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Young Singaporeans: The Singapore Dream is Dying





Visit a top primary school and you will wonder why numerous foreign-born students are enrolled, instead of those kids whose fathers or grandfathers (local ladies married foreigners) served NS.

In our elite secondary schools & Junior Colleges, one couldn’t help wonder if you had visited another country. Here we are, providing highly subsidized educations or scholarships (with free lodging and allowances to numerous ASEAN scholars, PRCs, Indians, Malaysians. It’s the same situation in NUS and NTU, which spending millions every year to recruit scholars from different parts of Asia, while our own kids forced to enter tier-two SIT, SUTD, SUSS, SIM, private universities or worse, overseas.

(Please note that it is academically easier for a Malaysian of similar intellect to be enrolled in NUS or NTU with STPM + Scholarship/Bursary, than a local Singapore A-levels or Poly student).

Even in our neighbourhood primary and secondary schools, there are a lot of things that MOE leave, to the enrichment centers to teach, creating a billion-dollar industry, costing many parents about a thousand per month. Even teachers got to send their own kids to enrichment classes.


5 years ago I work near Dover Road eat lunch at SP got 2 SP students sit next to me at long table, 1 of them said a lot of poly grads can't find jobs and they discuss whether PAP will win election or not
Did u tell them to trust the Party? Volt for more good ears. :biggrin:


Msian laggi best all act poor go back can have kids and wife don't need to work can set up biz. Sinkie only can sign on commando or storeman or taxi driver or hawker etc. wa some hawker cook can drive mercedes but no life balance and serve food to the foreigners....


Tell these flaccid snowflake sinkies to stop complaining, and do what they are supposed to do at the polling station - vote out the pappy gahment.


Sinkie is nation for foreigners to huat one la. I know so many coolie msian ah tiong ah neh come here work and slack. Got alot of slack job like warehouse security guard forklift driver etc.

I remember a sinkie was forced to leave a company for being caught slacking and got one autism msian guy stay at the company for long. Fucking disgrace. They rather support and feed the msian retard peo.


I grew up in an era that our country preached the 5-Cs, raise 2-3 kids, having university degree, having hotel ballroom wedding and honeymoon and annual tours flying with Singapore airlines.

At this turning point in Singapore’s history, I think our kids are doing worse than their parent. If they want their condo, tour, car, they probably got to give up raising kids. If they want to well in education, the parents got to spend over a thousand a month in enrichment courses.

Did Singapore’s pro-foreigners policies kill the Golden Goose? Or have our economic policies enslaved our young?
PAP is a party for the rich elites.



Exit plan for those cursed to be born male Sinkie with NS (Sinkie bitches can always get AMDK)

0) Don’t believe what you hear. Over 50K Sinkies made it, so can you.

1) be very familiar with Australia and New Zealand Skilled Migration skills shortage lists (SOL lists). ITE trades will be surprised at what they need. Don’t need an agent, all info on their Home Affairs websites

2) brush up your England, can get extra points for speaking and writing. Then take their damned IELTS or the other test.

3) Calculate your points from age, work XP, edu and England and apply. Do it young, between 25-35yo. After 35 points drop drastically. If you can commit to an AU state or territory for 2 years, they give xtra pts. Darwin/NT is short in many skills.

4) For NZ, need to land job offer first, so AU is better. Save hard, will need cushion to tide over landing period

5) for the brainy IT techies or science-meds, can try for US under US-SG FTA. Every year, our annual quota of 5300 H1B visas not filled. Once there, get employer to covert you to green card track. May need immi lawyer, US bureaucracy not easy. Then again you are brainy so I dun need say more.

6) Maybe you are digitally skilled or speaking Euro lang— go for EU’s various digital nomad visas. Btw worth to learn Deutsch/German becoz Ger unis are free, heil!

7) Maybe you have usd100K+ to ‘donate’ the Carribean cuntries (St Lucia, Dominica etc) can helps you with a passport via mail.

8) Maybe you are Sinkie of Chinese origin can profess your love for mother China and Communism and try your luck there.

9) Maybe you fight for Russia (winning side as of now) and survive and become a Ruski.

10) if all fails, be prepared to stand up for Sinkie land. As you wither in jungle every year listening to your CO tok cock, imagine yourself in (your fav cuntry) with (your fav bitch) sucking your cock.