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Malaysians tell sinkies to fuck off from JB


$5 RM is for food court or town area. What do you in the mee? :wink:

Most coffee shops are still at $3-4 RM and within one's own neighbourhood, you can still find breakfast places selling food at $2-3 RM.

Yup... most coffee shop food costs like MYR3.50 to MYR4.

Wantan mee, konloh mee - MYR3.50
Claypot rice - MYR5

Only yong taufu and ngoh hiang is expensive

Sorry sorry OT


In the same breath, Malaysians shouldn't seek job opportunities in Singapore as they contributed nothing to the security or stability of this country but yet come in hordes to take away jobs from Singaporeans only to bring their money back to enrich their own country.

Ironically, my personal experience is, the thousands of shipyard workers, factory workers that cross the border to work in SG daily - this is the group of people that look at a Singaporean number plate with enmity.


Not happy with what this guys said? Then dun go Malaysia loh. See how long they can tahan without Singaporean.


if no singaporean goes to jb see what will happen to ALL their businesses? die ah!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The author is barking at the wrong tree.

He should be complaining about those Thai cars up North that drive into Malaysia for cheap petrol and not Singapore cars.

Firstly, Singapore has this 3/4 tank rule.

Secondly, Singaporeans drive to Malaysia to spend money like eat, drink, shop, sing, f**k, massage etc...

The Thai cars only drives in to pump petrol!!

We pump more than petrols.



Old Fart
Forget about all the calculations. Numbers can be manipulated. What have we pumping gas there got to do with that Malaysian fuckard? Will there be less Ron95 for him? I certainly don't think so. That son of bitch is just not bright enough to know Sinkies are the ones driving Johor's economy. BTW, I don't bother to fill my gas there, thats like fucking world to me. Jln Wong Ah Fook gives the creeps.


Erhm, the majority of the article was talking about removing fuel subsidy. The JB part is very minor leh.

I heard that the Sultan of Johore opens a Caltex petrol station along the road to the causeway especially to cater to Sporean motorists driving back. That petrol station is always busy as it is the last one before reaching the causeway.

Every Malaysian wants Singaporeans to spend their dollar there - be it petrol, houses, food or groceries. Unfortunately those in KL and farther north tu lan because they can't get a share of the pie. So they make noise.

Johoreans welcome Singapore with open arms and legs!


Npw, who is the naive one? JB good as dead without singapore? Come on, you think Malaysia only got one city called JB? And without Singapore, JB would die?

The problem with a lot of singaporeans are they are actually so entrenched in the believe of their main stream media in talking about all things negative about JB. If you think JB is a bad place, let me tell you as a matter of fact, it is the ONLY place where Singaporeans have made money outside Singapore. A lot of Singaporeans own businesses, factories due to the higher exchange rate and hence better capitalised.

I grew up pretty much in JB during my younger years, took PSLE english and maths for fun to see if I could qualify for asean scholarship but decided not to "singaporeanised" myself and went to an ang mor country. From there I look down on Singaporeans further not because I am superior than them but because they are truly dumb when it comes to JB. I lied to many of them about coconut trees and attap houses, and they would believe me hands down. These are not your ordinary HDB dwellers but elites whose parents had helped built up Singapore.

A group of my close Singaporean friends (they had not been to JB in more than 20 years) came for a long weekend stay in one of the resorts in Pulai and was pleasantly surprised that all they have read is not true.

Unless you fellas have actually been into JB and knows the actual situation, you are not fit to even comment.

I think this guy is damn naive in his thoughts. First of all, Singaporeans don't pump Ron95 when they are in Malaysia, even if they allowed to. They pump V-power.

He also ignore the fact that Johore Bahru practically live on the spending power of Singapore, he has forgotten of how many Johoreans actually took long queue to cross the border every day to work and earn from Singaporeans. Everytime when Singaporeans go into Johore, they are not spending RM20-30 but hundreds for purchase of stuffs from food to clothings.

In fact, Johore Bahru is as good as dead without Singapore. And now he wants to kill the goose who lay the golden eggs?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Npw, who is the naive one? JB good as dead without singapore? Come on, you think Malaysia only got one city called JB? And without Singapore, JB would die?

Maybe U should check your facts first and not go by the usual pluck the bullshit out of your ass method. There's a big difference between fact and perception

Johor Bahru is within walking distance from Singapore, and receives 49.9% of the country's annual 22.5 million foreign tourists via its bridges and road links to Singapore.

The presence of Singapore-owned companies and tourists are significant. Johor Bahru's many shopping complexes cater to tourists from Singapore who visit the city for shopping and entertainment, taking advantage of the stronger Singapore dollar. As such, Johor Bahru's retail scene is highly developed for a city of its size. The main shopping districts are located within Johor Bahru city, with a number of large shopping malls located in the suburbs.

Many Singaporeans own property, businesses and factories in Johor Bahru.



Npw, who is the naive one? JB good as dead without singapore? Come on, you think Malaysia only got one city called JB? And without Singapore, JB would die?

The problem with a lot of singaporeans are they are actually so entrenched in the believe of their main stream media in talking about all things negative about JB. If you think JB is a bad place, let me tell you as a matter of fact, it is the ONLY place where Singaporeans have made money outside Singapore. A lot of Singaporeans own businesses, factories due to the higher exchange rate and hence better capitalised.

I grew up pretty much in JB during my younger years, took PSLE english and maths for fun to see if I could qualify for asean scholarship but decided not to "singaporeanised" myself and went to an ang mor country. From there I look down on Singaporeans further not because I am superior than them but because they are truly dumb when it comes to JB. I lied to many of them about coconut trees and attap houses, and they would believe me hands down. These are not your ordinary HDB dwellers but elites whose parents had helped built up Singapore.

A group of my close Singaporean friends (they had not been to JB in more than 20 years) came for a long weekend stay in one of the resorts in Pulai and was pleasantly surprised that all they have read is not true.

Unless you fellas have actually been into JB and knows the actual situation, you are not fit to even comment.

Aiyo! You can't blame ur sinkie friends for believing you when you said that JB is made of coconut trees and attap hses wor! Because, the entire state of Johor, including JB itself, projects that kind of fuck up and backward kampong image. Blame who?
Blame your bloody fellow Johorean for projecting that kind of image! :oIo:

Whoever told you that JB is the ONLY place where Singaporean biz made money out of Singapore? You know that there are many regional countries near Singapore that offer much more favourable exchange rate and lower operating cost such that even Malaysians set up factories there. Furthermore, the supply of workers in JB ain't exactly top notch; all the good ones will nv stay in JB.

Anyways, u talk as if JB is an advance city!? You and I know best the calibre of JB as a city....no need to hype things up. The truth is u can still find a lot of attap houses in JB itself, need not travel to the outskirt of the city. The road en route to Tebrau City is lined with shady looking terrace houses and attap houses on both sides. Further out of JB, the entire state looks drastically underdeveloped.

Erm, so I guess JB is only good for 4 things bah: Cheap ciggies, Cheap petrol, pirated dvds and cheap groceries! muahahaha
And seriously, without a rich neighbour to spill over their wealth to ur city, how strongly can the JB economy grow? U wanna wait for ur federal government to channel funds to ur state to develop the city? Yes, they certainly will coz they wanna squeeze money out of the Singaporeans. Without the Singaporeans generating economic activites in JB, I think the development of JB will be the least of the federal government's concern......so yea! JB will pretty much be dead without Singapore! :oIo:


I lied to many of them about coconut trees and attap houses, and they would believe me hands down. These are not your ordinary HDB dwellers but elites whose parents had helped built up Singapore.

Namewee is that you?

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Why just settle for cheap labour? You should move back up north.

Yes, i have moved back up north. I am just making my money in SG. Happy?

You missed my point.

Malaysians complaining about Singaporeans benefitting from their petrol subsidy ==> microscopic view, failed to see how Singaporeans help drive their economy.

If Singaporeans complain about Malaysian cheap labor making a living across the causeway that is also very microscopic view, tell me which Singaporean want to work at the shipyard, coffeeshop or factory? Or do you prefer Bangla or Chinois?


Npw, who is the naive one? JB good as dead without singapore? Come on, you think Malaysia only got one city called JB? And without Singapore, JB would die?

The problem with a lot of singaporeans are they are actually so entrenched in the believe of their main stream media in talking about all things negative about JB. If you think JB is a bad place, let me tell you as a matter of fact, it is the ONLY place where Singaporeans have made money outside Singapore. A lot of Singaporeans own businesses, factories due to the higher exchange rate and hence better capitalised.

I grew up pretty much in JB during my younger years, took PSLE english and maths for fun to see if I could qualify for asean scholarship but decided not to "singaporeanised" myself and went to an ang mor country. From there I look down on Singaporeans further not because I am superior than them but because they are truly dumb when it comes to JB. I lied to many of them about coconut trees and attap houses, and they would believe me hands down. These are not your ordinary HDB dwellers but elites whose parents had helped built up Singapore.

A group of my close Singaporean friends (they had not been to JB in more than 20 years) came for a long weekend stay in one of the resorts in Pulai and was pleasantly surprised that all they have read is not true.

Unless you fellas have actually been into JB and knows the actual situation, you are not fit to even comment.

Wow, you certainly sound out of touch with both JB and Singapore.

Tell me where to find these "dumb Singaporeans" who believe in your attap houses story, would like to swindle some money out of them.

I was under the impression Pulai Springs would be nice and posh. I even considered buying a unit at the Perdana Fairway bungalows. When i visited the place i was stunned at how run down it was!

I heard so much about how dangerous it is in JB. I moved to live in JB because i did not believe the news about how dangerous JB is. The truth is somewhat in between - not as bad as in the news, but there is CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER... wait... its HIDDEN as well... many places in JB look modern and peaceful and safe... until crime strikes you


let's not argue too much about this. there are always 2 sides to a story and 2 sides to a coin. so who is right and who is wrong here?
i used to have a very negative perception of JB. I say used to cos in the past I only read about the crimes and negative things about JB in the papers and hear about the "horror stories" from fellow sinkies about JB. I never bothered to go into JB back then, even for short weekend trip. Cos my thinking was what kind of savings can I get by buying fuel, groceries, and what-have-you- in JB? not much, so why bother going to JB at all.
However all this changed after I was persuaded to follow a friend to JB to look at his brand new Semi-D which he bought to stay in JB for good. After that trip and hearing his side of the story why he choose JB, buy a house there and spend most of his time in JB and only occasionally return to JB when he misses "home" , I feel there is a compelling and convincing reason that he did what he did. And i have a first hand look around JB and didn't find such an ugly , dangerous , dirty place as most people made it out to be.
In the end I myself end up buying a house in JB and moving there soon. No doubt there are many adjustments to make in life moving from Sinkapore to JB but then i see what I like , i go for it.
to be honest, i doubt that businesses will suffer so much, if singaporeans decided not to go to JB to spend money. the population of JB is able to sustain the local economy itself. Pasir gudang port is a thriving port and being the largest palm oil depot in the world.
JB has also a large Japanese and Koreans expat community.
having said this, I seriously do not think that Singaporeans will not go to JB, no matter what. It is not the savings they can get from food, fuel, groceries etc - this are just the benefits they get from visiting JB. What i think they are looking for is a short drive by car to a neighbouring city, to get away from the ever congested singapore roads and shopping malls. ALso i believe, most of them feel there is this invisible burden of pressure lifted of their shoulders once they are out of singapore. and to get this by just a drive (despite the causeway traffic jam) in an hour or so is as beneficial to the soul as to the wallets.


The truth is somewhat in between - not as bad as in the news, but there is CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER... wait... its HIDDEN as well... many places in JB look modern and peaceful and safe... until crime strikes you

try walking about with nice watch and thick gold chain.. :biggrin:


try walking about with nice watch and thick gold chain.. :biggrin:

You are right, nobody that i know of in JB, or for that matter Malaysia owns a decent watch or a gramme of gold dust.

People there are so poor and beggarly, they tend to look up to Singaporeans as God sent savers, coming to visit and donate Singkies' hard earned S$$$$$$$$$$$$ in the name of Asean friendship. I for one never like to visit Malaysia, i'd rather go Thailand.


You are right, nobody that i know of in JB, or for that matter Malaysia owns a decent watch or a gramme of gold dust.

People there are so poor and beggarly, they tend to look up to Singaporeans as God sent savers, coming to visit and donate Singkies' hard earned S$$$$$$$$$$$$ in the name of Asean friendship. I for one never like to visit Malaysia, i'd rather go Thailand.

Yup, if only there were more people having these same thoughts, the CIQ and causeway need not be dug up, widened, smoothened, altered, modified and what not to ease the week end/public holiday jams:biggrin:.


Yup, if only there were more people having these same thoughts, the CIQ and causeway need not be dug up, widened, smoothened, altered, modified and what not to ease the week end/public holiday jams:biggrin:.

so that their people can visit our casinos with ease.. :biggrin: