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Roy Ngerng earns his stripes


The fact that he accused the PM of misappropriating CPF monies is an accusation that no sane singaporean will believe in. Since no one buys Roy's argument, than the PM's reputation is intact because no damage was done. Roy should stick to his guns and tell Drew and Napier to fuck off. He should claim trail. there should be some lawyers out there that will take his case pro bono. Amnesty international might look into this too.
hahaha....have to agree with empty vessel on this.....
only insane pple believed that PM (and by extension his wife and father) is misappropriating CPF monies..


57 people over a number of years paid damages to TT Durai to avoid going to court. The remember he had a young Indian lawyer who claimed to specialise in litigation based on digital content as many were email related. This lawyer would tell the press why they had to act.

The saddest part is that hundreds of SIA staff over many years knew that he was travelling in 1st class and yet did not step forward when the allegation of travelling on 1st class was made. Durai denied and said that he only travelled on business class.


57 people over a number of years paid damages to TT Durai to avoid going to court. The remember he had a young Indian lawyer who claimed to specialise in litigation based on digital content as many were email related. This lawyer would tell the press why they had to act.

The saddest part is that hundreds of SIA staff over many years knew that he was travelling in 1st class and yet did not step forward when the allegation of travelling on 1st class was made. Durai denied and said that he only travelled on business class.

Durai is Durai. This is a Lee case all over again.


Roy overstepped with his article. There is so many things wrong with the conduct of CPF but one has to be cautious. It best that he settles and avoid any further damage.

The PM and the PAP by taking action is also fucked. Trying to kill an ant of man with a sledgehammer. This will cause them dearly come 2016.


Roy overstepped with his article. There is so many things wrong with the conduct of CPF but one has to be cautious. It best that he settles and avoid any further damage.

The PM and the PAP by taking action is also fucked. Trying to kill an ant of man with a sledgehammer. This will cause them dearly come 2016.

How dearly? Lose the whole of his GRC? Reduce from 60.1% to 50 or 49.99999? Lose key cabinet ministers?


Roy overstepped with his article. There is so many things wrong with the conduct of CPF but one has to be cautious. It best that he settles and avoid any further damage.

The PM and the PAP by taking action is also fucked. Trying to kill an ant of man with a sledgehammer. This will cause them dearly come 2016.

Settles? You have to be kidding. He is being "Cheesed"! The demand is of one count. He is downed and out.


There is no way to he can win. The way our CPF works is utterly unfair to account holders but favours the government. The laws that allows this kind of abuse and discrimination was passed in parliament. The only way to teach these arseholes a lesson is to punish them at the polls. In the meantime accuse them for the lack of transparency and accountability, taking advantage of the ordinary man, enriching themselves thru unfair means etc.

If the PAP thru parliament passes a law allowing rape by its card carrying members, though morally reprehensible and disgusting, there is nothing you and I can do and the courts hands are also tied.

What they are doing with the CPF compared to the EPF or other pension funds is certainly morally repugnant but the law allows the Minister to peg the interest rate at such a low rate.

We should be careful not to encourage Roy to fight this case as he will be the only one that will pay the price.


There is no way to he can win. The way our CPF works is utterly unfair to account holders but favours the government. The laws that allows this kind of abuse and discrimination was passed in parliament. The only way to teach these arseholes a lesson is to punish them at the polls. In the meantime accuse them for the lack of transparency and accountability, taking advantage of the ordinary man, enriching themselves thru unfair means etc.

If the PAP thru parliament passes a law allowing rape by its card carrying members, though morally reprehensible and disgusting, there is nothing you and I can do and the courts hands are also tied.

What they are doing with the CPF compared to the EPF or other pension funds is certainly morally repugnant but the law allows the Minister to peg the interest rate at such a low rate.

We should be careful not to encourage Roy to fight this case as he will be the only one that will pay the price.

apparent those on his facebook want him to.

Dark Knight

Alfrescian (Inf)
The lawyers ask him to name a sum for the damages because they cannot prove any damages were incurred. The fact that he accused the PM of misappropriating CPF monies is an accusation that no sane singaporean will believe in. Since no one buys Roy's argument, than the PM's reputation is intact because no damage was done. Roy should stick to his guns and tell Drew and Napier to fuck off. He should claim trail. there should be some lawyers out there that will take his case pro bono. Amnesty international might look into this too.

The real danger for gay loong is that Roy can claim trial. He can request for all the audited accounts of CPF to see where the money went to in order to proof that gay Loong stole the money. I believe that gay Loong did not misappropriate any money directly but I am sure the PAP does not want to show the whole CPF accounts and money trail of it going to CPF, MAS, and GIC in a very public trial with international interest. If they don't show him the accounts, he can claim mistrial? Alternatively, he can request all of Gay Loong's bank account statements to show where the money has gone too. that's the last thing that pinky wants too.

A strong case can be made that CPF money send to Temasek was misappropriated indirectly by this wife Whore Jinx. A court order to see Whore Jinx's detailed compensation will show that she received bonuses in the years that Temasek lost $billions. I would think that constituted misappropriation.

Its interesting to note that Transparency International was not sued for clearly implying that SIngapore's defence spending was corrupted and dirty by giving it a D grade. It shows that gay Loong is just a big bully. A small local guy can by bullied in his kangaroo court. But an international agency like Transparency International, and he does not dare to take them on. What an asshole. Hang in there Roy.

There won't be any case for Roy even if he is super rich to get himself the best lawyer.
We knew for sure our court will always rule in favor of "somebody".


Roy has already won by provoking the response and gotten the people to see the problem of the CPF, if they haven't already.
Why step into the arena with a dragon? Life is not a fairy tale.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Roy overstepped with his article. There is so many things wrong with the conduct of CPF but one has to be cautious. It best that he settles and avoid any further damage.

The PM and the PAP by taking action is also fucked. Trying to kill an ant of man with a sledgehammer. This will cause them dearly come 2016.

It is a matter of time before sinkees turn to other means to show their utter disgust with the PAP Government. The day of reckoning will come.


Alfrescian (Inf)
How dearly? Lose the whole of his GRC? Reduce from 60.1% to 50 or 49.99999? Lose key cabinet ministers?

LHL and gang will be tossed out of power. Forensic audit done. LHL and gang will be found guilty. Punishment is to exile them to Pulau Sudong. RSAF will intensify bombing practice there using LHL and gang as targets.


Alfrescian (Inf)
What is important to note is the fact that, for us ordinary citizens, the CPF is OUR blood and sweat money from years of toiling. It is only fair that it is returned to us at age 55 as per past practice.

For us ordinary citizens especially in our 50s, this money come in very handy. It can be used to finance the tertiary education of our children, especially many who marry late. Alternatively, it can be used to upkeep on our older parents who are in their late 70s and 80s.

To the rich, the CPF is nothing but for ordinary and poorer citizens, it means a lot. Do have a heart !:o


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Judge: Can you prove the PM Gay Loong misappropriated CPF money?
Roy: Yes, your honour, I can prove it. If you would kindly order CPF to bring their accounts for the last 10 years here to court, I will show you where the money has been stolen.
(CPF: KNNB, how to show, we will get caught on other shits.)
Judge: Roy, CPF has informed the court that it will take 50 man years to compile all the accounts. Therefore, i will postpone this trial and set continuation date 50 years in the future.
Roy: So, I can go now. See u in 50 year's time.


True story....in some religious commune in california, their land was being attacked by monkeys...orchards of apples being plundered daily.

So they killed one monkey and hung the chap on a stake for the other monkeys to see.

After that, the monkeys stopped coming.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Judge: Can you prove the PM Gay Loong misappropriated CPF money?
Roy: Yes, your honour, I can prove it. If you would kindly order CPF to bring their accounts for the last 10 years here to court, I will show you where the money has been stolen.
(CPF: KNNB, how to show, we will get caught on other shits.)
Judge: Roy, CPF has informed the court that it will take 50 man years to compile all the accounts. Therefore, i will postpone this trial and set continuation date 50 years in the future.
Roy: So, I can go now. See u in 50 year's time.

While it sounds like a good dream, the judge is not within your order to secure evidence. The onus in securing evidence lies in the defendant, which would of course be impossible to get from CPF.

It is extremely difficult to prove misuse of public funds by a minister. Even the Labour Front was not brought down because a minister embezzled money. In other countries, people just vote out the party.


Alfrescian (Inf)
[h=2]Roy Ngerng thanks supporters and well-wishers[/h]

May 20th, 2014 |
Author: Contributions


Roy Ngerng

Ravi MRavi is
representing me for the case. Thank you to Ravi for taking on the case and the

I would also like to thank everyone for your well wishes and standing in
solidarity. I am grateful for the support and advice. And I appreciate greatly
the unity that Singaporeans have shown. My family, friends and friends whom I
had worked and studied with have all reached out to stand behind me. This means
a lot to me. Thank you.

I am doing very well and will continue to speak the truth.

When we act with our conscience, conviction and integrity, and when we are
true to ourselves and what we believe in, our heart will not waver and our soul
will be strong.

It is the responsibility of the government to take care and protect its
people. I’m heavily disappointed that at a time when the government should be
looking out for Singaporeans that it has turned against one of us. This is
morally reprehensible.

We must have the strength to stand for what we believe in and to create a
Singapore that will respect all Singaporeans and the people living on this
island, for we are all of this land, working together with one another to make a
country our home.

We can only call this our home when all of us are there to support one
another, and where we give warmth and kindness to one another. Our home will
only be our home when all our citizens are able to access and afford food,
shelter, health and education. This is what a home means.

I would appreciate if the government would be willing to engage in a
conversation with me as to the information they disagree with. However, this
doesn’t seem to be the case.

I will continue to speak from my heart. Today, Singaporeans have shown a
strength of unity. Today, we have come together. Remember, only when we stand
together and only when we are united and have the courage and conviction to
stand up and fight for what we believe in, will we be able to have our freedom,
and where all Singaporeans will be able to live our lives, as peoples who are
respected, respectable and with our heads held high.

It’s time we come together. It’s time we meet the challenge where it is. And
save our country, our people, our families and our children.

Roy Ngerng