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Return of the fantasick 4


how the hell LEETAHSAR got involved in this mess?
dunno?....i really ledi dunno!!in my kaypohness and curiosity, i met them.

in my initial impression that invisible bitch and gaylord plastico appeared sincere. they wanna to involve me in ACTIVISM to take over PLANET QUEENSTOWN so as to defeat the merciless overlord GALATICUS KUAN YEW , hence breaking the years of the rule by the PAPS the loyal followers of the overlord.

now ACTIVISM was a big 'feared' word by the PAPS. if we could use the power of ACTIVISM properly, all the serfs would be willing to transfer their PEOPLE'S POWER to us and defeating the PAPS and KUAN YEW'S reign would be a breeze!

but soon i realised that the intention of the duo couple from the lame F4 wasn't really that simple and plain. they had other ulterior motive and plan. they wanted to set up the next dynasty. even before any plan could materialise and action taken, the invisible bitch had already started to don her majestic coat of deceit and even bestowed herself as the EMPRESS DOWAGER.

before even the first step could be taken, she was writing ODE - dun ask me what's that. it went something like that:

From: 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸! (LaMei) 13:17
To: GohMengSeng 18 of 20 147192.18
in reply to 147192.13

Ode to Ti Lik - my good friend lawyer..

now she was 葡萄 or grapes cos she loved the cherries and grape(seeds) of another hero MIGHTY THOR Gohmengseng. mighty thor gms was a loud thunder with his hammer weapon. very noisy but little action. it was just like the loud thundering sky but dun expect any rainfall. the most was to expect a few drops of piss. precisely that was pissing most people off by his beats of thunders rumbled and echoed through sbf.

he shunned her. and hell knows no fury for a petty bitch shunned!!

gathering her army of clones which she and her F4 created, they attacked mighty thor gms non stop beside attacking leetahsar at the same time. since both leetahsar and gms were quite look alike, they were like what she mentioned - EVIL TWINS re-united. hence we gotta help each ohter to defend the planet sinkieland against the nonsense of the F4......

so the battle rages on...and on....



mai kang cheong. only guilty conscious F4 clones are excited. if not, it is just a lame bo liao urban tale :smile:

there are other funnier topics which F4 clones should be reading...definitely not my lesser evil leetahsar's one :smile:


who the fuck would border what shit you got into. I don't even border to read the rest of your shitty post!

ya i know u don't bother to read so why get excitedly guilty?:confused::o

at least u r better. your other clone comprain leh...tsk..tsk. wanna read, then wanna comprain...always like that u bunch of guilty clones:p
Ah Guan
Alfrescian (S) Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 202
My Reputation:Points: 39 / Power: 4

You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee


Dear leetahbar,

You have received an infraction at Sam's Alfresco Coffee.

Reason: Spam/repeated posts/unauthorised ads.
Stop spamming the Politics folder with your incoherence

This infraction is worth 3 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Try to close rank among opposition members who has only one common enemy: PAP. Now that peasants grieved for voting pap, we should all try to work closely with this gift of opportunity to overthrow the ruling one.

now ACTIVISM was a big 'feared' word by the PAPS. if we could use the power of ACTIVISM properly, all the serfs would be willing to transfer their PEOPLE'S POWER to us and defeating the PAPS and KUAN YEW'S reign would be a breeze!

Ah Guan

ya i know u don't bother to read so why get excitedly guilty?:confused::o

Back to accusing me of being a clone again?

If you write and post relevant things no one will zap you....

Once again, this folder is for Political Issues .. not for your petty quarrels.

Or you think you are a famous political figure now issit?


i thought only over at SBF,then have this type of stuff.
wow,now here also have.
was too tired over there of these kind of stuff.
i am also an target over there,so when this new forum comes up,i registered and joined thinking that it will more friendly and peaceful here.
but oh boys,i am wrong about it.


i thought only over at SBF,then have this type of stuff.
wow,now here also have.
was too tired over there of these kind of stuff.
i am also an target over there,so when this new forum comes up,i registered and joined thinking that it will more friendly and peaceful here.
but oh boys,i am wrong about it.

if it's run by the same host, the same nonsense re-cycled. the good thing, the host now dominates and decides who stays, who goes. in the old sbf, the DELPHI GOD decides...and usually if the clones collectively complain in troupe, the victim gets banned. in order to protect urself, u ve no choice but to upgrade and pays protection fees to DELPHI and be paid members.

here, there is no IGNORE key function. if u treat it like any crazy story, u should be laughing instead of annoy. another alternative, avoid this thread.


ps: it sure brings back the good o' days that clones are being pissed :biggrin:


Try to close rank among opposition members who has only one common enemy: PAP. Now that peasants grieved for voting pap, we should all try to work closely with this gift of opportunity to overthrow the ruling one.

the mission of the nasty F4 is to discredit other opps and opp members. on one hand they brag about trying to overthrow the paps but on the other hand, their incessant at digging for bones from egg is very obvious.

how many opp members here have their cherries picked before? how many were made a victim in their vengeful mindgames in the old sbf? the F4 seem to love it and endorsed those intimidation until they were given a dose of their own petty medicine.

sometime u think they are volunteers for the PAPS to rid more opp members here. some of them even went further to create nonsensical and defamatory blogs about their critics.

why do they take such trouble just to destroy their cynics who see and criticise about their pettiness and hypocrisy?

pls go read what Uncle Yap personally thinks about them too.


kena fuck until dunno where to hide then blame this blame that and blame dunno what .... LOL

i think the only word u commonly use is Fxxx which goes to say how gracious ur real nic can authentically be. of course, u will maintain the good name of ur real nic.

snake is very slippery! oh dear! i got one in my avatar!!:eek:


You trust Uncle Yap?

if uncle yap is lone ranger, i won't be his TONTO :biggrin:
we are individuals but we really love to see some change to our too stifled politics.

paps should let others some chance to run a few wards just to prove that paps is really right about what they claim themselves to be: MILLION DOLLARS stars that is.


here she comes again....
the invisible bitch really lives up to her notoriety. only she can demand for answer. she questions, u must answer. she would only accept the answer she wants and nothing else.

is the invisible bitch getting haywired already over using her telekinetic power in excessive? she's like going crazy and would self destruct pretty soon.will her part time lover gaylord plastico come to her rescue? will her fulltime lover find out about her part time rendevous?

how should this end??

things are getting kinda of hot and complicated cos her part-time lover's wifey, MINUTE MAID has sensed her intrusion as the 3rd party.

MAMA MIA!!!....things were really hotting up now.

the bitch's all powderful mum in law was also suspicious about her shadowy activity. will she find that out?

now i m all confused:confused:....the plot is over riding into many sub-plots. the bitch's husband, green lantern (aptly named cos he's wearing green hat already) could be part timing with another chiobu MYSTERIA.

maybe the invisible bitch discovered that and that's why due to her petty nature will tic for tac. hence her mixing up with gaylord plastico who in a twist of fate had a wifey MINUTE MAID who resembled that bitch!!:confused::p

all these damn confusing. what the hell is written!!??:confused: