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Nicle Seah: 2013 has been the worst yr of my life with panic attack.


Nicole Rebecca Seah
GROUND ZERO People usually write these things at the end, or the beginning of the year, but I just had to say this - I'm all of 27 years old, but can safely say that 2013 has been the worse year of my life thus far. Yes, I can already imagine the older folk rolling their eyes. Let me carry on first lah! Post-General Elections 2011, life took a sharp detour. People were more interested in what I was doing politically than professionally, which was annoying because I was doing pretty well at work. There were expectations to be as active as an elected MP. All eyes were on you. You either impressed them to the sky or got brushed off as a load of hogwash. It derailed me from my larger purpose. I started taking on opportunities with the thought in my head "Would this help me get elected in 2016?" Needless to say, when you start thinking about your life in 5 year blocks, you start to get equally myopic about the way you do things. And you start walking in the wilderness, with no larger goal in mind. I carried on with my nose to the grind, feeling exhausted every day just going to work, going for house visits, walkabouts, feeling like I was reading off a script every time I met a new resident because my brain was so dead I was on auto-pilot. I felt even more helpless every single time I met a needy person, knowing that other than referring them to CDC or a private charity, it was completely limiting because there are just only so many hours in a day to really help or invest in someone, especially when you're holding down a day job with no support or mentors. I was naive, arm-twisted into making some pretty bad decisions (Yup, the Presidential Elections was one of them. Terrible, irreversible mistake, completely underestimated what my lobbying could do). I felt like a fraud being invited to speak at conferences everywhere. I mean, I do have an opinion on some things, but I'm not an expert on everything or anything as of yet. I felt extremely self-conscious about the need to appear or look a certain way, just so people wouldn't walk away feeling they've been cheated. I was only cheating myself. Got played out dating 2-3 men who were obviously more interested in my public profile than who I really was as a person. Feared for my family's safety because I was constantly being stalked with rape threats, death threats, people knowing my exact address. I was on the verge of snapping. That was when my meltdown began. Was working in a great agency with some really fantastic, hilarious, brilliant people. I couldn't live up to expectations. Was a cultural misfit. Self-esteem took a dive, professionally lost, complete lack of confidence. Affected my work. I was working through Christmas, New Year, churning 6am all-nighters because there just weren't enough hours in a day and I was burning out from all ends. Then came Feb 2013 - The day I found out grandma was diagnosed with third stage stomach cancer. Something in me snapped and I had a physical panic attack. I still remember standing at the first floor of my office, leaning against the wall, body shaking, suddenly unable to breathe or walk. Blacked out on the spot. I went on 2 months of medical leave, never to return to the agency. Contracted dengue. Sat on a chair in Changi General Hospital, extremely weak, on drip and unable to move for 10 hours because they didn't have a bed for me to lie on. Another offer came along to work with companies in India. The boss promised me I would make it big, get lots of equity, become a business woman of substance under his tutelage. That didn't work out as well. In fact, I got fired right after I came back from London. With no one-month compensation as stated in my contract. Singapore, what employment rights? The icing on the cake was a carefully-timed string of nasty emails that followed. My health took another dive. I was hospitalised for 18 days this time, and spent most of my birthday lying in bed alone. No income for another 1.5 months. Practically subsisted on crackers and water because I was too weak to eat anything else. -- Yeah, it all sucked and I was moping for a bit, but so what? I'm grateful, because I learnt a couple of lessons along the way. 1) Life is 50-50. You can't control most of it, but you can control how you respond to it, and whether you want to make things work. 2) Learn to let go. Many things are like sand. If you hang on too tight, you end up losing all of it. 3) Love unconditionally. It's the hardest skill to master but it sets you free when you don't expect anything, or don't receive anything from the other person. 4) Love yourself, but also pick your battles. And only pick the larger ones. If someone treats you with anything less than an ounce of dignity or respect, have the balls to either give it to them, or turn the other cheek and walk away. 5) Be true to yourself and what you like. So what if digital planning or ad optimization isn't cool? I love interpreting stories from hard data. Don't fall into a mould of what other people expect you to be. 6) Traveling out of a suitcase for months and being in hospital made me realise I don't need many material things. I'm selling off 90% of my clothes and shoes to make a bit of income, and going to subsist on 10 outfits for work. That's all I need. Stop shopping. Stop reading fashion magazines. They make you want to buy things you don't need, or feel like you have to dress in a certain way to look good. 7) Stop taking shortcuts, you only shortchange yourself. The interwebz has made us attention-deficient. We hanker after lists like "7 ways to improve your love life", "5 ways to get a promotion". We think Ted talks are life-changing. But at the end of the day, THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. Read as much as you can, fiction and non-fiction. By read, I mean physical books that you actually hold. Synthesise knowledge on your own. Make your own insights. The biggest challenge here is to be your own thought leader. Don't parrot what other people say. Your brain is yours to keep. 9) Remember what you used to love as a child, before the world changed you. Go back to that. For me, it was archaeology, a little homemade science lab, books, theatre, my violin, Aztec, Mayan, Egyptian ancient civilisations, sitting at a makeshift table reading off the Straits Times and pretending I was a newscaster. Find the joy in those memories and never lose them. 10) When you have a larger purpose in mind, remember that the road to achieving it is a marathon for life. Don't ever lose sight of it, but don't expect success to come to you as quickly as you want it to. In fact, let go and embrace the fact that success may never even come to you, no matter how hard you try. But at least you did. The fear of failure is a social construct. My mom is going to kill me when she finds out I told the interwebz I was fired from my last job. But you only learn through failure. Lastly, whenever you're down and out, remember that the biggest blessing from here on is this - The only way now is to go up.

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Alfrescian (Inf)
I was naive, arm-twisted into making some pretty bad decisions (Yup, the Presidential Elections was one of them. Terrible, irreversible mistake, completely underestimated what my lobbying could do).

I guess she meant being blamed for "KFC" becoming the president after TJS split the votes from TCB. I have met people who expressed no regrets for supporting TJS, so there's no reason to blame herself.

On the whole, she should be wary in sharing these. One may applaud her for her candour and normality, but for others these same qualities can create the perception that she is rather unstable and weak to be an MP.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Nicole Seah not pretty lah.
Geylang ah toing bu can easily beat her hands down! :biggrin:


Please pull her into WP, and very high chance that another GRC could be for win.
Most common Sinkies see and feel that she really have heart for people.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Please pull her into WP, and very high chance that another GRC could be for win.
Most common Sinkies see and feel that she really have heart for people.

Many have said this but she will not join for the following reasons:

1) She doesn't appear unhappy with NSP.

2) She thinks her chances of getting elected makes little difference with and without WP's banner.

3) She is aware of her star status which can diminish in an organization of many stars. Neither WP or her will mutually benefit from each other.

4) She's already in a position to decide things and won't give up the things like the right to be fielded and where to be fielded, simply for a slightly better chance.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Where is the source of this piece of write-up ? Or is it fabricated by PAP IBs ?


kan ni na bu phua chee bye :oIo:


An Encouragement to Nicole Seah
November 23, 2013 at 4:58pm
Dear Nicole,

You may find it ironic or even feel that I am just being "sarcastic" but I have to congratulate you of crossing the most critical point of your life. Contrary to what you and many other people think, I think 2013 is the best year you could ever have in your life.

From what I have read from your post “Ground Zero”, 2013 is the year that provides the most important opportunity of metamorphosis for you, both in terms of personal as well as political advancement.

Although I hardly write to you about anything but in private, I have raised the concerns of your early political fame. Especially when you are blown out of the sky by the initial political fame gained with so many people flattering you, there lies the very danger of a devastating fall and destruction by the overinflated ego.

There is a Chinese saying, “少年得志大不幸”,literally means that most of those who have early fame or success in life, will probably end up with misfortune later. Right after GE2011, I actually felt guilty for transforming you into a “famous young Star” by urging you to stand for elections in Marine Parade which will inevitably put you into this dangerous path of “early fame”. As I watched over the days, months and years of how you have set your feet onto the sweet coated poisons of flattery and ego trips, I felt even worse. When I was persuading you to stand for elections in Marine Parade GRC, I have told you that you will definitely become famous or even a star, due to Tin PL factor of contrast and comparison. However, somehow I have left out the most important part of the potential danger lying ahead after becoming famous.

I didn’t write to you earlier because I know, there and then, you will not be able take criticisms constructively when what you heard most, was flattery. Pride and prejudice have become the biggest hindrance of your life. Anybody at your age if put into your shoes, would inevitably become so.

When I witnessed how you tripped and fell along the way with the various blunders you made publicly in forums, talks or in private, I thought to myself, all the efforts would be a waste after all. One will fall the hardest after he or she has climbed to the highest of the ego ladder. This is a historical lesson I learnt; the most effective way of destroying your opponents is to fan their ego to the highest and then after, give them the hardest blow to make them fall the hardest. They will never be able to stand up again to fight you. Strength comes not from your physical construct, but rather, from your mind and soul. Once your mind is destroyed by the fall from the ego ladder, no matter how strong you are in physical terms, you will lose the will to fight again.

When I read what you have written in this article “Ground Zero”, I feel so glad and happy for you. You have finally gone through the most difficult part of this process of transition. Not many people can overcome this transition, a ruthless metamorphosis that will strip you of mind and soul. Some have even perished, taken their own lives for they cannot take the humiliation that comes from the fall from the ego ladder.

Thus, I have to congratulate you for making it through such enlightening process. However, I still hope that you can reconstruct your mind and soul to continue the political path which you have chosen to walk, with more wisdom and patience. Intelligence alone is not enough for one to walk the difficult, risky and uncertain path of opposition politics. You need wisdom, tact, patience, learning, hard work, team play and building, apart from charisma and stardom, to sustain and be successful in opposition politics.

When you and other ex-RP people joined NSP and perform well in GE2011, I was extremely happy. However, I am utterly disappointed on how you guys run the campaign and later, demonstrate the impatience to take over the leadership of the party. I have no problem to hand over the SG at all but I guess it is the wrong thing to do after all.

Let me explain why I think you and others who are new to NSP are extremely politically naive and amateurish when you guys tried to take over the party. And why I decided to let Hazel become SG and allowing my membership lapsed as well.

Politics is not just about Stardom or Fame, not even about “talents”, be it “scholars” or whatever it means. It is about numbers and people management. Apparently, all of you have underestimated the strength of the “veterans” or “original members” of NSP. All you have focused is about what you want but nothing about the feelings or other people’s thinking or perception.

When I first join NSP way back in 2007, I didn’t even want to hold any position in CEC, although I was co-opted into it. But I still spent lots of effort and time to help Law Sin Ling, the then SG of NSP in various work; discussion of press releases, editorial of North Star, ground work as selling North Star etc. I wasn’t interested in taking up the SG post even after Law left. Not even when the veterans persuaded me to take over. The reason is simple: I was simply not ready to take up the SG because I have yet to gain confidence of the members. It will take time for anyone who wants to lead a whole group of people who are mostly older than you, to understand them better and find out more about each and every one of them. Else, any rush into such leadership position will be suicidal.

Anyone who tries to push you to take over such leadership position prematurely will definitely have ulterior motive or hidden agenda. It is actually a DEATH TRAP because once you take up that position, most probably you will not able to perform well because you lack the basic understanding of each individuals in the party, least their full support, trust and confidence. Positions aren’t there for good showing only. They come with great responsibility and you will be putting your own credibility to great risk if you do not have the right conditions to excel.

Thus, it was only after Ken Sun stepped down and knowing the GE was near, I took up the post of SG. However, it is not without obstacle. There will always be others who want to be difficult and try to undermine your authority. There was one veteran who wanted to contest for the SG post. I told everyone, including him, right before the CEC elections that if he can find two congress members to propose and second him to contest for the SG post, I would decline nomination and let him be SG. He could only get one member to nominate him but no other to second him. The rest is history.

The point I want to show through my own experience, is that never underestimate the people around you. In politics, you cannot cherry pick but have to work with people whom you may not like at all. This is what team work all about. As long as they are not there to destroy or sabotage the whole platform, you will have to play ball as a team player with them.

But when I saw how impatient the whole lot of you was rushing into demanding leadership position, especially the SG post, I could only laugh at such naivety I could have contested against Hazel and by now you should realize, most probably Hazel won’t win if there was a contest between us. But I didn’t. I empathized with your group’s plight, especially Tony and Hazel who have hopped from WP to RP and last (hopefully), NSP. They felt helpless of such “party hopping” because they felt that the main problem is that they do not have absolute control of their destiny via controlling the party platform. Furthermore, most likely if Hazel didn’t become SG there and then, your whole group would most likely leave NSP. Your group will become “political nomads”, so to speak. It will be a lose-lose situation for everyone of us. Even I won the SG post, the whole party would still lose because we would lose the whole bunch of good, though politically inexperienced people.

However, I also foresaw that Hazel and the rest will not succeed basically because she won’t be able to commit the kinds of time and efforts demanded from a SG. Furthermore, taking up such position prematurely without even first knowing the whole party well inside out, will definitely handicapped her effectiveness as SG. Running a party of ALL volunteers is MORE demanding than running a company. This is because for a commercial entity, you can just hire and fire but not for a political party of volunteers. You will have to spend triple effort in managing PEOPLE, human beings who have different egos and characteristics.

This is the reason why I have to let my membership lapse because of this predictions, I do not want to be made the scapegoat for being blamed for Hazel’s failure. True enough, from extraordinary long time in publishing the first issue of North Star right after GE2011, to lack of leadership on the ground work front and such, my predictions came true. It is just a matter of time before she fell from that position.

I have spent so much writing on these because I want to let you know, it will do you no good to be impatient in taking up political positions in NSP CEC when you cannot commit that level of effort and time needed to be effective. Most important of all, you will need to spend more time to understand everyone in the party, not restricting to CEC members only. Else, even if you manage to get whatever position you aim for, you will find yourself stonewalled and frustrated all the time.

The other point which you have raised in your article Ground Zero, is that you realize you are not expert in everything. The truth is, if you want to be a politician, a MP, you will have to know everything with certain depth, though not to the expert level. It is good that you have such realization but you are still young. You could still put effort in learning more policy matters; enrich yourself with the learning of Economics, statistics or even sociology and technology. This is an ever learning path for politicians.

Last but not least, I do have confidence and hope in you to progress into an even more potent political force after this great year of 2013. I always remind myself: one learns nothing from being blown out of the sky by ego fanning but only from setbacks and failures in life, one will get valuable lessons to prepare for the future.

All the BEST to you in your future political battles.

Goh Meng Seng