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National Service in Singapore


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singapore guys think NS is a badge of honour and they are proud of it. But no PR guy want to do NS and will willingly renounce their PR and return to their motherland. I have come across so many PRs who did so. So who is the stupid one?

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
those guys that proudly wear the badges are the dimmed ones.

they don't have a choice and thus lapsed into stockholm syndrome perhaps?


FTs that come for Singapore citizenships or PR status must be the dumbest people on earth to have their children waste 2 years of their life serving NS in a foreign land.

If Australia has such a policy would you migrate there, Sinkies?

Singapore is a tiny red dot on a world map so don't waste your children time doing NS. 和久必分 分久必和。

Singapore guys think NS is a badge of honour and they are proud of it. But no PR guy want to do NS and will willingly renounce their PR and return to their motherland. I have come across so many PRs who did so. So who is the stupid one?


Alfrescian (Inf)
those guys that proudly wear the badges are the dimmed ones.

they don't have a choice and thus lapsed into stockholm syndrome perhaps?

From what you said, it seems there is no real honour serving NS. the SG guys served because they have no choice. so the PR guys are the smart ones?


Alfrescian (Inf)
actually i thot PR shouldn't even hold weapons at all! They all shld go SCDF!

Interesting thoughts and valid recommendation! But isnt life in SCDF easier than SAF's. If all PRs go to SCDF and only SG guys go to the SAF, isnt the govt being unfair to SG guys??


Alfrescian (Inf)
FTs that come for Singapore citizenships or PR status must be the dumbest people on earth to have their children waste 2 years of their life serving NS in a foreign land.

But some PRs brought in their toddler children. when these toddlers grow up, it is only fair that they do NS


transitional only. When they hit 16 they will run road back to their motherland. Wars in the Middle East all the time did you hear them say all males must do NS?

But some PRs brought in their toddler children. when these toddlers grow up, it is only fair that they do NS


Alfrescian (Inf)
transitional only. When they hit 16 they will run road back to their motherland. Wars in the Middle East all the time did you hear them say all males must do NS?

Yes, I noticed that. Isnt it wrong of them to run back to their homeland after enjoying all the benefits in SG? Shouldnt they serve like other SG guys? Why does the pap allow PR children enjoy all benefits in SG but allow them to renounce their pr/citizen and return to their homeland? doesnt this make a mockery of SG guys serving NS but PRs are allowed get away?

or is the govt telling SG guys that doing NS is a privilege accorded to only Singapore guys?

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Singapore guys think NS is a badge of honour and they are proud of it. But no PR guy want to do NS and will willingly renounce their PR and return to their motherland. I have come across so many PRs who did so. So who is the stupid one?


Have absolutely no idea where you get that idea from. Intelligent and well-read Singaporean teenagers don't do NS out of love, it is something to get out the way before the bigger challenges in life are to be tackled. You must have read too much propaganda and seen too many army and navy advertisements. They always portray singaporeans as eager and willing, but you should know better even though you're a woman (or that's what I hope). You can't call people stupid when they are forced by law to participate and their parents did not give them a means of escape or an alternative plan (citizenship in another country) which they could have chosen instead of the NS slavery path. That's just plain naive, and unfair. I'm surprised at this.

You have previously opined that NS men were wimps after serving. Let me say NS makes no difference. Those who are wimps go in and come out wimps, those who are well-travelled and more adventurous realize its just a irritant to be gotten out of the way. You think NS changes a person's character?

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
But some PRs brought in their toddler children. when these toddlers grow up, it is only fair that they do NS

You're forgetting that these PRs (shall we just call them foreigners, that's what they basically are) can pack up and leave at the drop of a hat. Most singaporean teenagers can't, unless their parents were smart enough to leave an option.

Fairness only comes into the picture when I've done my NS and I want other people to also do NS, to go through the exact same shit as I went through, and not have any advantage over me. It is a very narrow kind of fairness. There is actually hardly any fairness.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Have absolutely no idea where you get that idea from. Intelligent and well-read Singaporean teenagers don't do NS out of love, it is something to get out the way before the bigger challenges in life are to be tackled. You must have read too much propaganda and seen too many army and navy advertisements. They always portray singaporeans as eager and willing, but you should know better even though you're a woman (or that's what I hope). You can't call people stupid when they are forced by law to participate and their parents did not give them a means of escape or an alternative plan (citizenship in another country) which they could have chosen instead of the NS slavery path. That's just plain naive, and unfair. I'm surprised at this.

You made a lot of sense. But that's not the Army advertisement portrays. So it seems that NS is not a badge of honour the SAF and some NS guys want us to believe.

So the PR guys are smart to reject NS?

The Philistine

Singapore guys think NS is a badge of honour and they are proud of it. But no PR guy want to do NS and will willingly renounce their PR and return to their motherland. I have come across so many PRs who did so. So who is the stupid one?

No Sinkie guy in his right mind thinks that NS is a badge of honour. The ones who think this way aren't in their right minds and should be treated in Woodbridge. The stupid ones are those who voted for the scum in white (who are stupid or callous enough - to allow the foreign trash to exploit the system in return for GDP growth).


Alfrescian (Inf)
You're forgetting that these PRs (shall we just call them foreigners, that's what they basically are) can pack up and leave at the drop of a hat. Most singaporean teenagers can't, unless their parents were smart enough to leave an option.

Fairness only comes into the picture when I've done my NS and I want other people to also do NS, to go through the exact same shit as I went through, and not have any advantage over me. It is a very narrow kind of fairness. There is actually hardly any fairness.

Well said..but isnt the pap govt penalising SG guys?

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Well said..but isnt the pap govt penalising SG guys?

I think all this is too obvious. Let's take this up to the next level. The PAP knows that the worst possible thing is to be rich and weak. So they overcompensate by making singaporeans do 2.5, and now 2 years of NS, pour well over 10 billion dollars each year into defence, ally with the United States and allow naval bases to be set up here, and so on.

If you're a reasonably smart person you've got to understand you can make choices in this world. You choose the singapore model, your kid must undergo NS slavery, be treated like scum, have his girlfriend [censored, since you're a lady] by foreigners while he protecting their arse, endure high property prices when he grows up, compete with FTrash for jobs, have his savings permanently locked up in CPF, and if God forbid he meets with misfortuene later in life, there's no social safety net to help him.

Or you can choose a 1st word country like NZ, OZ, USA, UK, etc, that already has a first world political system. Pay much higher taxes, have your tax dollars bail out the unworthy and the unprincipled, but in return the system will help you should you fall. You meet with more corruption, but also get to see the world, meet new people, broaden your horizons, avoid getting treated like an economic digit. And best of all not become cannon fodder which is the worst thing a parent can wish upon his children.

Penalties of being singaporean extend far beyond NS.


Alfrescian (Inf)
hahaha.... finally TS cannot resist and start a thread on National Service.

national service dont make men submissive. As u have no "balls" so cannot have the experience of national service and have to count on stories from your pamper brother for info. Dunno better dont anyhow say. While i have no love for National Service and i dont agree NS make a better man out a of a boy nonsense, nevertheless, i dont agree to your logic of NS make timid and submissive men.

Pengkias from tough vocations will agree with me that it not always officers and nco who call the shots in army. i had seen PCs suffer breakdown from pressure from top and insubordination from the pengkias. Pengkias openly refuse OC's orders till CO have to address the issue with no punishments to the pengkias. Many served as "thinking soldier" ie.. do the mininium requirements while there will always a 1-2 really patriotic singaporean who give all out in national service.

singaporean men served national service because it the law. but that does not mean you can make fun of their services to the nation. there nothing more tulan than have a woman who never understand what went on in NS yet make stupid comments about National Service and Servicemen/Reservists.


With all this foreign Influx and Free and Easy of giving away P.R AND Citizenship it has turn this country into a country of no "Identity", it had some how made many Singaporeans say FUCK THIS COUNTRY, but on the other hand many of us born here esp those 3rd generation and above see themselves as natives to this Island and going to N.s is a right of passage for many of us, Their father when true it, they go thru it and their son will go thru it. I can tell you honestly that those who are 3rd generation and above Sinkies really love this country but they are just too shy to say so and they will do anything to protect it..But lately with all this PAP foreign policies it has diluted a good amount of loyalty and love for this country.


This, I sadly agree with you.:(

And well said, in just a para.

With all this foreign Influx and Free and Easy of giving away P.R AND Citizenship it has turn this country into a country of no "Identity", it had some how made many Singaporeans say FUCK THIS COUNTRY, but on the other hand many of us born here esp those 3rd generation and above see themselves as natives to this Island and going to N.s is a right of passage for many of us, Their father when true it, they go thru it and their son will go thru it. I can tell you honestly that those who are 3rd generation and above Sinkies really love this country but they are just too shy to say so and they will do anything to protect it..But lately with all this PAP foreign policies it has diluted a good amount of loyalty and love for this country.


Singapore guys think NS is a badge of honour and they are proud of it. But no PR guy want to do NS and will willingly renounce their PR and return to their motherland. I have come across so many PRs who did so. So who is the stupid one?

Badge of honour? Biggest joke of the century. Beast of burden LOL