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Activist GRC dream team - CPF issue


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am sorry, please leave me out of this! I am not going to waste my time, effort and money for undeserving and ungrateful people. Furthermore, why should I always become the one who raise the waves for people to ride on? Nah, I enjoy my life now and unless there is more challenging and exciting missions, I won't want to be some ungrateful people's stepping stones.

Let's face it. Personal keenness in politics was also involved in your political decisions, so I am sure people other than yourself are little reason for you.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
I am always a keen observer and commentator of current affairs and policy issues since young. Nothing special about that. But why should I fight for people like you? You only deserve what you choose to support; mediocre politics.

Most importantly, it saves me a lot of time, efforts and money, even bring me more happiness by not doing so. That is enough joy in merely watching the mediocre outcomes which were chosen and supported by people like you. :wink:

The time is really not right yet until people like you learn about the importance of informed choices.

Goh Meng Seng

Let's face it. Personal keenness in politics was also involved in your political decisions, so I am sure people other than yourself are little reason for you.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am always a keen observer and commentator of current affairs and policy issues since young. Nothing special about that. But why should I fight for people like you? You only deserve what you choose to support; mediocre politics.

Most importantly, it saves me a lot of time, efforts and money, even bring me more happiness by not doing so. That is enough joy in merely watching the mediocre outcomes which were chosen and supported by people like you. :wink:

The time is really not right yet until people like you learn about the importance of informed choices.

Goh Meng Seng

8 years ago, people were even more apathetic but somehow that didn't stop you. So go easy on those claims about fighting for people like me or it is because of people like me that you are no longer doing this.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
You learn Buddhism but didn't get to the CORE of Buddha's teaching.

Affinity or rather, TIMING, is important for almost everything thing. When the timing is not right, no matter how grand your ambition or intention is, it will be a total waste of time and effort for one to carry out the deeds. 佛只渡有缘人.

Similarly, no matter how you or we view politics as "public service", when the timing is not right especially with so many undeserving and ungrateful people around, then it is only good for us to take a step back, relax and chant our mantras and sutras, eat, sleep shit, rather than fighting for these people.

Let them "enjoy" the "fruits" of their past deeds first, experience the mediocre outcomes which they have chosen directly or indirectly while we just sit down relax and enjoy the show. Nothing can be done because to intervene such karmic outcomes will only defy the natural forces the necessary working out which can only be good for the long term. So relax lah!

Goh Meng Seng

ah seng, my bloody evil twin,
we do things for the betterment and bigger good of EVERYONE - be it they are supporters or flame throwers. we don't go good that we anticipate good returns. look into history: did jesus die for any good return? or joan of arc get bbq-ed for her bravery?


we do out of the compassion we want a better singapore. we do even we anticipate we would get bankrupted like the late JBJ. what did he get in return? bankrupted!

if everyone thinks like you, then the objective for doing something great and selfless would never ever happen :( then what would happen? we remain enslaved by the pap. for how long are we going to tolerate that?

it's a shame that you reveal yourself as someone rather chauvinistic and self-centred. i must spank your backside with your mum's wooden clog when u r back!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dear GMS

why do you still use the title below in your blog?
Goh Meng Seng
Ex Secretary General of NSP

dont you have better "current" title?

for example:
Independent Investment Banker based on Hong Kong?


Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
I don't use that title but it was tagged by TRS or TRE.

All along, I only use my name to Sign Off.

8 years ago, when the awakening was very far much lesser, it was an exciting and challenging task to ignite that sparks and fire which led to massive political awakening and consciousness. However, from the look of GE 2011 and post GE 2011 situation, such awakening process has been totally skewed in such a unhealthy way. There is really no better solution but to let the minds settle down with the facing of reality and outcome of their fanaticism. Yes, people will be disappointed or even disillusioned but it would be an important lesson for everybody, including me. Democracy will not be achieved by blind support but only through INFORMED Choices.

Goh Meng Seng

Dear GMS

why do you still use the title below in your blog?
Goh Meng Seng
Ex Secretary General of NSP

dont you have better "current" title?

for example:
Independent Investment Banker based on Hong Kong?

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Alfrescian (Inf)
8 years ago, when the awakening was very far much lesser, it was an exciting and challenging task to ignite that sparks and fire which led to massive political awakening and consciousness. However, from the look of GE 2011 and post GE 2011 situation, such awakening process has been totally skewed in such a healthy way. There is really no better solution but to let the minds settle down with the facing of reality and outcome of their fanaticism. Yes, people will be disappointed or even disillusioned but it would be an important lesson for everybody, including me. Democracy will not be achieved by blind support but only through INFORMED Choices.

Political awakening means people start forming opinions and taking positions. With that, disagreements become stronger. You can't disagree with someone who has no opinion, or agree with him even if you want to. "Fanaticism" is but a label. Although real fanaticism does exists, it is a small part of the process and has been there since the beginning.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dear all. I just got infracted by Got More Shit. He says I insulted him but I am just calling a spade a spade. Honestly I never knew thay calling shit 'shit' and calling him a Pappie dog would have insulted him as he is one.

Hey Got More Shit,,now that you have said it,,please shut up and fuck off or go talk a long walk off a short pier. Your inputs are nothing but crap and if u disappear you wont be missed. Real Oppositions does not need a traitor like you. So just go as you have never contributed anything positive to the cause of the Real SIngaporeans. You just contributed to PAP victory in Tampinese in the Last Erection....with more oppos like u,,spore might as well sink...

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Oh dear! Ouch! It hurts you meh? But hor, you also infracted me for no reason leh! At least, I have a good reason to infract you for being rude, uncivil.

Take it easy lah! You will die of heart attack very fast if you are always so kancheong about such things! Cheers!

Goh Meng Seng

Dear all. I just got infracted by Got More Shit. He says I insulted him but I am just calling a spade a spade. Honestly I never knew thay calling shit 'shit' and calling him a Pappie dog would have insulted him as he is one.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are the uncouth, fork tongue asshole,,,,anyway you have shit for brains that is why you are called Got More Shit,,,,at least I make my stand for being a critique of the PAP, unlike you,,claim to be an Opposition Member but you suck up to PAP more than the PAP MPs,,,do not forget, you fucked up in the last GE and allowed Shorty Mah to win the election,,,so dont come preach to me with your bullshit,,,,ASSHOLE

Oh dear! Ouch! It hurts you meh? But hor, you also infracted me for no reason leh! At least, I have a good reason to infract you for being rude, uncivil.

Take it easy lah! You will die of heart attack very fast if you are always so kancheong about such things! Cheers!

Goh Meng Seng


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh dear! Ouch! It hurts you meh? But hor, you also infracted me for no reason leh! At least, I have a good reason to infract you for being rude, uncivil.

Take it easy lah! You will die of heart attack very fast if you are always so kancheong about such things! Cheers!

Goh Meng Seng

Take it easy, captain. S'pore needs you. Try and be forgiving. Works wonders for your health.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
No worry Golden Boy. I have outlived quite a number of ahem... and will continue to outlive others. Never been so healthy ever. :wink:

Goh Meng Seng

Take it easy, captain. S'pore needs you. Try and be forgiving. Works wonders for your health.