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How Thailand Became One Of The World's Fastest Aging Countries


How Thailand Became One Of The World's Fastest Aging Countries

After Singapore, Thailand has the lowest fertility rate in Southeast Asia, making it one of the fastest aging countries in the world. The problem is, Thailand will grow old before it grows rich.

An aging society is typically a predicament affecting developed nations. But Thailand is still developing. So, why is it facing a population crisis ahead of time? How did culture, religion, the economy, policies, and politics drive down the birthrate in the Land of Smiles? The Thai government is changing the laws to encourage more births. Can they reverse the slide? And, faced with a stagnating economy and competition from its younger neighbours, what does it mean for Thailand if it cannot rejuvenate its fertility rate?

00:00 Introduction
02:25 What's different about Thailand's falling birthrate
05:59 Why aren't young Thais having children?
08:29 Rising cost of living a big concern
12:08 Having children = loss of opportunity for women?
16:20 Urbanisation contributing to lower birth rate?
21:14 Impact of family planning policies on economic growth
23:49 Elderly Thais working past retirement age
28:53 High social welfare costs stretching government's budget
31:32 Housing an elderly population that is living for longer
37:09 Government push to increase access to reproductive tech

The answers are same, "child is expensive", "child takes your time".
Do not have wrong impression with Indonesia's 2.1 birth rate. The numbers are carried by rurals in which it is uncommon for a woman to give birth to at least 3 children and sometimes 5 children.
In the urban, at most, a family only has 1 child, 2 children if wealthy.

It is impossible for a family to have a child with no help of family's member or one of parent gives up his/her job.
2 people earnings are just enough to live comfortably.
1 people earning is just enough.
1 people earning with a child is struggling, if there is a break such as covid-19, most won't recover financially.