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why malaysian chinese people so pro ccp china?


or am i mistaken because i happen to know only those pro ccp.china malaysian Chinese?

si.mi lanjiao 祖国 here 祖国 there. knn lah, go back to your 祖国 lah. 祖蓝叫!

syed putra

Every right minded chinese are currently proud of their motherland.no more a backwater. Its a superpower.
In the old days, "go back to china" was denigrating. But not anymore.


These 中华懒觉thought motherland TiongCock will come and rescue them when they are thumbed down by the bumis.
i got one fren even more 天真。he tells me if china was strong and powerful like now during the 1998 anti chinese jarkata riots, china would have come to their rescue. hahahaha


i got one fren even more 天真。he tells me if china was strong and powerful like now during the 1998 anti chinese jarkata riots, china would have come to their rescue. hahahaha
so he continue say now since ccp china is strong now, the indo chinese now no scared. hahahaha


why malaysian chinese people so pro ccp china?

Worse, the ungrateful bastards love to discriminate against bumiputeras when they come here to work!

syed putra

i got one fren even more 天真。he tells me if china was strong and powerful like now during the 1998 anti chinese jarkata riots, china would have come to their rescue. hahahaha
China did come and rescue during suharto's coup and anti communist drive. Millions were killed. Hundreds of thousands if not millions boarded China ships back to China.
They even have Chinese indonesian communities in guandong and guanzhou.


I hv seen Malaysian work in US mnc in sg ,they very pro ccp,lol,cb they still din know who pay their salary ,jiuhu kia damn cb


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
or am i mistaken because i happen to know only those pro ccp.china malaysian Chinese?

si.mi lanjiao 祖国 here 祖国 there. knn lah, go back to your 祖国 lah. 祖蓝叫!

Because the jiuhu chinks face a lot of institutionalised discrimination against them by muud moslems, who constantly tell them that non moslems are not real citizens of jiuhu, just guests who hold jiuhu passports.

syed putra

Because the jiuhu chinks face a lot of institutionalised discrimination against them by muud moslems, who constantly tell them that non moslems are not real citizens of jiuhu, just guests who hold jiuhu passports.

They love malays
