation. Hope it is not another traditional ending which is no longer suitable for this new era where negative news and propagandas will turn viral.
Look at CSJ case when LKY n GCT sue him.... As time goes by, Singaporeans tends to forget n is no longer a topic but yet CSJ was still serving his prison sentence back then..

It'll be the same like RN... If you're the judge, you mean you would offend a PM or rather would you offend an ignorant kid who 不知道天高地厚。。。。



Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Poor Pathetic HK14K, A Son Of A Wuhan Street Whore!!!

So I've accepted your challenge but you're afraid. YOU FEAR!!! You have exposed your FEAR by coming out with lousy excuses like not daring to hold a placard or shouting KNNB A Son Of A Street Whore is nothing but plain excuse.

I've already told you if you're flying down to indonesia, I will personally hold a placard to welcome a son of a bitch like you but alas your ballz shrink into you anus.

I've taken you out of surprise coz you taught I wouldn't dare to reply to you yesterday morning so you can act like a HERO in this forum further but now that I've responded to your challenge, you're crawling back to hide under your whore mother panties n coming out with plenty of excuses...

you just one of those pathetic with low self-esteem coward who walk with heads down on the streets???

you've disgrace n shame your bitchy Mother!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.....

From your behavior n words, I can see a low self-esteem in you and you feel so inferior to others.... You're ashamed of yourself for having a STREET WHORE MOTHER and which is why you're trying to ACT like a HERO in this forum by licking n sucking up to the ballz of your various masters but again JESUS, they left you in the lurch when I responded to your challenge and you look nothing more than a fool.

KALI POk KALI Pok. My battalion of Bengal dogs having Kali pok picnic inside the very spacious HK14K mummy cheebye :biggrin:


Re: Escher banned?!? :eek:

Did I zap you before. I cannot recall. If I didn't I will rectify the error with 24 hours. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Have a Good Day.

Oh... The problem with you cowards are you never dare to admit what you have done or say!!! Typical opposition style!!!!

Allow me to refresh your memory... 16/11/2013... 09:57p.m.... But I wouldn't mind you continue to play such coward games.... And PLEASE DO IT WITH EFFECT....

Thank you!!!



Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Poor Pathetic KNNBNBCB, A Son Of A Wuhan Street Whore!!KALI POk KALI Pok. My battalion of Bengal dogs having Kali pok picnic inside the very spacious KNNBNBCB mummy cheebye :biggrin:

Good that you know you belongs to a group of Bengal Dogs that have shafted your mother but i still think you over-estimated yourself abit.... Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! You look more like a street dog!!!

Have you crawl out of your MOTHER'S PANTY HOSE????

:wink:I thought you claim you can't wait and now YOUR BALLZ SHRINK INTO YR ANUS???? :biggrin: :biggrin:



Re: This CPF Clause Should Set Off Alarm If Government Guarantee CPFLife Payout

Considering this is concerning the future of all Singaporeans, your joke is really not funny.

Wow.... Since when did ppl like you start to even concern about the future of all Singaporeans when ppl like you can even say " Let the opposition try to rule SG".... A developed nation to be put on a TRY mode.... So SMART of you n indeed you really CARE FOR ALL SINGAPOREANS!!!


Re: This CPF Clause Should Set Off Alarm If Government Guarantee CPFLife Payout

It seems that you are "cursing and swearing" at everyone here, based on your definition.

Here is a place where everything goes. The only forum in Singapore (or maybe even the world) where the forum founder and owner himself is a troll and spammer speaks volumes of its identity.

I already told you to quote me on my cursing n swearing!!! Simple



Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Poor Pathetic HK14K, A Son Of A Wuhan Street Whore!!!

So I've accepted your challenge but you're afraid. YOU FEAR!!! You have exposed your FEAR by coming out with lousy excuses like not daring to hold a placard or shouting KNNB A Son Of A Street Whore is nothing but plain excuse.

I've already told you if you're flying down to indonesia, I will personally hold a placard to welcome a son of a bitch like you but alas your ballz shrink into you anus.

I've taken you out of surprise coz you taught I wouldn't dare to reply to you yesterday morning so you can act like a HERO in this forum further but now that I've responded to your challenge, you're crawling back to hide under your whore mother panties n coming out with plenty of excuses...

you just one of those pathetic with low self-esteem coward who walk with heads down on the streets???

you've disgrace n shame your bitchy Mother!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.....

From your behavior n words, I can see a low self-esteem in you and you feel so inferior to others.... You're ashamed of yourself for having a STREET WHORE MOTHER and which is why you're trying to ACT like a HERO in this forum by licking n sucking up to the ballz of your various masters but again JESUS, they left you in the lurch when I responded to your challenge and you look nothing more than a fool.

KALI POk KALI Pok. My battalion of Bengal dogs having Kali pok picnic inside the very spacious HK14K mummy cheebye. After the KaliPok picnic, the Bengal dogs are now shitting and peeing inside HK14K mummy cheebye. :eek:


Re: Subhas Anandan now struggles with ill-health, lost 20kg

Yes nobody gives a damn about what has happened to CSJ. Similarly, few would care what will eventually happen to Roy. However, everybody remembers and care about their CPF.

I don't think those who donated are bothered by whether Roy did actually slander the PM. They only see Roy as a representative who dared to challenge the PM on the CPF issue. Roy has helped them to voice their displeasure. Most are fighting for their own CPF, not for Roy.

Roy has not become a hero yet. However, further mistakes can make him a hero. The timing is also bad as election is due in a years time. Any genuine opp can easily capitalise on this CPF issue to stoke the fire. Going after Roy now is not about freedom of speech. Nobody cares. It is about shutting the access to CPF. A harsher punishment will be interpreted as that there is "greater truth in Roy's allegations regarding CPF."

I understand you but do you think the govt will just change the CPF scheme just becoz one ignorant kid came out to ask for accountability???? Put yourself in the PMs shoe, whether did LHL decision to sue Roy is right or wrong let's put aside, but if you were LHL, will you give in???? Once you give in to one case, others will follow!!!

Roy will firstly be dealt with. Aftermath, the govt will then have ppl or during the National DAy Rally to address the CPF matter which can pacify Singaporeans easily!!!

Let's not forget Singaporeans are not are to tackle with!!! You know that, I know that, our dear govt knows that as well



Re: TOR will give you freedom to say as you like without fear from PAP cockroaches

the toilet bowl is his home
the rest of the knnb gang will follow
with all the turds and stinky floats

:confused: Talking about KNNBNBCBn his coward gangs???? After accepting his challenge, he's hiding under his mother's panty hose already!!!!

He only dare to reply me over at the Garbage Heap thread which few will read!!!!

Honestly,,,, in the past i thought how GREAT are all this COWARDS who keep claiming or would i rather say ACTING to be RICH, POWERFUL GANGSTER but to my disappointment, one try n all of them go into the hiding in their mother's panty hose... Mind you, not even toilet bowl but panty hose!!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:



Re: I Shall Take You On, Coward KNNBNBCB!!!!

Poor Pathetic KNNBNBCB, A Son Of A Wuhan Street Whore!!!KALI POk KALI Pok. My battalion of Bengal dogs having Kali pok picnic inside the very spacious KNNBNBCB mummy cheebye. After the KaliPok picnic, the Bengal dogs are now shitting and peeing inside KNNBNBCB mummy cheebye. :eek:

Start learning how to crawl out of your MOTHER'S PANTY HOSE!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha....

:kma: :biggrin:What a pure born BASTARD who love to be humiliated by me!!!! :biggrin: :kma:



Re: Are PAP IB trying to flood the forum with new threads

you describe them very well
so many rats and cockroaches here

Actually sometimes I admire ourselves.... Yourself, Leong and I. The 3 of us can whack almost more than 30 Opposition IBs in this forum. In chinese they call "铁三角"

:biggrin: Look at COWARDS like KNNBNBCB and all his KNNB clones.... say to me "got ballz to meet me then talk" but look at him now???? A banana shaft inside his mouth and he dare not even utter a word!!! :biggrin:

Wanna challenge me..... My guys was laughing till their teeth drop when I told them there was this so-call HERO in this forum that wanted to challenge me ....
