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Would you support American military strikes against....


The chances are Russia under the egotistical Putin will support China & the Americans will have no choice but to support Japan. Alamak, if really lidat the Americans kena stuck inbetween a rock & a hard place, which is where the hardnosed Chinese & Russians want the US to be, in negotiating terms to avoid a greater conflict, this will mean a moral victory for the Russians & Chinese. If not the Americans will be cornered & cannot pretend not to show concern at the UN & not do anything or veto any actions, they will have no choice but to decide & act.

Putin will be the key to this conflict & he's hedging his bet that he'll come out as supreme world leader, one upmanship over the US & he'll want concessions from the Chinese if they/Russia supports China! China will be vying for a piece of the cake with Russia. So how is this going to affect Singapore? well the old man trained LHL well, he speaks Mandarin, English & Russian! :biggrin: the only downside is those pro-China people here in SBF will be giving us all a fucking hard time!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Barbarians :biggrin:


Cruxx, Chinese until now still the most political people! sigh!!! this situation macam during qing dynasty 义和团 problem. not helping China, but haven't defeat jap already destroying one self. that shows how useless the gov is leading the people.


Cruxx, Chinese until now still the most political people! sigh!!! this situation macam during qing dynasty 义和团 problem. not helping China, but haven't defeat jap already destroying one self. that shows how useless the gov is leading the people.

Chinese are political people? Your being Sarcastic right?

The Japs are just taking it easy because they know that the Chinese will screw each other up and self destruct eventually. If you combine all the foreigners/invaders that have killed Chinese individuals vs Chinese killing Chinese, History will show that Chinese killing Chinese wins hands down.

A friend of mine told me this, 1 Chinese can be a Dragon but 2 Chinese will become a worm.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Chinese are political people? Your being Sarcastic right?

The Japs are just taking it easy because they know that the Chinese will screw each other up and self destruct eventually. If you combine all the foreigners/invaders that have killed Chinese individuals vs Chinese killing Chinese, History will show that Chinese killing Chinese wins hands down.

A friend of mine told me this, 1 Chinese can be a Dragon but 2 Chinese will become a worm.

bro, chinese as in people from china. all these are wayang to show that they love the motherland to the system. u see? imho, people shouldn't even hit the street and turn violent. China should just send the 东海舰队to the island and see how jap react.

political definitely, everyone want to score point without being objective and that is very bad.


Alfrescian (Inf)
America fights wars for Israel and/or oil. It couldn't care less about what happens in the Asia Pacific.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
If China and Japan waged war against each other, would you support American military strikes against China?

(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) No opinion

Iu would support AMerican military strikes against the Istana and Oxley Rise. Can or not?


PRC Elites send their kids to the US to study, work and run businesses. This includes Deng's daughter. To a Chinese the family comes first. Patriotism and nationalism has never been a viable concept. It also explains China in its 4,000 history has never waged war out its immediate vicinity or for a protracted period.

The single biggest pull factor is to run one's own business with family involved. It is also why you will find Chinese family run businesses small and medium size all around the world all over Africa and South America.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I would be most happy to see America drop nuclear warheads on every single major Chinese city. The sooner it happens, the better.


I would be most happy to see America drop nuclear warheads on every single major Chinese city. The sooner it happens, the better.

Sorry Sir, It is said that cockroaches are able to survive a Nuclear warfare.

P.s - Luckily Singapore is a Malay land.


I would be most happy to see America drop nuclear warheads on every single major Chinese city. The sooner it happens, the better.

have you bleached your skin???
better hurry, before it too late

you still yellow-skinned
to your white masters
even if you have defected gene
like an albino


From my observations, in the last few weeks CCTV has been rallying support to incite hatred against the Japs over DiaoYu Island.

