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X'mas Bomb-Shell for MAGA Dotard! Japs Navy want join PLA Naval Parade April 2019 海军建军70周年阅舰式? RSN leh? Defecting too?


Japs confirmed surrendered to 1B1R PLA! Defecting away from MAGA Dotard! MAGA!


中国或举行海军建军70周年阅舰式 是否会邀日舰参加

中国或举行海军建军70周年阅舰式 是否会邀日舰参加






2019年是中国海军成立70周年的年份,也是中国建国70周年例行大阅兵的年份,因此,中国一定会举行盛大的阅兵仪式。现就有关消息来看,在山东青岛市举行庆祝海军建军70周年国际阅舰式已无悬念,而这次日本获邀参加也是一大亮点。此前,在今年10月11日举办的韩国海军国际观舰式上,日本军舰因为不按韩国的要求必须悬挂自己的国旗与韩国的国旗而被拒绝参加——因为日本海军“旭日旗” 象征侵略与军国主义。而这次,如果日本军舰要来青岛,也会在这一问题上产生纠葛。


分析认为,中国对于2019年的海军和建国70周年庆祝十分重视,因此,受邀参加的国家代表和军舰代表一定会力求更多,所以日本军舰也一定会在受邀之列。但中国与韩国存在不同,而且日本对待中国与韩国也会不同,所以相信日本一定会与中国达成一个各方均能接受的参加方案。更重要的是,在目前中美经贸纷争的大背景下,中日消除历史隔阂逐渐走近,也符合各方的最大利益。因此,2019年4月23日的青岛国际观舰式一定隆重而热烈,相信亚太和世界一些重要的国家一定都不会缺席。 (作者署名:军评陈光文)


China or the Navy’s 70th anniversary of the warship will be invited to participate in the ship

China or the Navy’s 70th anniversary of the warship will be invited to participate in the ship


The Chinese navy’s military parade in the southern waters

China has decided to send a Maritime Self-Defense Force ship to participate in the international warship-style ceremony held in Qingdao, Shandong Province on April 23, 2019, the 70th anniversary of the Navy. According to a report by the Japanese Kyodo News on December 25, Japanese and Chinese sources revealed that the move was a part of the exchange of visits between the Japanese Sea and the Chinese naval vessels agreed at the China-Japan summit in October this year. If the Japanese sea can be realized by ship to China, it will be the first time since December 2011. However, in October this year, South Korea hosted an international warship-style Japan without a ship to participate, mainly because South Korea asked Japan not to hang the self-defense flag "Sunrise Flag" on the ship, and was rejected by Japan. This kind of thing is likely to happen to Qingdao's warship style.

The Singapore Navy’s international warship style in 2017

Most of the world's naval powers have demonstrated their naval power traditions by holding military parades in the sea, which was created by the former empire of the Japanese Empire. However, in recent years, the so-called international warship style has also developed to the extent that it is commonplace. No matter which country or a coastal city of a certain country, when commemorating some grand festivals, an international warship will be held to increase the celebration. Atmosphere. For example, on May 12, 2017, the Chinese Navy 570 Huangshan missile frigate was invited to participate in the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Singapore Navy. On December 2, 2018, the Chinese Navy and the Squadron Hospital participated in the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Navy in Chile. International ship-style.

China Navy International Warship in 2009

The Chinese Navy also has its own international warship style, which was held on April 23, 2009 in Qingdao, Shandong Province to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Navy. The 19 Chinese naval vessels and from the United States, Russia, France and South Korea. 21 ships in 14 countries were reviewed and demonstrated to the outside world the leap-forward progress of the Chinese navy's equipment level and the rigorous military style. Five years later, in April 2014, the Chinese Navy also wanted to hold an international ship-reading ceremony to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Navy. However, due to various domestic factors and the lack of invitation to Japan to participate in the Japanese protests and other reasons, It was not implemented in the end.

The military parade in the southern sea shows China’s determination to develop

2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Navy and the year of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Therefore, China will hold a grand military parade. Now, according to relevant news, there is no suspense in the international warship style of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Navy’s army building in Qingdao, Shandong Province. This time, Japan’s invitation to participate is also a highlight. Previously, on the Korean Navy’s international ship-watching style held on October 11 this year, Japanese warships were refused to participate because they had to hang their national flags and the national flag of South Korea as required by South Korea – because the Japanese Navy’s “Rising Sun Flag” symbolizes aggression. With militarism. This time, if Japanese warships are coming to Qingdao, they will also have entanglements on this issue.

Chinese aircraft carrier must appear on the international ship-reading style

The analysis believes that China attaches great importance to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Navy and the founding of the People's Republic of China. Therefore, representatives of the countries and warships invited to participate will certainly strive for more, so Japanese warships will certainly be invited. However, China and South Korea are different, and Japan will treat China and South Korea differently. Therefore, it is believed that Japan will reach an agreement with China that is acceptable to all parties. More importantly, under the current background of Sino-US economic and trade disputes, it is in the best interests of all parties to eliminate the historical gap between China and Japan. Therefore, the Qingdao international ship-watching style on April 23, 2019 must be grand and enthusiastic. I believe that some important countries in the Asia-Pacific and the world will not be absent. (Author's signature: Military Review Chen Guangwen)


Japs media mass defecting toward China & Anti-USA Anti-Dotard now! MAGA!





原标题:锐参考 | 什么情况?!日本媒体突然集体“反美亲中”——





what's the situation? The Japanese media suddenly fell to the collective "anti-American pro-China"
what's the situation? The Japanese media suddenly fell to the collective "anti-American pro-China"

Original title: Sharp Reference | What is the situation? ! The Japanese media suddenly collectively "anti-American pro-China" -

On the last day of 2018, you never know what news will happen this year.

This sentence, in the past few days, the Japanese media’s report on China has once again been fulfilled: the argument of “anti-American pro-China” can temporarily occupy the mainstream of the major Japanese media.

What made the Japanese media, including the right-wing media, uncharacteristically was the announcement issued by the United States a week ago.
▲ American White House ▲ American White House

In the announcement, Trump, who has always advocated "US priority", listed a series of (in the eyes of the Japanese) apparently "fairness doubts" on the grounds that Japan signed a trade agreement.

Therefore, from ordinary netizens to the media, they are urging the government to "be cautious and hand in hand with the United States." In the "anti-American" voice, many Japanese media have called for cooperation with China.

"We are not an economic colony of the United States!"

The announcement issued by the US Trade Representative Office on the 21st was once interpreted by the outside world as another "poison pill."

The content of the announcement is clear – in the 22 issues to be discussed, the United States once again targeted Japan’s automotive and agricultural sectors, requiring the latter to cut tariffs and non-tariff barriers.

This requirement means that Japan must further open its market to facilitate the United States entering the Japanese automobile and agricultural products sector.
▲ Japanese car production line ▲ Japanese car production line

Another "excessive demand" is to write the exchange rate clause, "to ensure that Japan does not conduct exchange rate manipulation to hinder balance of payments adjustments and gain unfair competitive advantage."

In short, Japan is not allowed to promote its exports by inducing the depreciation of the yen – and the label of the “currency manipulator” has been posted to Japan.

What is most unacceptable in Japan is that the US has written service trade, labor employment, and environmental governance into the negotiating objectives, and has not concealed the idea of conducting comprehensive and thorough economic negotiations with Japan.

Under the picture, there is an embarrassing fact that is exposed:

Prior to this, the Japanese government insisted that the United States would talk about the "goods trade agreement (TAG)", which only involved "items." But it turns out that this is just a lie that the Japanese government has been carefully crafting.

The naked reality made the Japanese old-fashioned right-wing media unable to sit still.

"There is a huge gap between Japan and the United States, and it is difficult to reach an agreement next year." In a recent report on the slogan of Japan and the United States, "Sankei Shimbun" did not disguise its disappointment.
▲Japan's "Sankei Shimbun" report screenshot ▲ Japan "Sankei Shimbun" report screenshot

At the same time, the Japanese media also paid attention to another statement in the announcement of the negotiation goal: "If Japan and the non-market economy countries conclude a free trade agreement, it is necessary to establish relevant mechanisms to ensure transparency and appropriateness of action."

"This is to contain the free trade agreement between Japan and China!" Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" pointed out sharply.

This is the term called "poison pill".

At the end of November, the US government’s statement also supported the Asahi Shimbun’s statement that the US-Japan agreement should take the form of the signed US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), meaning that once a country has concluded itself with a non-market economy country. Trade agreements, other countries can withdraw.

As a result, the intention of the United States is obvious.

It is important to know that the 16 countries including China, Japan and South Korea are actively promoting the negotiations on the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) in the East Asia Region and strive to reach an agreement next year.

At this time, the United States has inserted a hand, undoubtedly wanting to set up obstacles between China and Japan. If the Japan-US trade agreement is concluded in accordance with the negotiation targets given by the US, it will limit the freedom of Japanese trade diplomacy.

In this regard, Japanese netizens are not worried about saying, "If you accept (the US request), Japan will become an economic colony."

The public opinion is one-sided: "We must strengthen cooperation with China!"

Coincidentally, when the Japan-US trade agreement was met with unprecedented opposition, many Japanese media began to frequently raise positive aspects of cooperation with China.

The Nikkei Business Weekly website recently published an article saying that Prime Minister Abe said that the early conclusion of RCEP is of great significance.

“RCEP is a very important economic framework. Whether it is economic size or population base or economic growth capacity, RCEP is far superior to Japan-led Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).”

Not only that, but the article also called on Japan to welcome China-led Asian infrastructure investment banks, and believe that the Japanese-led Asian Development Bank and the AIIB have always had a cooperative relationship in financing.

▲Information Picture: On December 25, 2015, the AIIB was formally established. The picture shows the logo of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

If the two sides can merge, they can improve their fund-raising ability, and they can also expand financing for infrastructure investment and environmental development in the Asia-Pacific region.

“This will be the stage for Asia-Pacific financial cooperation,” the article said.

In fact, from RCEP to the AIIB, Japan sees not only a bigger stage but also more development opportunities in its cooperation with China.

In October this year, when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe came to China for an official visit, he emphasized that "China's development is an important opportunity for Japan."

Xiao Rui still remembers that the visit also prompted China and Japan to focus on the third-party market cooperation to reach a new pillar of pragmatic cooperation between the two sides, and was welcomed and praised by many Japanese experts.

Japanese economist Tian Daixiu believes that it is feasible for Japan and China to cooperate in the area along the “Belt and Road”. The styles and advantages of the two sides are different, which complement each other.

▲Photo: On October 25, 2018, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife Abe Shoji arrived at the Capital International Airport and began an official visit to China.

All of the above also reflect the changes in the Japanese mentality to some extent.

From the suspicion and resistance of the "Belt and Road" in the past, to the current recognition and welcome, Japan is undoubtedly recognizing that cooperation with China in the economic and trade field is far more cost-effective than competition.

Japan’s Asahi Shimbun pointed out that Japan and China are the biggest beneficiaries of economic globalization. China and Japan should strengthen cooperation and safeguard the global free trade system.

“China’s proposal for the “Belt and Road” initiative has great creative potential and is worth learning and learning.” The article said.

Worried about the mistakes of the year

In the light of the fact that Japan is now strengthening cooperation with China and vigilant against the United States, it has a lot to do with the past.

In the last century, Japan-US trade frictions continued to deteriorate, and the Japanese government eventually compromised with the United States, causing the Japanese economy to fall into a long-term stagnation.

For this reason, the Japanese and US leaders announced the opening of trade talks in September this year, and there has been concern in Japan that "the same trade frictions have been repeated."

"The trade friction of that year was the history of Japan's concession to the United States. The Japan-US Semiconductor Agreement is a major cause of the decline of the Japanese semiconductor industry. How will Japan respond to the United States in the negotiations that began next year?" The Sankei Shimbun once asked the government.

Fan Xiaoju, executive director of the Japan Research Institute of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, told Xiao Rui that even if the Japanese government is under US pressure to accept Japan-US trade negotiations, Japan will try its best to protect agriculture for the sake of safeguarding its own national interests. And other sensitive areas.

In her view, Japan’s growing distrust of the United States in recent years has increased not only in the economy but also in the security field. For example, the US military base stationed in Japan has repeatedly caused protests from the Japanese public.

"The Japanese government is likely to be supported by domestic anti-American sentiment and adopt a tougher stance in negotiations with the United States."

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that in the context of Sino-US trade frictions, Japan is increasingly giving birth to a sense of urgency.

The "Japan Agricultural News" website noted that US soybean stocks have skyrocketed due to China's reduction in imports. In order to "digest" soybeans, the United States is expected to point the finger at Japan, forcing Japan to increase the scale of soybean imports.

Obviously, in the face of US trade protectionism, Japan’s role is rather embarrassing.

Fan Xiaoju pointed out that Japan does not want to see too much Sino-US relations, because it will also harm Japan's interests. Therefore, Japan hopes to do its utmost to maintain Sino-US relations and act as a "mediator." If the United States simply puts pressure on Japan in trade, it may exacerbate Japan’s domestic anti-American sentiment.

"After all, trade negotiations that put national interests above other countries and put pressure on them are unpopular," she said.

syed putra

I dunno why china spends so much on the military. Nobody in the right mind would attack them even if they have no army.