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WP's Indian Candidate's Resignation


I know this guy. The contents of this letter .

The contents of the letter is the worrying part.As Scroobal said very well crafted --to inflict the maximum damage.

Tell me,if you indeed know this Indian chap.Is he capable of crafting such a letter?Which begets the question ,if he is so capable why should Sylvia deny him a cadre-ship?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The contents of the letter is the worrying part.As Scroobal said very well crafted --to inflict the maximum damage.

Tell me,if you indeed know this Indian chap.Is he capable of crafting such a letter?Which begets the question ,if he is so capable why should Sylvia deny him a cadre-ship?

He indeed is capable of crafting such a letter but it will not be as articulate and grammatically correct as it was (unless he figured out MS Words F7 function). Sylvia is not big on giving people anything btw unless she feels that they have truly earned it or needs it. I suspect someone is pushing the wrong buttons and relaying garbled messages to all parties and not just the both of them.


He indeed is capable of crafting such a letter but it will not be as articulate and grammatically correct as it was (unless he figured out MS Words F7 function). Sylvia is not big on giving people anything btw unless she feels that they have truly earned it or needs it. I suspect someone is pushing the wrong buttons and relaying garbled messages to all parties and not just the both of them.


But still there is a large vacuum left.Where did LTK go MIA?

How is that possible this whole saga blew out of proportion without the involvement of LTK?....hey,isn't he the all powerful secretary general?

Don't tell me such an epic quarrel as this only has two players?
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

But still there is a large vacuum left.Where did LTK go MIA?

How is that possible this whole saga blew out of proportion without the involvement of LTK?....hey,isn't he the all powerful secretary general?

Don't tell me such an epic quarrel as this only has two players?

There should be more, but i don't have all the answers. There is a lot more going on than what i really know and to an extent what i really want to know. :cool:

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
So far, Sylvia Lim didn't deny what Sajeev has stated in his statement is false.

Goh Meng Seng

simi epic quarrel :confused:

i only see some loser bitching.

that indian alleged that there is racism involved, any witness. he say only and you believe? you 1st day born huh? like that namqiong also say gms fuck around his wife's back. so it is also the truth?

or is it like what jah say, if ah neh cannot make it, they will not blame themselves but push the blame to racism.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
So far, Sylvia Lim didn't deny what Sajeev has stated in his statement is false.

Goh Meng Seng

In response to media queries regarding the accusations of a former party member, WP Chairman Sylvia Lim said, "The allegations that I or the WP are racist are baseless and absurd. WP is a multiracial party."


yes she did, but of course that is irrelevant to you. We can read very well MR GMS SIR

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
The main difference is, I have denied such bo liao vicious allegations, but did Sylvia deny the account made by Sajeev?

Goh Meng Seng

simi epic quarrel :confused:

i only see some loser bitching.

that indian alleged that there is racism involved, any witness. he say only and you believe? you 1st day born huh? like that namqiong also say gms fuck around his wife's back. so it is also the truth?

or is it like what jah say, if ah neh cannot make it, they will not blame themselves but push the blame to racism.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
She did not deny that she said those words. She may even think that those words aren't racist in nature!

Goh Meng Seng

In response to media queries,
WP chairman Sylvia Lim
said: “The allegations that I or
the WP are racist are baseless
and absurd. The WP is a multiracial

this looks like a denial to me.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In response to media queries,
WP chairman Sylvia Lim
said: “The allegations that I or
the WP are racist are baseless
and absurd. The WP is a multiracial

this looks like a denial to me.

SL: The allegations that I or the WP are racist are baseless and absurd. WP is a multiracial party.
GMS: Sylvia did not deny. period.

SL: Singaporeans come first
GMS: Sylvia is racist and xenophobic

SL: we might contest in tampines GRC
GMS: she is a fucking bully!


She did not deny that she said those words. She may even think that those words aren't racist in nature!
Goh Meng Seng

She is not that stupid to be cornered into addressing anyone's ranting. eg. you rant about LTK and Sylvia Lim all the time, do you think they even bother to respond to you?
All she need is to CATEGORICALLY state that she is not rascist, period. Voters will be the judge, while you can continue to test the effect of your bad-mouthing.
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She is not that stupid to be cornered into addressing anyone's ranting. eg. you rant about LTK and Sylvia Lim all the time, do you think they even bother to respond to you?
All she need is to CATEGORICALLY state that she is not rascist, period. Voters will be the judge, while you can continue to test the effect of your bad-mouthing.

