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MOVIEs u must NOT miss....!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Anybody saw (and liked) this Woody Allen piece "Match Point" ...oooh so sexy Scarlett Johanssen in her debut :p

Passion, temptattion and obsession. Woody Allen emerged from the moviemaking wilderness in 2005 with his cool, elegant thriller Match Point. The movie is a modern retelling of American literature classic A Place in the Sun by Theodore Dreiser. Filmed in London with many British actors, the film had a fresh, clear vitality which had become submerged in recent years. Rhys-Meyers supurbly plays an ex pro tennis player who leaves his poor Irish background to climb London society circles. Scarlett Johansson debuts in Match Point as well, going on to become Allen's female favorite lead for a new slate of movies.

Just saw end run of his latest, Vicky, Christina, Barcelona
Two girlfriends on a summer holiday in Spain fall in love with the same painter, unaware that his ex-wife, with whom he has a tempestuous relationship, stands poised to return to his life. 3 some or tarma in dark room:p


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It's called Reversal. has several violent scenes in it, including a brutal rape scene.

oh yes..the violent part especially in the disco where the guy got his head smash up by a fire extinguisher..but the rape part a bit far fetch...cos the gal was presuming violated thru her ass but the monster how difficult it is to actually analized the ass from that position...:biggrin:


The Sixth Sense (1999) starring Bruce Willis, Haley joel Osmett

Child psychologist Malcom Crowe is one night visited by an ex-patient named Vincent, angry, enraged. He wounds Crowe, then kills himself. A few months later, Crowe is visited by a 9-year old boy named Cole. He sees dead people who do not know they are dead. Because of this, he is called a freak in school. Crowe, at first thinks he is seeing things, but after spending a lot of time with Cole (much to his wife's dismay), he discovers Cole may be seeing dead people after all...



Kong Fu Hustle (2004) Directed by Stephen Chow, starring Stephen Chow

Set in Canton, China in the 1940s, the story revolves in a town ruled by the Axe Gang, Sing who desperately wants to become a member. He stumbles into a slum ruled by eccentric landlords who turns out to be the greatest kung-fu masters in disguise. Sing's actions eventually cause the Axe Gang and the slumlords to engage in an explosive kung-fu battle. Only one side will win and only one hero will emerge as the greatest kung-fu master of all.


This one I buay tahan.. still has me glued to the TV despite countless re-runs... ahhahahahh


Psycho (1960) Driected by Alfred Hitchcock starring Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh.

Marion Crane is a Phoenix, Arizona working girl fed up with having to sneak away during lunch breaks to meet her lover, Sam Loomis, who cannot get married because most of his money goes towards alimony. One Friday, Marion's employer asks her to take $40,000 in cash to a local bank for deposit. Desperate to make a change in her life, she impulsively leaves town with the money, determined to start a new life with Sam in California. As night falls and a torrential rain obscures the road ahead of her, Marion turns off the main highway. Exhausted from the long drive and the stress of her criminal act, she decides to spend the night at the desolate Bates Motel. The motel is run by Norman Bates, a peculiar young man dominated by his invalid mother. After Norman fixes her a light dinner, Marion goes back to her room for a shower.... The FAMOUS SHOWER SCENE :biggrin:



The best Marilyn Monroe movie.. IMO

The Seven Year Itch (1955) Starring Marilyn Monroe

Like many other Manhattan husbands, Richard Sherman sends his wife and son to the country for the summer, while he stays behind to toil. Though reveling in temporary bachelor freedom of lifestyle, he's resolved not to carouse and philander like some others. But his overactive, over-vivid imagination goes into overdrive when a delightfully unconventional, voluptuous blonde moves in upstairs.



Brazil (1985) starring Jonathan Pryce, Rober de Niro

In a highly structured and bureaucratic state, the government has installed extreme and highly counterproductive measures for which to track down terrorists. A "bug" in the system mixes up the last name of a terrorist (Tuttle) and an innocent man (ironically enough Buttle). Thus, the wrong man (Buttle) is arrested and killed while Tuttle continues to roam free. Sam Lowry, an average man with a mother who "knows people", is assigned to investigate the error. At the same time, Jill layton, Buttle's neighbor, is trying to report the mistake to authorities. Due to the extremely inefficient bureaucracy, she finds the process to be very tedious. Meanwhile, Sam Lowry, who has been dreaming about Jill, gets sidetracked by his fantasies and ends up also being a victim of the counter productivity of the government.

A "Big Brother is Watching You" theme and good catchy soundtrack.



This one Liv Tyler's debut... manis manis :wink:

Stealing Beauty (1996) starring Liv Tyler, Jeremy Irons

For 20 years many visitors have come to the villa on an Italian hilltop owned by an English artist. Lucy, a 19-year-old American, was last there four years ago and wants to meet up again with the young Italian who kissed her and corresponded for a while. And she has brought the diary of her late mother filled with enigmatic poems that suggest Lucy was conceived on that hilltop. Lucy wants to find out if Daddy is the Italian war correspondent who wrote to her mother for 20 years. Then again Daddy could be the dying English playwright in residence or the artist who uses a chainsaw on tree trunks for his sculptures. The three, of course, have no idea that Lucy is there to solve a mystery. They, the artist's wife, daughter of that wife and the daughter's American lover are most intrigued by Lucy's virginity.



The best movie for me till now is:
Memento - Where the entire movie is played backwards.

Followed by:
The Shawshank Redemption - A jail movie based on a novel by Stephen King.

Classic best:
A clockwork orange - About a man who went through experimental therapy for his violent behavior.

Japanese best:
Seven Samurai - Long (3hr) black/white movie but the storyline is so great that many films copied the story.
Oh yes, 2 of my favourite movies.
Shawshank starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lately, there are no more western movie
most of the shows are futuristic or present time.
The classic~The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Magnificient Seven
Mackenna Gold
My Name is Nobody.


Still stayin with your parents? Funniest homely movie!! Warning - A bit retard though!

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