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Crumbling of Singapore?


Are You Willing To Pull The Trigger ?


And I thought I was radical! I cannot plus rep you anymore but I came to the same conclusion.

Ordinary people going about their lives everyday have no idea how bad things are until they eventually fall into one of the two groups highlighted above.

So Leongsam, besides the "greedy and complacent" Singaporean whiner who needs to be chided, "greedy and unproductive" business owners

There will always be people that are both stupid and selfish. They can't see that they should be doing the right thing quickly instead of entertaining the thought of "maybe, tomorrow. let's not talk about this first." Very soon, the fire will have to spread and lick their butts. That's a little too late by then.

I'm radical. Revolution !

Fook Seng

Alfrescian (Inf)
Leongsam said:
Until Singapore sends all it's slave labour home, I will continue to brand the whole country a bunch of uncivilised pricks.
If you are envious of what we have here, why don't you just move back?

The maids eat well and sleep well, living the life of a housewife. They are perfectly happy here. Thank you.

They can also send home money every month enough for them to buy cows and even houses. If they work long enough, they can earn enough to have a good retirement, not something we can say as much in Singapore with a diminishing sight of our CPF.


If you are envious of what we have here, why don't you just move back?

The maids eat well and sleep well, living the life of a housewife. They are perfectly happy here. Thank you.

They can also send home money every month enough for them to buy cows and even houses. If they work long enough, they can earn enough to have a good retirement, not something we can say as much in Singapore with a diminishing sight of our CPF.

Actually the most uncivilised prick is Leongsam. I mean what else can he be, taking potshots at us from a safe distance in NZ where he quitted to. No man of honour would do such a thing to his fellow country men who stayed behind to fight the cause. Come to think of that, he's not just a most uncivilised prick but a totally ball-less creature as well.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Actually the most uncivilised prick is Leongsam. I mean what else can he be, taking potshots at us from a safe distance in NZ where he quitted to. No man of honour would do such a thing to his fellow country men who stayed behind to fight the cause. Come to think of that, he's not just a most uncivilised prick but a totally ball-less creature as well.

I'm not taking potshots. I'm sharing my wisdom to try and prevent Singapore from making the same mistakes that NZ has over the issue of welfare.

You should be thanking me. I have the interests of Singapore at heart.


Actually the most uncivilised prick is Leongsam. I mean what else can he be, taking potshots at us from a safe distance in NZ where he quitted to. No man of honour would do such a thing to his fellow country men who stayed behind to fight the cause. Come to think of that, he's not just a most uncivilised prick but a totally ball-less creature as well.

I agree with you the LeongSam is an uncivilised prick, absolutely not a man of honour.

Other pricks are PAP ministers who insist that a Singaporean earning S$1000 a month can afford a two-room HDB flat and support a family in SG.

More PAP ministers are joining the prick category when they think that SG's inflation rate at 5.4% does not affect the average Singaporean. It is this prick mentality that is dividing Singaporeans and causing the Crumble of Singapore.


If you are envious of what we have here, why don't you just move back?

The maids eat well and sleep well, living the life of a housewife. They are perfectly happy here. Thank you.

They can also send home money every month enough for them to buy cows and even houses. If they work long enough, they can earn enough to have a good retirement, not something we can say as much in Singapore with a diminishing sight of our CPF.

Good points. The pap shd not benefit from Singaporeans paying such high rates to the maids and the maids' hard labour. the maids shd get the $1500+ a month.


I agree with you the LeongSam is an uncivilised prick, absolutely not a man of honour.

Other pricks are PAP ministers who insist that a Singaporean earning S$1000 a month can afford a two-room HDB flat and support a family in SG.

More PAP ministers are joining the prick category when they think that SG's inflation rate at 5.4% does not affect the average Singaporean. It is this prick mentality that is dividing Singaporeans and causing the Crumble of Singapore.

Absolutely, bro, absolutely!


Absolutely, bro, absolutely!

Some lessons from the HG B-E:

1. Hougang voters are of the people, by the people and for the people
2. Distractions, smear campaigning, character assassination by the pap will alienate the pap from the voters
3. Despite pap's false brave front, the B-E result is a referendum of the pap's performance since GE 201. The pap has not done well..
4. Corrupt promises by the pap have no place in SG politics

Unless the pap learns from B-E 2012 and change the way it leads SG, the Crumble of pap is imminent

The damage done by the pap to Singapore is severe and that will cause the Crumble of Singapore


Alfrescian (Inf)
Some lessons from the HG B-E:

1. Hougang voters are of the people, by the people and for the people
2. Distractions, smear campaigning, character assassination by the pap will alienate the pap from the voters
3. Despite pap's false brave front, the B-E result is a referendum of the pap's performance since GE 201. The pap has not done well..
4. Corrupt promises by the pap have no place in SG politics

Unless the pap learns from B-E 2012 and change the way it leads SG, the Crumble of pap is imminent

The damage done by the pap to Singapore is severe and that will cause the Crumble of Singapore

Yes, thw average Singaporean is not better off today than a year ago. PAP changes are cosmetic. The core issues have not changed and the problems plaguing Singaporeans have not been removed.

Singaporeans must have the wisdom to see through the pap facade and vote themk out at the next GE.

Chief culprits are LHL, TCH and Tharman. The rest of the pap are blind followers who mouthed and carry out the orders of the three big guns.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you are envious of what we have here, why don't you just move back?

The maids eat well and sleep well, living the life of a housewife. They are perfectly happy here. Thank you.

They can also send home money every month enough for them to buy cows and even houses. If they work long enough, they can earn enough to have a good retirement, not something we can say as much in Singapore with a diminishing sight of our CPF.

Good points

Most maids are happy despite the fact that some were not very well treated. As in any job, there are some bad employers. Let's bring these bad employers to task and not tarnish all Singaporeans who have maids.

The pap likes to tarnish the image of Singaporeans to foreigners..


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually the most uncivilised prick is Leongsam. I mean what else can he be, taking potshots at us from a safe distance in NZ where he quitted to. No man of honour would do such a thing to his fellow country men who stayed behind to fight the cause. Come to think of that, he's not just a most uncivilised prick but a totally ball-less creature as well.

I agree with you:smile:


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you are envious of what we have here, why don't you just move back?

The maids eat well and sleep well, living the life of a housewife. They are perfectly happy here. Thank you.

They can also send home money every month enough for them to buy cows and even houses. If they work long enough, they can earn enough to have a good retirement, not something we can say as much in Singapore with a diminishing sight of our CPF.

Another category are the Gurkhas. Once they leave S'pore after their stint, no need to slog in Nepal anymore. While working here, eat and sleep Ah Kong. Salaries all remitted home to buy land and start small biz. One of them went into the tour biz and doing 'die father' well.


Should PAP Give You A Medal Then

I'm not taking potshots. I'm sharing my wisdom to try and prevent Singapore from making the same mistakes that NZ has over the issue of welfare.

You should be thanking me. I have the interests of Singapore at heart.

So, you mean PAP should give you a medal then.


Why Are We Not Going Forward ?

PAP changes are cosmetic. The core issues have not changed and the problems plaguing Singaporeans have not been removed.

Singaporeans must have the wisdom to see through the pap facade and vote themk out at the next GE.

Singaporeans do not generally have the wisdom to see this as problem. They play with the thought that perhaps tomorrow it will be better. How many years were given to them to change ? Will they change when 60% back them up ? Obviously, no. We are going backward NOT forward. Your housing size is gettin' smaller and smaller. They call it whard ? Shoe box ? Pigeon holes ?



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Why Are We Not Going Forward ?

Singaporeans do not generally have the wisdom to see this as problem. They play with the thought that perhaps tomorrow it will be better. How many years were given to them to change ? Will they change when 60% back them up ? Obviously, no. We are going backward NOT forward. Your housing size is gettin' smaller and smaller. They call it whard ? Shoe box ? Pigeon holes ?

I agree with you. I hope more Singaporeans wake up to the problems Singaporeans will face in future


Who Is Who ?

I agree with you. I hope more Singaporeans wake up to the problems Singaporeans will face in future

The Old Farts : These folks have been living in their la la land since the time from 1965. There will be no amount of evidence or witnesses that will steer their stubborn thought that Lee is a good man. Illogical, unjust and dirty way of living was inbuilt in them for their 'survival'. You can kick them but you cannot scold them but only the fascist PAP can ! They don't even need a fantastic mind job ! :eek: All the dictators' sweet dream ! But sorry, it only happens here. :rolleyes:


The 30 to 50 yo Ah Sohs : These men in white are their darlings (superstars from N Korea) plus the "World Peace" mentality made a wonderful combination of a total disaster to the state. Very forgiving and naive when their cheating husbands have already made uncountable false excuses or apologies. Some women never use the left brain - emo creatures (right brainers).


The Fascist School Kids : They have learnt that Singapore was an island of a few fishing villages when Sir Stamford Raffles was also backward and wearing a sarong while eating durians and drinking coconuts like savages. Lee was borne and he saw the Merlion in the jungle and named it Temasek Holding. The kids always enjoy the story at all NDPs' parades and songs (yearly brainwashing); especially the part on volunteerism. It always make them cry and feel grateful. They didn't understand or suspect that their part in this conspiracy will kill Singapore faster than evil foreigners do. These stupid old folks and fearful poor will not thank them but continue to vote for fascism to stay - not desperate or angry enough to fight back. Voting for PAP is to kill young people. These young and stupid kids have no idea what is to come.



The Fascists' Immediate Family Members : RJC girl, Wee Shu Min was the product of such an MP. No good reasoning will make them think twice what they are doing is actually wrong. The monkey see, monkey do phenomenon ? These kids just cannot bear to report or arrest their fathers even when they know that their parents are criminals.


The Traitors First Class : For hawking licenses to public works opportunities ... you name it. They are desperate to sell the country for a red pottage like Esau. In WW2, they work for the wicked Japs like prata man and that fake Hakka.


The Traitors Second Class : These people are afraid of losing out on 'opportunities' and threats from the ruling regime like getting toilets and lifts 'upgrading' to maintain their high flat selling prices. They want to be 'in the game'. They are not your usual feisty Hougangers who will make the last stand.

These lesser traitors won't mind naming their new borne children as Kiasu and Kiasi. Anything that can get them into good schools, no problem lah. They won't mind. :eek:


The Piggyback To Sudden Wealth And Infamy : Er, see below.


The Dumb : This group of people is a bit like the today's scientists with lots of weird ideas (M-Theory fantasy) that PAP is still the same as yesterday (Isaac Newton). Well they are right in one way - Lee is still the same bad fella of yesteryear. But, PAP in the olden days were slightly more rugged (Made In Japan, not Germany) but the same cannot be said the for the PAP of today (Made In China). They were a confused lot - in short, dumb.



Actually the dumb covers it all:smile:
Met one idiot recently. Commented that I Must have a lot of reserved. Because everything will collapse by 50% if pap falls. I would hardly call buying an overpriced house, car and stock, and then praying hard for a correction not to come the act of any intelligent person


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Who Is Who ?

The Old Farts : These folks have been living in their la la land since the time from 1965. There will be no amount of evidence or witnesses that will steer their stubborn thought that Lee is a good man. Illogical, unjust and dirty way of living was inbuilt in them for their 'survival'. You can kick them but you cannot scold them but only the fascist PAP can ! They don't even need a fantastic mind job ! :eek: All the dictators' sweet dream ! But sorry, it only happens here. :rolleyes:

[, dumb.

I dont blame the old Singaporeans. They experienced and are thankful for old PAP goodness. That's a virtue