Bro,GMS has indeed raised a pertinent point.

Sylvia motherhood statement does not cut any ice.Not legally at least.


First of all, we should applaud Sajeev for whistle blowing on Workers' Party.
What Sylvia and gang did was racism, pure and simple.

Why do I say Sajeev should be applauded for whistle blowing?
Cos its just the right thing to do given WP's high profile and high verbal ideals spoken to the public. They need to be called to task and be accountable for their decisions and behaviors.
It is good that we know of this rather than later. Sajeev is like a circuit breaker that prevents greater damage to the party.



Dear Scroo,

A Geoffry Howe style letter and resignation if any. His resignation puts in the light squarely fundamental issues of management, direction and leadership within the party.

a. A cadreship within the WP is worthless, A Cadreship with the PAP priceless.

b. The PAP had this debate eons ago and resolved it squarely in favor of renewal. If you are a PAP candidate, cadreship becomes automatic.

c. The debate within the WP has not been resolved and will never be resolved until the pro's and con's of either approach are debated whilst dealing squarely with the issue of leadership, leadership style and the difference between "first" and "first amongst equals "

d. You might think that offering people a chance to stand under the WP banner and franchise is an honor and the next best thing to sliced bread but ambitious smart politicians might see it differently.

e. You might believe that ambitious smart politicians should then demonstrate loyalty through sheer grunt work for the next five years in the grassroots in exchange for a small say in how the party is run and for another chance at a run for parliament, but ambitious smart politicians might want a little trust and or a little acknowledgement or reward in the here and now in exchange for a little more grunt work.

f. At the end the of the day, PAP renewal is about recruiting and parachuting in the brightest and best they can find into the party. WP renewal is about recruiting the most loyal , hardworking, who will live on bread water love of the opposition cause individual for the party who thanks the party for the chance to serve and to be exploited to the full


Firstly this Indian chap by his very own admission has indicated that prior to and after GE except for a short while after GE could not commit time and effort to the Party. Yet he does not realise why they could not make him a cadre. He was not signing up for a gym membership. His timing of thevresignation shows that he is either manipulative or being manipulated. The Malay member who resigned was certainly not devious.

Secondly I would think that being a candidate and receiving 40 plus % was a greater achievement then being an cadre espcially when he has other more important commitment than party work. A Chinese candidate would not have that luxury. Certainly a chap who is not very bright or prefers to have titles.

Thirdly as a minority he knows that this is pretty much affirmative action category. The PAP deliberately did this. Surely he and his family and close friends would know that on his own and with his background, qualification and charisma, he would be lucky to get a second look from a tissue vendor let alone garner 2% of votes. I have seen him during the elections hustings and I may be bias but I would still say that my doorstop has got more personality than him.

Fourthly I would suggest that this form of action especially the timing puts the entire Indian community in bad light and reinforces the stereotype that touches on trust and reliability. The Indian culture tends to be fatalistic. If they go down, they will bring everyone down. This unfortunately smacks of it.

Now for the WP. This espisode should deliver a deafing message if they haven't figured it out yet. The PAP learnt it long time ago. Beggars can't be chosers. The PAP have made Malays, Indians and Eurasians cadres to reflect the racial composition of society. Nothing to do with meritocracy. To some extent its political correctness to bring in the votes and being practical. Its creates a reservoir to make the quota.

Lets face it, being a cadre is not exactly an achievement one puts down in a CV. The trick is have more reliable cadres and less of the less reliable and you can still function.

Goh Meng Seng

Alfrescian (InfP) [Comp]
Generous Asset
Well, ok, all these are lies! Ok, ask Sylvia to say the same thing on what Sajeev has said lah! :wink:

Goh Meng Seng

like that no count. must state the denial point by point. SL deny categorically you also cannot accept. why should your blanket denial be sufficient.

i can conclude : gms guilty as charged by namqiong as he did not deny the allegations. period.