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Why Africans reject CCP & the threat of Chinese colonization


Malays have no problens with China aid and debt. We simply don't settle.

You build mosques and madrasahs, malays will be dumb and happy. Indons are smarter, they got china to build jakarta-bandung HSR without making any profit.

syed putra

You build mosques and madrasahs, malays will be dumb and happy. Indons are smarter, they got china to build jakarta-bandung HSR without making any profit.
China actually looking at jakarta to surabaya hsr. That is coming soon after bandung which will likely lose money as it's a smallish city.
Jakarta surabaya will be profitable as it links two biggest city in Indonesia.
Only problem is it's a earthquake zone and Japanese hsr normally will stop operating during earthquake. Not sure how China made hsr will mitigate this problem.

syed putra

Indon dun consider themselves as Malay
Javanese are very wary of malay nationalism.
They had all malay sultanates in sumatra and their entire relatives butchered in 1947. That includes top civil servants and land owners. It got so bad malays quickly identified themselves as bataks or some other minorities.
It's only now malays are starting to emerge in Indonesia by displaying their cultural identity such as dressing, rebuilding demolished palaces, speaking malay like in jiu hu and not like Jakarta dialect etc.