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WKS uses F**ked method to say Sinkies Complacent about Terror Attacks


Alfrescian (Inf)
Are these the same people at SMRT that have the stupid TV warnings at the MRT stations that ask you to "look out for suspicious persons" without telling u what a suspicious person is suppoed to look like?

You are getting smart....then in the train carriage, you are suppose to call 999, which part of the carriage you are in? ( ok some now have number reference, not all)....and everyone on the train is a stranger to you & look suspicious..especially the one sitting opposite you, is giving you the eye... ha ha ha ha :biggrin:

All terrorist must have the terrorist look on the their faces, or look like your enemy in counter strike? no?...Please call 999!!


Hahaha...wat a great joke! Bozo the clown WKS really spices up the evening...the real danger we are facing now are those fanatical martyrs!


I think the govt shld sponsor all singaporeans for a terrorist course in Afghanistan or Pakistan with the Al Qaeda so that we all know what an explosive looks like.

Then when we return, we shld all be good enough to test each other and WKS/Shanmugam's home team to a trick or treat with real and fake bombs!

Won't it be so exciting?


dangling wire
fake/overlapped number plate
a signboard written "this is a car bomb"

If someone with intent has the resolution to create havoc or destruction; the device in used would not be that conspicous as to leave tell tale signs of its contents or intent.The New Yourk incident was too amateurish that triggered everyone's attention nearby ;and the threat level is real in USA.

Whom ever thought out ,planned and implemented this silly local excercise must has his/her brain warp with safety concern as a priority in their mind. Concern to the point of ending upas a prank rather than a security excercise. Just like the Ulu Pandan prank.

Given the fact that our city area like Orchard or CBD has numerous security cameras monitoring the streets, I for one do not believe the police didn;t notice it or take action. On that same logic would you expect the people to react ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I suspect 3 reasons behind this exercise.

Firstly, for WKS to announce his arrival holding that redundant post in PMO. If not, he may be forgotten.

Secondly, to strike fear in the populace with GE in mind. The majority of S'poreans fear everything under the sun, including his own shadow.

Thirdly, to impress the populace on how innovative our civil servants are. In reality, those who suggested this exercise should be shot!

I opine that if terrorists really want to strike S'pore targets, you can't stop them even with the best of human and non-human intelligence. I am not implying we sit, do nothing and pray hard.

Our leaders would fare much better if they exercise care in their public statements instead of boasting how good we are that until today, despite being a prized asset, we have not been hit.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Since when is the local population suppose to be knowledgeable on explosive. Many can't even differentiate a detonator to TNT much less liquid or other forms of explosive or even fathom the dynamic application that it offer.

Even most NSmen have limited exposure or knowledge for that matter and shorty expect the men in the streets , the ah pek ah sohs, the FTs to play along. Is he justifying his existenace on his new job? If I paste a 1.1 Hazard sticker on my vehicle does he expect the general population to respond. I notice the older a person gets, the less rational his/her thinking gets.

From Shorty's experiment, it does not show that the locals are complacent but rather smart enough to identify a staged event. With just for Laughs operating in Singapore; how many people will take anything seriously.:cool:

U make some very good points. Plus, if you read the news report, it says that the experiment was "conducted recently". Well, recently, it was halloween right? People probably walk passed the cars thinking it was some kind of Halloween prank. Wrong Cunt Stink probably did not realise that in the Halloween spirit, people will not pay attention to things that look out of the ordinary. His $million minister brain failed to consider the Halloween factor.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
I suspect 3 reasons behind this exercise.

Firstly, for WKS to announce his arrival holding that redundant post in PMO. If not, he may be forgotten.

Secondly, to strike fear in the populace with GE in mind. The majority of S'poreans fear everything under the sun, including his own shadow.

Thirdly, to impress the populace on how innovative our civil servants are. In reality, those who suggested this exercise should be shot!

I opine that if terrorists really want to strike S'pore targets, you can't stop them even with the best of human and non-human intelligence. I am not implying we sit, do nothing and pray hard.

Our leaders would fare much better if they exercise care in their public statements instead of boasting how good we are that until today, despite being a prized asset, we have not been hit.

But if you are a serious and real terrorist, and you just read the news article and how Wong Cunt Stink's experiment failed, wouldn't you be favouring car bombs now? Cunt Stink has just revealed the best way to bomb Sinkieland. Why couldn't Cunt Stink keep his mouth shut? Quietly do the experiment, than implement further procedures if needed.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
WKS let MSK escaped and now said we not alert??? so his ISD is incompetent in gathering info on attack and expect us to detect all these car bomb??? or he is trying to cut down cost on deploying officers on the ground to cut cost and hope public can detect the car bomb or any bomb??? :oIo:

No mah, his ISD is gathering info on how to fix oppos, that is more important than catching terrorists. If it was Chee Soon Juan in jail, u think will let him escape?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
You are getting smart....then in the train carriage, you are suppose to call 999, which part of the carriage you are in? ( ok some now have number reference, not all)....and everyone on the train is a stranger to you & look suspicious..especially the one sitting opposite you, is giving you the eye... ha ha ha ha :biggrin:

All terrorist must have the terrorist look on the their faces, or look like your enemy in counter strike? no?...Please call 999!!

The next time I see some PRC cheebye shouting into her cellphone in a MRT train, while the rest of the passengers are quietly minding their own business, I will call 999. This sounds like suspicious behaviour to me. LOL.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Hahaha...wat a great joke! Bozo the clown WKS really spices up the evening...the real danger we are facing now are those fanatical martyrs!

Yeah, Wong Cunt Stink must be more vigilant and watch out for suicide bomber walking up to him with a explosive vest and blowing himself and khatik chinaman into the afterlife. Why dun the people of sinkieland conduct an experiment on Cunt Stink? Several of us will wear vests under our clothing, stuff the vests with simulated material that resemble explosives, and see how many of us can get close to him. Than we see whether he is complacent or not about suicide bombers. What a clown.


Alfrescian (Inf)
But if you are a serious and real terrorist, and you just read the news article and how Wong Cunt Stink's experiment failed, wouldn't you be favouring car bombs now? Cunt Stink has just revealed the best way to bomb Sinkieland. Why couldn't Cunt Stink keep his mouth shut? Quietly do the experiment, than implement further procedures if needed.

Bro, when you are desperately seeking attention, when sudden rush of sperm to the brain, one tends to do silly things. That explains why he did what he did.

I opine that car bombs while it strikes fear DOES NOT strike maximum fear coz it does not paralyze us completely. Imagine a strike underground on our MRT. There will be panic. Nobody wants to ride the MRT. Bus operations, if not also struck, would be overwhelmed by the numbers. Traffic jams all over etc. I am not giving ideas to terrorists here. They probably already know.


Alfrescian (Inf)
It's a plain silly exercise since real car bombs are never wired to be visually detectable. Furthermore, most Singaporeans, even NSmen, don't know what one looks like.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Bro, when you are desperately seeking attention, when sudden rush of sperm to the brain, one tends to do silly things. That explains why he did what he did.

I opine that car bombs while it strikes fear DOES NOT strike maximum fear coz it does not paralyze us completely. Imagine a strike underground on our MRT. There will be panic. Nobody wants to ride the MRT. Bus operations, if not also struck, would be overwhelmed by the numbers. Traffic jams all over etc. I am not giving ideas to terrorists here. They probably already know.

Wong Cunt Stink needs a brain in order to have sperm rushing into it. Imagine all these youth gangs chopping and slashing their way around, but what is his top priority? Conducting fake terrorist car bomb experiments. Now everyone can see how out of touch with the ground this cheebye face is.

Where was his police, CID, etc? You think youth gangs spring up over night? They take years to build up, lots of recruiting going on, committing of crimes to get the funds, extorting, etc. His police damn good arresting old White guys like Shadrake, or damn good at maximum surveillance on oppos like Chee, but knife weilding murdering youths, where?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
It's a plain silly exercise since real car bombs are never wired to be visually detectable. Furthermore, most Singaporeans, even NSmen, don't know what one looks like.

According to the news reports, they rigged a Mazda 3 to emit white smoke from the trunk. And it had wires sticking out the back door. But actually, if I walked by and I saw white smoke coming out from the back of a car, I call 999 to report fire and ask for fire engine, right? Who the fuck would call and ask for bomb squad? Wong Cunt Stink truly has shit for brains.


This B.A.(pass degree)minister is really not too clever.

He tot he is clever and calculated that people have forgotton abot his bigest blunder,the ecape of top terroist under his nose.

It could bs as people are generally forgetful and silly,but in this case,due to his very loud mouth and recent sending back of top terrorist by Malaysia,people do remember,at least till the general election.

Ah Wong,u better calculate more carefully,as the situation has also changed.