My analysis is as follow;

1. The outgoing Japanese Government wanted to be voted back in again, and they have to create some drama to their people. Claiming that DiaoYu Islands belong to Japs, raising confidence to the people. In so far, the current government have did nothing much to improve the economic stagnate of Japan, and this clearly is their motive, to be voted back. [Once in power, always want to be power, power is addictive, as we can already see it in our own backyard... the men in whites]

2. The Jap government do not want to reconcile peace talks with China, simply because the drama have not ended yet, and most likely they have not taken enough vote of confidence to come back. In the last few days, the newly appointed Ambassador of Japan For CHINA, died. (The newly appointed Ambassador of Japan for China is known to be very friendly with the Chinese) This are the things that make you go Hmmm....

3. On the China side, on Sunday, there are more than 50 cities going for protest against Japs... be aware that the Chinese were brought up to hate the Japanese, and all their history books document the evil deeds of Japs, during WWII, and the Jap occupation in China. Some cases being so severe that Japanese owned Shopping Malls in China were devastated, sales of Japanese Cars dropped 50% month to month, whereas US and Europe Cars sales increased 20% month to month, and some Protesting Chinese, even flipped and destroyed Japanese made cars (Poor owners)... forcing people not to drive Japanese Cars... Factories like Canon, Panasonic, Japanese products manufacturers stopped production immediately after Sunday's incident.

4. China have reached their objective of popular support, and as long as Hu Jintao say yes, War can be initiated, however, I doubt this would be the case, as China & Japan are very close trading partners. China currently is facing economic slow down, and job losses are severe, just not publicized... In my own view, China need to correspond to Japan's move, so as to show their own people that China is POWERFUL, and can kick Japan's ass anytime, and increasing the nationalism of all Chinese, reducing the probability of protest to CPC due to high cost of living, high cost of properties, inflation... right now, in China, the topic of the day is Diao Yu Islands, and ALL major websites, even Baidu is publicizing!

5. This happens to be a very delicate situation, as China CPC will be changing guards, from Hu Jintao to Xi JiPing, and from Wen Jiabao to Li KeQiang, 1st of October, China National Day... now everywhere in China YAN DA, KNN!

So, after all my cock and bull story, the chances of war is close to 0, and it's just a big Wayang Show. It's been happening since the beginning of Nations...

Besides, If China really go to war, USA will not interfere, and Japan will cry foul play, and cry bully. And if China and Japan really go to War, guess who is the winner? USA!!! They sell so many weapons to Japan!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
PRC Elites send their kids to the US to study, work and run businesses. This includes Deng's daughter. To a Chinese the family comes first. Patriotism and nationalism has never been a viable concept. It also explains China in its 4,000 history has never waged war out its immediate vicinity or for a protracted period.

The single biggest pull factor is to run one's own business with family involved. It is also why you will find Chinese family run businesses small and medium size all around the world all over Africa and South America.

once again your primitive outdated concept is here to show how fucktard you are. Oh please, you just cannot see the future of what has happen and do not have the ball and the capabilities to the chart out any future outcome at all. All your bullshit post is from the past history and the past outcome.

You are an example of a sinkie fucktard who has no future to create for and just follow what is reported in the past.. Well, that is how sinkie thinks and behave. Pathetic!!!
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Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
I would be most happy to see America drop nuclear warheads on every single major Chinese city. The sooner it happens, the better.

R u retarded? we are a major Chinese city now. Millions of PRCs working and living here, own half the condos in the country and most of the ferraris, billions of dollars of PRC money parked here, etc. There are probably as many well off millionaire/billionaire Chinese as there are in Shanghai. Might as well ask the US to bomb us, and at one stroke wipe out the sons and assets of major CCP members.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
R u retarded? we are a major Chinese city now. Millions of PRCs working and living here, own half the condos in the country and most of the ferraris, billions of dollars of PRC money parked here, etc. There are probably as many well off millionaire/billionaire Chinese as there are in Shanghai. Might as well ask the US to bomb us, and at one stroke wipe out the sons and assets of major CCP members.

Wah bro, don't leh.

Pinky just shit in his pants after reading your post. :biggrin: