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HaLaL Bak Kut Teh for MusLims ?..


GOD, u r quite right lah. You can be vegetarian all your life.But the moment you open your mouth, toads and vulgarities jump out. You can chant for years and meditate for years in the recluse of the caves.But when you come down the mountains and meet the ordinary folks esp ladies and women, your natural instinct cannot be controlled at all!!! The consequences are direly shameful....

A person who can remain unperturbed in the chaos of the world and a person who can remain unstained by the temptations around him. A person who can resist desires and unwholesome sex is a person of high moral standard. Sex is a powerful force and anyone who can resist its alluring pleasure is someone worthy of respect and emulation.

A spiritual person does not need to follow anything or anybody. He is contented with himself ,peaceful within, enlightened and unperturbed. Wise and smiling...nothing can ruffle him.Nothing can depress him.Nothing can move his composure.

Any forummer here behaves like this calm and peaceful person? Maybe Drifter? Maybe Street73? Maybe Erection 2001 ? Maybe eErotica69? Maybe TracyTan ? Maybe Fook Seng ? Maybe God? Maybe Zeddy? Maybe Picardo? Maybe Vigilante? And others who have managed to remain calm and wise despite all the turmoil here with no vulgarities , no obscenities and no profanities. I think LTB is the ideal forummer. What do you think?

the award goes to?...........MR LTB! cheers!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
becoz eat meat means animal must die..................life is taken............but Buddha never said Buddhists or even monks must be vegans...........

when his disciples ask for alms..............they're to take whatever food from adjacent 6-7 houses.............so they're not supposed to be picky...........

becoz they're taught they should not have likes or dislikes...............since form is emptiness.............

like the lamas in Tibet , they have to eat mostly meat becoz vegetables are very hard to come by in tibet.............

Eat vegetable , a life also gone lah :wink: plants also have life :wink:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The only reason I think of why Buddha is a vegetarian it's because during that time he is a lazy man ) everyday just sit under a tree ) and no energy or motivation to hunt for food or do anything ..thats why The only food he can eat is vegetable :wink: . So bobian :wink:
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The only reason I think of why Buddha is a vegetarian it's because during that time he is a lazy man ) everyday just sit under a tree ) and no energy or motivation to hunt for food or do anything ..thats why The only food he can eat is vegetable :wink: . So bobian :wink:

he was never a vegetarian. its idiot follower these days paint their own picture/history of what he should behave. i did scripture study on this before, trust me on this


reminds me of an funny incident which i pissed an irritating buddhist zealot off. Was having lunch with friends, and she keep on preaching about being a vegetarian is good etc and green for the environment with hidden buddhist message. I got pissed off by the fact that she is not respecting others rights and belief. so i merely said this and that shut her up

"What convert carbon dioxide to Oxygen?"

getting the hint, she stomp off and walk away. LOL


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
he was never a vegetarian. its idiot follower these days paint their own picture/history of what he should behave. i did scripture study on this before, trust me on this

Thanks for the correction .. I thought he's a vegetarian . so he eat meat ? What about drinking and sex ?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Buddhists who insist on vegetarianism have a simple and compelling argument to support their case. Eating meat encourages an industry that causes cruelty and death to millions of animals and a truly compassionate person would wish to mitigate all this suffering . So let me ask those Buddhists , when they got their paycheck from their boss ( no businessman is saint ) , did they ever think where's did t he money comes from ? If their boss is Something like PAP who try every means to con ppl's money , will the Buddhists insist not to take any pay check that encourage an industry of dishonest ppl ? ? It's also like indirectly of helping those dishonest ppl .


In general there are no hard and fast rules in Buddhism, even the triple gems are up for interpretation. However, life is suffering in this case would require mitigation of suffering to others as well. Yes, as a good buddhist, he/she should quit, raise the "alarm", and try to stop it from happening. But this falls under many humanistic principles as well. Sometimes, a religion may say something about it, but the person in practice may do so otherwise.

Buddhists who insist on vegetarianism have a simple and compelling argument to support their case. Eating meat encourages an industry that causes cruelty and death to millions of animals and a truly compassionate person would wish to mitigate all this suffering . So let me ask those Buddhists , when they got their paycheck from their boss ( no businessman is saint ) , did they ever think where's did t he money comes from ? If their boss is Something like PAP who try every means to con ppl's money , will the Buddhists insist not to take any pay check that encourage an industry of dishonest ppl ? ? It's also like indirectly of helping those dishonest ppl .


Thanks for the correction .. I thought he's a vegetarian . so he eat meat ? What about drinking and sex ?

Drifter bro, there are a lot of Buddhist temple in Japan, I'm sure you can find out more there as well. It might be "slightly" different to the other Buddhist sects in Singapore, but the principle of it should be more or less the same.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
My foreman follows me around eating bak kut teh & he likes the black sauce pig throttle one day he told me "Boss order the liver and the kidney, that one best. Whenever we're going to eat Chinese food he will pull out his big silver Christian cross with chain which he wears on his neck other wise hidden under his shirt normally. He said like that people think I'm Philippines ... lol.

He told me not because he don't believe in his religion any more, he said after much thinking he realise here's no GOD. He liberated himself ! I think he's a very wise person. He said he us to argue with his wife when she said, God bless you found this job.

He would argue say not because he looked it up in the news paper and went for the interview ? Not because of his performances ? His choices that they got food now ? Not because he worked and bought the food for the family and how his wife thank god for everything he does for them..

He always tell me how pissed he is when this happen ... rofl.

But now I follow TonyChat after i got chest pains LOL ... taking vitamin E and Exercise and learn to be a Vegan and growing to like it. More energy, Age Spots lessen, White hairs turning black again .. serious I swear it Hahahaha... but my wife said I'm crazy .. lol. Even dick gets harder ... aiya you all don't believe.... hahahaha.... :P

I still eat meat but its like one or two bite just for fcuks sake ..lol 90% still eat lots of vege and fruits and beans and nuts. No more carbonated drinks and my favourite chocolates and ice-creams, and only 1 cup coffee per day my choice, be it morning coffee or evening or night :P


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Drifter bro, there are a lot of Buddhist temple in Japan, I'm sure you can find out more there as well. It might be "slightly" different to the other Buddhist sects in Singapore, but the principle of it should be more or less the same.

Bro , whenever I go to temple , shrine , church .. I only admire their art work that's all . Not interested in having a religion at all . cause I have seen too many illogical rules , promises , rewards , punishment ...ect happening in all religion .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In general there are no hard and fast rules in Buddhism, even the triple gems are up for interpretation. However, life is suffering in this case would require mitigation of suffering to others as well. Yes, as a good buddhist, he/she should quit, raise the "alarm", and try to stop it from happening. But this falls under many humanistic principles as well. Sometimes, a religion may say something about it, but the person in practice may do so otherwise.

If I use a "magnifying glass " to observe all religious ppl .. I can easily find tons of fault in their " saint " character . one word hypocrite ....especially those businessman who have a religion .


To understand something doesn't mean you are associated with it. I've read the Bible, Koran and Buddhist scriptures, in my spare time, it doesn't make me a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist per se. Truth be told, I lean more towards Buddhism, but more because of its philosophy then its practices. Take away the rules, the promises, rewards, punishment etc, and you would understand why each religion has its follower.

Bro , whenever I go to temple , shrine , church .. I only admire their art work that's all . Not interested in having a religion at all . cause I have seen too many illogical rules , promises , rewards , punishment ...ect happening in all religion .


If I use a "magnifying glass " to observe all religious ppl .. I can easily find tons of fault in their " saint " character . one word hypocrite ....especially those businessman who have a religion .

There is a difference being religious and having a religion. A religious person may not profess to have a religion, and a person having a religion may not be religious at all.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
To understand something doesn't mean you are associated with it. I've read the Bible, Koran and Buddhist scriptures, in my spare time, it doesn't make me a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist per se. Truth be told, I lean more towards Buddhism, but more because of its philosophy then its practices. Take away the rules, the promises, rewards, punishment etc, and you would understand why each religion has its follower.

If you take away rewards , promises and punishment from a religion I'm sure there will be no followers . I did read bible when I was younger and I did read some Buddha philosophy recommend by a monk when I am staying in Thai for 2 Years .. But seriously , there's fault in all their teaching . That's why I can debate about religion in religious folder so well . and most questions I ask there even monk or priest cannot answer my questions .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
There is a difference being religious and having a religion. A religious person may not profess to have a religion, and a person having a religion may not be religious at all.

So what's the point of them telling ppl they have a religion , have faith , believe in karma and so on ?


There is no point at all. Which is why, like you said, having a religion is stupid. But being religious, is not. When you think about the concept of having a religion, you must include "religion" that are not recognised as mainstream as well. For example, capitalism, the pursuit of never ending money, that earning more and more will be better. There are no formal, text, scripts, but a whole bunch of people follows this "religion" just look at the 2008 financial crisis. If the majority of bankers in US were however, more religious, the financial crisis might not have happened.

So what's the point of them telling ppl they have a religion , have faith , believe in karma and so on ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The only reason I think of why Buddha is a vegetarian it's because during that time he is a lazy man ) everyday just sit under a tree ) and no energy or motivation to hunt for food or do anything ..thats why The only food he can eat is vegetable :wink: . So bobian :wink:

Yah lor, Buddha not as fortunate as you, you spoon fed by your wife tio bor? LOL