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Foreigners Are More Gutsy


Alfrescian (Inf)
You sure know how to talk cock. the question here is responsibilty for your job. do not run away!!! I have face certain death in the face a few years ago and I did NOT ran away unlike sinkies here. My work deals in high risks and 2 of my colleagues died in the line if duty a few weeks apart(not to mention quite a few suffered permanent injuries) before I was called in to handle the situation. I told off those sinkies that you can run but i would have any respect for you. quite a few ran off and quit on the job. This national incident was never highlighted in the MSM. you figure out my job and what I am talking about if you are as smart and brave as you claimed to be. some of the forummers here would knwo what I am talking about. I know how sinkiess behave that's why you are mad as you are probbaly one of those who would run.

Since when I say I am brave??? Show me the posting??? I only know you are telling me how brave you are from the above posting...

If I am one of those policeman attend to the case... I may run if it need to... I still have family and kids to take care... I will not give up my life so easily... However I am very sure I will proceed back to the scene once all the back up are ready... I am not so stupid to fight 100 or 200 mobs alone... This is not brave... Is pure stupidity...

However if whatever you said above about you are true... You have my respect...:cool:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Since when I say I am brave??? Show me the posting??? I only know you are telling me how brave you are from the above posting...

If I am one of those policeman attend to the case... I may run if it need to... I still have family and kids to take care... I will not give up my life so easily... However I am very sure I will proceed back to the scene once all the back up are ready... I am not so stupid to fight 100 or 200 mobs alone... This is not brave... Is pure stupidity...

However if whatever you said above about you are true... You have my respect...:cool:

I agree with you.

To run and fight another day is the right course of action, considering the gravity of the situation and the magnitude of the " enemy force". Common sense prevailed and there were no fatalities and no use of firearms. This is world class performance. No panic. No frantic attempt to use the firearms. I applaud the Non Action of our SPF which showed great tactical intelligence to avoid fatalities.Wven the Non Action is tactical Action at its best! Well done SBF!! Hold your heads high!!!

These shitheads here think they are damned brave and smart. If they were the policemen, they would strip naked and flee !!!


Even someone who has a degree and works in a bank can be a grateful gongkia, let alone someone like you who has no brains, no qualifications, no self esteem and no ability to make value judgements. :biggrin:

A person like u IF you have "brains, qualifications, high self esteem n ability", you wouldn't have act or pretend but in the end showing the whole world that you're nothing but just an IGNORANT COWARD !!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha....

If you have the so-called "ABILITY" n etc, you wouldn't be slapping your own cheap mouth by criticizing your own country is bad, the govt is bad but yet doing nothing.... :wink:

Singaporeans that have the ability, brains n etc would have actually moved on but a COWARD like you just hide behind a computer to curse n swear but yet no action...

Indeed you have make your family "PROUD" by showing your Coward Actions!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.... Ha Ha Ha Ha....

Lastly, like what you mentioned, a person can have a degree n works in a bank and still be ungrateful like u, on the contra a person who do not hold a degree can do better in overseas making failures like you to envy!!!



hk only ability is to quote strange Rolek or Bolex numbers like some fucking mantra that he should tell the turds and tissue paper floating about his head as he stick that under waterline of some unflushed toilet bowl in public toilet somewhere.

I never seen anything as hilarious as those Rolez numberz that hk spin and spin

Do you know why you say "you have never seen anything as hilarious as those Rolex numbers"??? Becoz you're one of those typical person which what the Chinese call "暴发户"...

Go to China n understand what's the meaning of "暴发户"..... But the most pitiful thing here is even you tried to PRETEND that you are rich n can afford a "Full Gold Rolex" but yet you're Ignorant enough not to understand that any watch lovers goes by number n calibre n not just by quoting the watch Full Gold or Half Gold!!!

Want to PRETEND also ACT like one.... Anyone who plays with branded watches knows that even if they buy a Rolex watch from either Tong Building or be it Sincere Watches or Hour Glass, the receipt will clearly state the model number of the watch being purchased....

I know you wanna prove yourself in this forum to cover your real life inferiority self but dun buy a "Full Gold Rolex" from 女人街 n pretend that you can own one...

By the way, does the Gold Dust on your "Full Gold Rolex" fades off after sometime???? Ha Ha Ha Ha.... Ha Ha Ha Ha

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Since when I say I am brave??? Show me the posting??? I only know you are telling me how brave you are from the above posting...

If I am one of those policeman attend to the case... I may run if it need to... I still have family and kids to take care... I will not give up my life so easily... However I am very sure I will proceed back to the scene once all the back up are ready... I am not so stupid to fight 100 or 200 mobs alone... This is not brave... Is pure stupidity...

However if whatever you said above about you are true... You have my respect...:cool:

one shouldn't be a police officer if one is not willing to take calculated risks in the line of duty. go and be a security guard instead. nobody will blame security guards if they run away from possible dangerous conflicts...


one shouldn't be a police officer if one is not willing to take calculated risks in the line of duty. go and be a security guard instead. nobody will blame security guards if they run away from possible dangerous conflicts...

Yes, calculated risk is needed for soldiers or police or even personal body guard but be it a soldier or policeman, one have to be smart to analyst situation n the danger lying ahead....

Not to mentioned SGP police, even HK police are train to analyst situation and call for reinforcement when necessary n no HERO actions are welcomed.

If you were the policeman at Little India that night, by seeing the situation is getting out of your own control, would you still be standing there n be a HERO??? TALK IS CHEAP!!!



you are an idiot.

it is the PAP, not the government, that created unfair biz practices and know that there are 600s GCLs and all are owned by Lee's family.

you are a frog in a well.

When one talks about influx of foreign workers, ask yourself how many Singaporeans are there willing to take up those jobs that those foreign workers are doing now.

In addition to that, why just put the blame on the govt? The owner of those companies that employs foreigners are Singaporeans as well, why the blame is only being targeted on the govt but not the boss or owner of that particular company?

Expressing concern or complaint also do it constructively. Dun just blame everything on the govt....

The usual old phrase : Instead of blaming the govt did you blame your parents for bringing you to this world as a failure??

Lastly, dun always claimed that others creates clone account. Look yourself into a pool of your own urine first before you even comment on others!!!



Alfrescian (Inf)
you are an idiot.

it is the PAP, not the government, that created unfair biz practices and know that there are 600s GCLs and all are owned by Lee's family.

you are a frog in a well.

You need to start skipping this low self-esteem moniker's postings. :wink:


I agree with you.

To run and fight another day is the right course of action, considering the gravity of the situation and the magnitude of the " enemy force". Common sense prevailed and there were no fatalities and no use of firearms!

The TOTAL combined NSF strength in SG is LESS than the number of foreign workers already. The "battle" would have been lost even before the first shot is fired.

Better start training hard for the RUNNING AWAY part in the IPPT 3.2 km runs. He who runs fastest and farthest live to run again another day.


A person like u IF you have "brains, qualifications, high self esteem n ability", you wouldn't have act or pretend but in the end showing the whole world that you're nothing but just an IGNORANT COWARD !!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha....

If you have the so-called "ABILITY" n etc, you wouldn't be slapping your own cheap mouth by criticizing your own country is bad, the govt is bad but yet doing nothing.... :wink:

Singaporeans that have the ability, brains n etc would have actually moved on but a COWARD like you just hide behind a computer to curse n swear but yet no action...

Indeed you have make your family "PROUD" by showing your Coward Actions!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.... Ha Ha Ha Ha....

Lastly, like what you mentioned, a person can have a degree n works in a bank and still be ungrateful like u, on the contra a person who do not hold a degree can do better in overseas making failures like you to envy!!!

You should have studied harder when you were younger, and your mum should have given birth to you with more brains.
Now that it's too late, you can read more books to improve your written English. :wink:


you are an idiot.

it is the PAP, not the government, that created unfair biz practices and know that there are 600s GCLs and all are owned by Lee's family.

you are a frog in a well.

Wow, so another one trying to impress the world that you have seen a "BIG SNAKE SWIMMING RATHER THAN PEEING" right....

Since you're so SMART, why dun you walk down to any People's Meeting Session n swear at the minister for this unfair biz practice??? TALK ONLY???

Subsequently, why dun you sent an email to the Lee's family and curse n swear at them about this unfair practice??? You mean only the 600 GLCs employs foreign workers???

Indeed you're not in a well, you're a toad under the m&d!!! Can't even see the skies



You should have studied harder when you were younger, and your mum should have given birth to you with more brains.
Now that it's too late, you can read more books to improve your written English. :wink:

:biggrin: As i mentioned to you already, trying to pretend or act like an english master brings you no where in the forum....

If your mum have born you with brains n guts, you wouldn't be slapping your own cheap mouth by keep saying SG is bad, the govt is bad but yet no actions are being done!!!

Sometimes i really wonder what's the occupation of yr mum that can give birth to a coward like u!!! :biggrin: