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Roy Ngerng earns his stripes

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Blogger Roy Ngerng has been sued by the Prime Minister of Singapore over an allegedly defamatory article he wrote comparing CPF to City harvest.

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</nav></header><!-- / #header --> <section id="content" role="main"><article class="post-12577 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized" id="post-12577"><header><time pubdate="" datetime="2014-05-19T13:53:32+00:00">May 19, 2014</time> [h=1] I Have Just Been Sued By The Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong [/h]</header>Hello everyone, I am Roy Ngerng. I am an ordinary citizen in Singapore who believes in speaking up for my country and my fellow citizens. Over the past 2 years, I have written nearly 400 articles about what is happening in Singapore. I have advocated for a fairer and more equal Singapore where every Singapore and every person in Singapore can be taken care of and protected by our country. As of today, there have been nearly 2 million views on my blog.
Today, I received an email from Lee Hsien Loong’s lawyer. I am being sued for defamation. I have tried my best to speak up for my country. I have tried my best to advocate for my fellow citizens. However, today, I am sued by the very government which should be protecting its citizens, such as me. This is disappointing.
I have reproduced the letter that has been sent to me in this blog. The letter was sent by Davinder Singh from Drew & Napier.
In this article, you will see:

  1. The letter in JPEG format.
  2. Other relevant articles which exposes the Singapore government’s working.
I have exposed many truths about the Singapore government and how they have intentionally planned since 1984 to gun down on Singaporeans. Today, I am finally being silenced. It is disappointing that the government has decided to turn against ordinary Singaporeans.

To know why the government is on my heels, you need to read the following articles to find out why:
Truth Exposed: The Dirty CPF-HDB Scheme To Trick Singaporeans
When The PAP Started Turning Against Singaporeans Traced
SHOCKING Facts About Our CPF in Singapore! (Part 1)
SHOCKING Facts About Our CPF in Singapore! (Part 2)
How The Government Undercuts Singaporeans’ Wages
Singapore: First World Economy, First World Costs, Third World Everything Else
It is only right that as citizens, we stand up for our country and we stand up for one another. It is only right that as people, we stand and fight for our freedoms. When faced with tyranny and treachery, we have to remain strong and united, and fight the wrongs that are wrought upon us.
For our future, for our rights and for our families and children, we need to stand and fight.
It’s time we stand united. It’s time we fight.
Also, on 7 June, we will be organising an event to demand to the government to #ReturnOurCPF. It’s time we stop the Ponzi scheme for tearing apart our lives.


Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Congratulations, Roy Ngerng.

You join the ranks of Vincent Wijeysingha (sued by Tan Chuan Jin), Alex Au (sued also by PM Lee), Han Hui Hui (sued by government statutory board), and other blogger-activists who have also faced Direct Action (DA) from the establishment.

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In the days of yore, Chee Soon Juan compared Lee's administration to the NKF, and was sued. He has just cleared his bankruptcy,

Now, Roy compares our CPF to City harvest, and is also sued by the same man.

The more things change, the more they remain the same. Remember the 2011 Clarke Quay apology by this same man?

SDP should give Roy an honourary CEC post at once. He has earned it.


Alfrescian (Inf)

I am amused by the PAP IBs in the comment section. :biggrin:

MAY 19, 2014 - 2:11 PM
When you write, it’s “speaking up”, when PM Lee acts on it, it’s “silencing” you. That is a funny way of portraying things. Maybe, just maybe, for those of us who cannot find truth in the words you write, it’s called “defending”.

Just saying.

MAY 19, 2014 - 2:21 PM
Kopi Uncle
CPF is a pension fund. Which country in the world let its citizens withdraw their pension fund as they please?

MAY 19, 2014 - 2:23 PM
You tell lies and get away with an apology letter, you are lucky to live in Singapore


Alfrescian (Inf)
In the days of yore, Chee Soon Juan compared Lee's administration to the NKF, and was sued. He has just cleared his bankruptcy,

Now, Roy compares our CPF to City harvest, and is also sued by the same man.

The more things change, the more they remain the same. Remember the 2011 Clarke Quay apology by this same man?

SDP should give Roy an honourary CEC post at once. He has earned it.

There's a way of not getting bankrupt. Ignore the lawyer letter and go straight to jail. Do not pay a dime for defamation compensation.

How far does the PAP govt wish to play the game?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Good luck with your cease-and-desist lawyer letters, Lee Hsien Loong.

Many of Roy's blog posts have already been saved offline and archived online. :wink:

People who abhor the truth always seek to suppress it. Never forget it. :cool:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
There's a way of not getting bankrupt. Ignore the lawyer letter and go straight to jail. Do not pay a dime for defamation compensation.

How far does the PAP govt wish to play the game?
u could be right. since in this case, the letter has not ask for a specific $ of damages, but asked what Roy would offer to pay in damages, unless other cases, where a very specific sum of money is asked for in damages...


Alfrescian (Inf)
remember, a guy exposed travelling first class, denied sued and won.

can this be applied to pinky as well???????

oh fuck!!!!!!!!!


Pinky could have accumulated some good karma not to mention political points with the blogging cmmunity by asking for a token $1. But alas...


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
But sammyboyforum cannot be quoted as the truths? we are as crazy as.........ha ha ha ha ha


Alfrescian (Inf)
The comparison to City Harvest was unnecessary. The points would still be sound without that part. The verdict of the CHC trial is yet to be known. Roy may not only get sued by the PAP, he can be sued by CHC as well if CHC is acquitted, plus get a contempt of court charge for prejudicing a legal case.

Actually, the PAP has no case to sue either. If CHC was acquitted, the comparison to a clean party would mean Roy's comments have no impact. By citing CHC, Drew & Napier is already pre-judging CHC guilty and may also get the same contempt charge plus a lawsuit by CHC. But CHC would of course not dare sue Drew & Napier or the PM.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Is a joke for 1st world country for a atter sue here and there. If in USA sure Obama need to sent out 1million letter every month.
The are many talk bad word regard PM LHL , LKY, Tony Tan everyday in every corner in SG like in Coffeehop. Why not just sue all living in Singapore.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just return our CPF money at 55.........talk so much, quarrel so much also waste time, no point..........because it was a promise when the CPF started.........a promise is a promise. Dun tell me we cannot trust. Then we want the CPF to be scraped. Anyway, who gives the go ahead in the first place? I didn't......


Alfrescian (Inf)
Its the FamiLEE's favorite Bayi doing the dirty work once more..

Davinder Singh, over the years you have proven to be a good loyal dog to the Leegime.. Standby for a million dollar pay cheque soon coming your way..


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just return our CPF money at 55.........talk so much, quarrel so much also waste time, no point..........because it was a promise when the CPF started.........a promise is a promise. Dun tell me we cannot trust. Then we want the CPF to be scraped. Anyway, who gives the go ahead in the first place? I didn't......

Malaysia EPF members have choices in what to do with their money...(1) Take all, (2) Take in parts (3) Take money monthly spread over number of years...here in SINgapore, they TAKE YOUR MONEY & give you, WHEN they think you should be getting it.

They keep changing the rules, for there is no citizens of the country dare to protest....treating our money like it is theirs....it is our hard work retirement money,do not preach to me....I use it, how I wish..gamble, fuck, give away & die penniless that is by business....it is MY MONEY!


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
u could be right. since in this case, the letter has not ask for a specific $ of damages, but asked what Roy would offer to pay in damages, unless other cases, where a very specific sum of money is asked for in damages...

The lawyers ask him to name a sum for the damages because they cannot prove any damages were incurred. The fact that he accused the PM of misappropriating CPF monies is an accusation that no sane singaporean will believe in. Since no one buys Roy's argument, than the PM's reputation is intact because no damage was done. Roy should stick to his guns and tell Drew and Napier to fuck off. He should claim trail. there should be some lawyers out there that will take his case pro bono. Amnesty international might look into this too.

The real danger for gay loong is that Roy can claim trial. He can request for all the audited accounts of CPF to see where the money went to in order to proof that gay Loong stole the money. I believe that gay Loong did not misappropriate any money directly but I am sure the PAP does not want to show the whole CPF accounts and money trail of it going to CPF, MAS, and GIC in a very public trial with international interest. If they don't show him the accounts, he can claim mistrial? Alternatively, he can request all of Gay Loong's bank account statements to show where the money has gone too. that's the last thing that pinky wants too.

A strong case can be made that CPF money send to Temasek was misappropriated indirectly by this wife Whore Jinx. A court order to see Whore Jinx's detailed compensation will show that she received bonuses in the years that Temasek lost $billions. I would think that constituted misappropriation.

Its interesting to note that Transparency International was not sued for clearly implying that SIngapore's defence spending was corrupted and dirty by giving it a D grade. It shows that gay Loong is just a big bully. A small local guy can by bullied in his kangaroo court. But an international agency like Transparency International, and he does not dare to take them on. What an asshole. Hang in there Roy.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
there should have been a followup contempt of court case,

but alas!!!!!!!!!!!
thats up to the 2 guys to sue... if they want.... archie ong was one of them who paid up. its been documented on the net.
most people just wont bother with suing....... alsas some will for even lesser events